Chapter 374: Evolved alien

Among the violently tumbling clouds, the black alien beast was very conspicuous.
The harsh environment that even ordinary steel battleships cannot withstand for a long time seems to be heaven to it.
Strips of pink and purple lightning tore through the clouds flashed in the sky, inevitably, countless lightning strikes the alien beast and alien.
Of course, with this level of lightning, no one would think it could hurt an alien beast that could survive in the vacuum of the universe.
What surprised Lei Li, including Yun Hai, was that the lightning that struck the alien beast alien, including the thunderstorms that exploded on it at close range or directly, disappeared on its body surface.
The situation was like an abnormal change of the alien beast and alien, turning it into an energy device that can absorb lightning.
"I could expect it to enter the universe from the earth, and there will definitely be evolutionary mutation, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!"
Yunyue's tone-shifting voice rang in Yunhai's mind.
Yun Hai didn't care about her. In fact, his current mind was all on the alien beast and alien that had obviously changed somewhat from the original.
It was still hard bone and scale armor covering the whole body, and the alien beast alien shape was obviously a bit bigger than Yunhai before.
On its spine, the original stubby spurs have changed, and their appearance now looks like the radar seen by the sea of ​​clouds on the earth.
I don't know if it is an illusion. In the careful observation of the sea of ​​clouds, the radar-like bone spurs seem to be drawing elements from the space.
How many kinds of elements exist in the atmosphere of this gas giant planet, and what kind of elements are they? Yunhai does not know these, in fact, he is not interested in them.
Through simple mental communication with the alien beast and alien, Yun Hai, who knew what it was doing, was not calm at all.
Alien beasts and aliens are absorbing various elements in the atmosphere, including elemental matter in lightning.
After that, huge evolutionary changes have taken place in its body. Organs that could digest flesh and blood have now become nuclear reactors or similar devices.
Various elements are extracted from the void space, and then energy is generated by nuclear fusion in the "reaction furnace" in the body.
These energies replace the flesh and blood needed for growth, evolution, and even battle. Let it survive in the complex universe environment.
What this means, Yunhai knows better than anyone.
In the stars of the universe. Desolation is eternal, and there are not many intelligent lives.
Of course, the earth or the Morun galaxy does not mean that these are just examples.
Just because the universe is too big, let alone judge by the wisdom of the people on earth, even the science and technology of the Morun galaxy of the third-level civilization cannot tell how big the universe is.
The limited intelligent life is placed in the vast sky of the universe, not even an ant in the sea.
at this point. Yunhai didn't know enough at first.
But when the strange beast Babak tried to use the information storm to turn him into an idiot, Yunhai learned a lot from its experience.
Poor strange animal Babak, if it hadn't had a mother's corpse to swallow after birth, it would starve to death on a barren planet.
And in the days when it wandered into the starry sky of the universe, it can be said that Babak was often hungry.
The chances of encountering biological planets in the cosmic starry sky are rare.
Fortunately, Babak has its own method of storing energy. As long as it touches the existence of biological planets, it will greedily swallow everything it can, but digest them into energy storage in the body.
This is what Yunhai learned from the "information storm" that Babak "sent" to him.
Inevitably entered the universe galaxy. Yunhai cannot expect aliens to always have creatures that can be swallowed.
What's more, alien parasites need more biological hosts, and the food they need for growth and evolution is an astonishing number.
If other aliens can evolve into alien beast aliens like this. Yunhai doesn't need to worry about food anymore.
Most importantly, Yunhai saw the future of all aliens.
Babak did not evolve to the current state of the alien beast, even if it was far stronger than the current alien beast.
It still has to eat, and it has to simply extract energy from flesh and blood food-this is like humans of technological civilization, even if they enter the fifth or sixth level of civilization, the individual humans themselves have to eat. .
Obviously, this evolution of Alien Beast Alien is derived from the independent evolution of Alien's own genes for harsh environments.
This has nothing to do with Babak.
Alien beasts and aliens can do this, and Yunhai firmly believes that other aliens can do the same.
The difference is. The starting point of the alien beast alien is relatively high, and its powerful body can adapt to the environment faster and faster. So as to evolve autonomously.
"Is it extracting energy? Directly extracting energy from the atmosphere?"
Without receiving Yun Hai's spiritual response, Yun Yue couldn't help but ask again in a spiritual exchange.
"It can absorb the elemental energy in the atmosphere?"
Lei Li couldn't help it. The tone was full of surprise.
He couldn't help but not calm. If Yun Hai and Yun Yue were not clear enough, then he was very clear about what this scene meant.
There are no large alien beasts or giant star beasts in the Morun Galaxy.
However, through the investigation and research of some relics, including the study of small alien beasts, the scientific and technological civilization to which Lei Li belongs has made a general prediction of the level of alien beast civilization.
Ordinary strange beasts are different from wild beasts or fierce beasts.
In this regard, there is still nothing indistinguishable for the three-level technological civilization.
The most notable feature of these alien beasts is their use of energy, whether they are as small as the palm of an adult or even larger, but the efficient use of energy is not comparable to ordinary beasts or fierce beasts.
Therefore, in the eyes of the three-level scientific and technological civilization to which Lei Li belongs, the different utilization of energy is the level of the alien beast civilization.
Of course, whether this is a fact in the universe or a subjective conjecture, it is impossible to truly determine whether the universe is still in a state of confusion.
However, some biologists have put forward a conjecture that he thinks that the evolution of alien beasts can also be the same as warships of technological civilization.
They can also evolve organs such as nuclear fusion, fission, and elemental decay in the body, so that they can obtain energy from various primitive substances, and thus evolve into an existence more suitable for the development of the universe.
This conjecture has triggered a protracted and fierce debate in the biological world of the Morun Galaxy.
Most people think that the biologist is talking in a dream.
They believe that alien animal civilization is biological civilization, and they cannot develop like technological civilization.
Some people think that his statement is correct. After all, the growth, development or evolution of all civilizations is to survive in the universe more adaptively.
Of course, there is no advanced alien beast civilization to use as a reference, everything is just empty words.
But at least Lei Li can be completely sure now. He doesn't know what kind of creature the Alien is, but he is completely certain that the Alien must be the existence of advanced alien beast civilization.
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