Chapter 399: Murky sewer

Chu Xuan is a standard human.
Of course, this so-called standard was put forward by the human civilization of the Silver Dragon Empire in the Moyun River system.
According to their so-called standards, even if the human beings on earth are only in the primitive stage of scientific and technological civilization, they are still a standard human race.
And similar to Duo Duo Mi or blue-skinned blue spirits, or more humanoids, they can be divided into human races, but in the eyes of real human races, they are just humanoids.
Chu Xuan is a human being, originally when Blue Star was still under the rule of the Silver Dragon Empire, he was still a ground crew member.
After the Crocodile took over the Blue Star, Chu Xuan and more humans or humanoid creatures became slaves of the Moyi tribe.
Today, he is still a ground crew member. Under the all-round monitoring of the crocodilemen, he and more tribes maintain the operation of the 6th apron of the military base.
Chu Xuan also has another identity, that is, the leader of the resistance organization.
There is a resistance organization in Blue Star, no matter the defeated humans or the Moyi alligators, everyone knows this.
There is no power to overthrow the violent rule of the Crocodile. In the absence of the support of any large warship in outer space, even if Chu Xuan can unite with Blue Star’s nearly one billion humans in a war, the only result can only be to attract the Crocodile fleet. The violent attack resulted in unimaginable heavy casualties.
So Chu Xuan has been forbearing, and no more than five people in the entire resistance organization know that their leader exists.
Over the past few decades, the Resistance Group has launched numerous attacks on Blue Star.
Their attacks can only be described as tragic and tragic.
Perhaps there is still helplessness.
Launch a suicide attack at a banquet of crocodile politicians.
Detonate bombs at important locations on the base
Poisoning and assassination.
Provocative, divorced.
Penetration and corrosion.
No powerful weapons of war, no support from the mother star empire.
Chu Xuan can only rely on his mind to use the least cost as much as possible to bring as much damage and blow to the crocodile as possible.
Even every attack can cause the crocodile to fight back frantically, when they see the crocodile clearing out more innocent humans in a piece regardless of the reason. Chu Xuan's heart was bleeding.
day to day.
Year after year.
When Chu Xuan gradually despaired in the long wait, finally, today he waited for an unexpected surprise.
"Let the mechanical warriors check a few more times. Captain Murny suspects that the six shuttles came from the Silver Dragon Empire. We have to be careful."
The voice of the crocodile in the empty finger of No. 6 was ringing in the ears. The invisible receiver in Chu Xuan's ears covered by long hair kept capturing all the information in the space.
"Is this a sign that the home planet is about to launch a big counterattack!"
An excited thump, until after a long period of repeated inspections, dozens of tanks spread out and dragged six shuttles into the hangar.
After confirming the prompt in the message in the ear again and again, he didn't hear any unusual disappointment of Chu Xuan. After the Crocodile Man gave the order to dismiss, he dragged heavy steps back home.
To say it is home is just an extremely longing cognition in the subconscious.
In fact, Chu Hyun rests. It is also a resting place for more humans who act as coolies in the base.
A building on the edge of the base where the upper half of the building was blown up is where these people live.
There are only the simplest living materials in the building. Forty or fifty people live in the lobby on the first floor alone.
Every other room in the building was also crowded with many people.
Calculated in terms of comfort, this broken building can only accommodate a maximum of more than one hundred people.
The crocodiles stuffed more than a thousand people inside, and the environment inside can be imagined.
All sorts of peculiar smells and foul smells made Chu Xuan's mood even worse.
Ignoring the greetings of a few companions, although Chu Xuan used to like to fool around with them outside of work, and even used cheap work rations to pretend to find some mediocre women to slutty, but today’s He really has no interest.
Squeezed through the crowded hall. When she returned to the room where she was originally a water house, Chu Xuan finally put her foot back.
As always, the twelve-year-old girl was still waiting for him.
A tattered suit. Dirty face, expressionless eyes.
Looking at the little girl's dark hand spread out in front of her, Chu Xuan sighed, took a dry and hard bran bag from her pocket and handed it to her.
Without even seeing what it was, the little girl took it and plugged it into her mouth, gobbled it up, and ate it all.
"Why give it to her? Do you like small ones."
In the corner next to her, a thin woman with a yellow face sat up from the foul-smelling corner, leaving her shriveled chest exposed to the air.
"Everyone in her family was killed by alligators."
Chu Xuan responded indifferently.
In fact, there is one thing he didn't say. The little girl's father was originally his most loyal comrade-in-arms. It was exposed in an assassination of a crocodile scientist, and the bomb was detonated on the spot.
And the woman who just asked the question. Chu Xuan responded to her because it was after the assassination of the little girl's father failed. This woman's man died in the crocodile man's crazy revenge action.
The mission was made by Chu Hyun, so deep down in his heart, he owed them.
"If you like, you can try my Sakura, she is much more beautiful than Xiao Qiu."
The woman pulled the little girl next to her out of the bed, but the ten-year-old girl looked at Chu Xuan eagerly. When her mother slapped her back on the head, the little girl awkwardly cast her eyes at Chu Xuan. .
Closing her eyes in pain, Chu Xuan took out the only remaining food and threw it to the woman, and then walked towards her room.
There were screams of food snatching and fights from behind, Chu Xuan's body stiffened slightly, but he still didn't stop, until he returned to his small room where he could calm down.
The room is very small and can only accommodate one person to lie down.
Even though the sewer fence in the corner of the room was covered by a broken plate, the stench continued to emanate.
Chu Xuan, who had become accustomed to all this, closed the door and buckled the firm concealed lock.
Falling on the door, Chu Xuan, who had been working hard all day, didn't feel any sleep at all.
He stared at the zenith full of tidal spots, and didn't know how long it had passed until Chu Xuan stood up when the outside calmed down.
He opened the door panel in the corner and removed the sewer fence that had been detached a long time ago. He took a deep breath and jumped down.
In the dark sewer, the rechargeable light tube in his hand was turned on, and Chu Xuan rushed through the intricate sewer.
After running for half a mile, the distance from the ground was enough to run to the center of the city, and Chu Xuan finally stopped.
A faint light of light appeared on the platform in front of a "ground car" that had been abandoned for many years.
Chu Xuan quickly ran over as if his cold mood had become warmer because of this light, and he had returned to his real "home".
However, as soon as he approached, his face changed...
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