Chapter 3632: the dust settles

Yun Hai didn't take the worries of the "Beast Hunter Alien" to heart.
At least in his own opinion, "The Beaver Alien" is completely "worrying".
If there is anything in this universe that the sea of ​​​​clouds can fully grasp, there is no doubt that it is the alien army.
As he came into contact with more and more things, Yunhai gradually realized that things might not be as simple as he originally imagined - this also includes the "alien egg" that appeared on "Earth".
But Yunhai is confident that aliens other than "Earth", he may not be able to rule and control 100%.
The aliens born from the "First Generation Alien Queen", whether it is the first "Lynx Alien" born in "Yangshan", or the alien who just parasitized the "Ultimate Host" in the "Gladiator Competition".
Yunhai has absolute control over them, even if he has been separated from some or more aliens for too long.
Of course, he didn't think that the "Beast Hunter Alien" was just looking for trouble, a typical creation out of nothing.
The value of the existence of "Beaver Alien" is to make different sounds.
As an "alien master" with a "human" soul, Yunhai needs to communicate and communicate.
All aliens are the best combat partners. In the face of any enemy, as long as the strength gap is not too great, Yunhai can trust them.
However, the alien is not a good communication object, and the appearance of the "beaver alien" perfectly fills this short board.
It is also the only special alien that is genetically controlled and can communicate with Yunhai meticulously about everything.
Acknowledging the due diligence of "The Beaver Alien", he did not agree with its worries.
After the brief spiritual exchange, Yun Hai's attention began to shift to "Da Shen".
"The big ginseng's name is Akmani, but everyone is used to calling him his position, not his name."
"Ackermani originated from the black clan, which is a race of alien beasts."
"Like more false gods, no one knows which star field Akmani's kin is in."
"As an alien beast and false god, and he is also a peak alien beast false god, how terrifying the strength of Akmani is. Although other false gods can't tell, but no false can deny its power."
"Garrosh and the others, civilization No. 13 and Golden Shield civilization, according to the information I have obtained from different sources, Akmani has at least three artifacts."
"One is a long-range attack artifact, similar to my Swift Star Bow and Tushen Arrow."
"One is a melee artifact double kill, a huge double-edged axe."
"He also has a defensive artifact, a blue-black bone armor."
"It's no wonder that he can be a big ginseng. His own peak pseudo-god's strength, coupled with the cooperation of the three artifacts, there are probably not many pseudo-gods in the alliance who can beat him."
Yunhai's mental power locked "Great Ginseng" Akmani, and he kept thinking about it in his heart.
"let's start."
Perhaps sensing Yunhai's gaze, "Da Shen" weakly gave a mental order, and at the same time glanced at him from a distance.
In the "Gladiator Domain", the "Pseudo-God Team Competition" in the former first and second regions has already begun.
In the five "pseudo-god heads-up competitions", the original big district won four games.
As for the rest of the game, Yun Hai, who had taken a few glances, could understand it. The first district didn't want the second district to lose too ugly, so they let it go.
Resource means strength. A large area with more resources is definitely stronger than the second area, let alone the three major areas.
Including the current "pseudo-god team competition", Moria took her team members and completely mastered the battle rhythm with an overwhelming advantage.
From the "Deep River Clan" octopus-like large group, its blue ray attack can petrify the opponent in an instant.
Although Gu is only an instant, in such a level of battle, it is enough to affect the key.
Leishan, a dwarf of the "Mountain Ridge" clan, despite being small, his melee combat style is so fierce that he is not inferior to an alien in the eyes of Yunhai.
As for Qingman of the "Hete Clan", the long-range energy rays of this special "alien plant" are extremely sharp, and the inexhaustible vines in close combat are not only powerful in attack, but can also cause great trouble to the opponent.
The three of them plus Moria, who was equally good in long-range and close-combat, were completely suppressed and beaten by the "pseudo-god group" in the former Second Region.
"Fox Hunter, do you think there is some conspiracy involved?"
"We won a little too easily."
"The most critical pseudo-god gladiatorial match is over after just one battle."
"Let's not say anything else, in this game, the four-person team in a large area played very well. If we replaced our four pseudo-god aliens, we would not dare to beat them 100%."
This "pseudo-god team competition" attracted his attention, Yunhai observed it for a long time, and couldn't help asking "The Beaver Alien" during the spiritual exchange.
"I think it should be fine."
"There is a difference between life and death. Not every false is a black king."
"The longer you live, the more you cherish life."
"What's more, the pseudo-god goes a step further and is the most powerful true in the universe."
"They have no reason to risk their own lives for those false names, miracles, etc."
"Beaver Alien" responded immediately.
"The most important thing is that the opportunity to achieve the true is in the secret realm, which is why the peak false gods of the alliance are all in the secret realm."
"Even if they lose the gladiatorial match, even if the region is relegated, they still have the qualifications to enter the secret realm."
"So the death fight or something, if it can be avoided, they will not face it head-on."
Like the "Master", the "Beast Hunter Alien", who is concerned about the "pseudo-god team competition", added a few more words.
Yun Hai didn't say anything else, but quietly observed.
The "pseudo-god team competition" ended sooner than he thought.
It is probably clear that it is impossible to defeat the original one, and the "pseudo-god team" in the second region finally surrendered after destroying more than a dozen "stars" after persevering for less than half a day.
Probably worried about the "big ginseng" to blame, Wilmot also wanted to send another "pseudo-god team" to support him.
As a result, the "big ginseng" did not give them this opportunity at all, and directly announced the end of the "team competition".
The end of the "team competition" also means the complete end of the "gladiator competition".
"Da Shen" didn't seem to want to stay for one more second, and disappeared immediately after the announcement of the end of the game.
"Alien civilization didn't play enough games, make up for one hundred honor points."
"If anyone is not convinced, go to the alien civilization theory by yourself."
Just when Yunhai was still trying to send out a spiritual message to retain the "big ginseng", the spiritual message of Akmani that had disappeared was passed on in the huge star field.
"Isn't there really no mention of the fifth murderous realm?"
Yun Hai's heart was settled, and his mind couldn't help but pass through the curiosity hidden in his heart.
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