Chapter 456: incredible

The same scenes, China, Russia and even island countries, the United States, Africa and so on.
Dilapidated spacecraft, advanced aerospace fighters, and even Boeing airliners that have been repaired and modified.
Every day and every moment, there are a large number of planes searching for survivors from all corners of the earth, and then bringing them to the Australian continent one by one.
In cities, in the mountains, underground, and even on the island, the surviving humans survive tenaciously.
Under the advanced life detectors of Level 3 technological civilization, under their carpet-like search, as long as they are alive human survivors, almost all of them were found.
Of course, even after the end of the world, there have been a lot of deaths and injuries among humans on Earth, but many people have survived.
Therefore, while the search team was looking for survivors, it spread to the rear starting from the city of Sini, Australia, including a large number of surrounding islands, and rounds of construction were being carried out fiercely.
"As of today, after only three days of searching, we have found more than 200,000 survivors. At this rate, the search may continue for several months. It is estimated that the number of survivors that may be found is more than 100 million. ."
Sini Base is still the conference room of the administrative center converted from the command building on the dock. Cui Hao said cautiously while looking at the data in front of him.
"I suggest that another city be cleaned out. It doesn't matter if it is far from here, as long as it is safe. It is impossible for so many people to settle here."
Fang Damin, the uncle of sugar cubes, put forward his own opinions. A period of tempering has made this middle-aged man more mature and capable. Now, as the logistics director of the base, he has a say in any meeting.
"I agree."
Several senior leaders of the base who participated in the meeting raised their hands to support.
"Very well, everyone agrees, then the next base will be established there. Let's discuss and study later."
Chen Gong lukewarmly put an end to this question.
Everyone has been accustomed to his attitude a long time ago. In fact, Chen Gong’s decision almost never went wrong, so everyone has always been convinced by him.
"If there is nothing else. That's it for today's meeting..."
Chen Gong stood up as he spoke.
Cui Hao hesitated for a while before he had time to speak, but the big head on one side couldn't hold back.
Don't mind what others call him. Chen Gong turned to look at the big head.
"Alien... Uh, those people who came from the wormhole, are you sure you don't need to divide a separate area for them to live in?"
The big head stared at Chen Gong and asked.
Chen Gong sat down again and said frankly, "Well, I know what everyone has been worrying about these days. Let's put it this way, disrupting their living together with each other is not my decision, but a resolute decision. "
"Does he have any conspiracy to do this?"
A base leader asked nervously.
"Conspiracy? It's ridiculous. If they have a conspiracy against us, they don't need any conspiracy at all. Regardless of personal force or technological warfare, they can kill us effortlessly, and they must use conspiracy around the corner."
U.S. President Kennedy responded awkwardly in Chinese.
"I agree with Mr. Kennedy's statement. I did this resolutely, just to let their people and ours quickly merge together and achieve a new civilization. I assure everyone that he is definitely not malicious."
Chen Gong seldom spoke in this tone, so as soon as he uttered this sentence, almost everyone in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief.
"What about Yunhai? Boss. I don't believe that Yunhai can't just come here when the wormhole is about to be destroyed! Even if he wants to stay in the star field over the wormhole, how can he not come back and say goodbye?"
Datou finally asked the question he most wanted to know the answer.
At this time. Everyone in the conference room looked at Chen Gong, with one expression more nervous than the other.
"The news brought back by Lei Li, Yun Hai is dead!"
Chen Gong frowned, and finally said enough news to trigger an earthquake.
"he died!"
"This is impossible!"
"Did aliens say it? Their words are not credible!"
"I don't believe it, how could Yunhai die!"
As soon as Chen Gong spoke, the huge conference room suddenly became chaotic, including Cui Hao, Da Tou and others, each shocked and excited.
"Quiet everyone!"
Chen Gong frowned and drank.
For a long while. It gradually became quiet in the meeting room.
"Lee Li did not lie, and there is no need for him to lie on this issue!"
"But I don't believe what he said. To be precise, I don't believe his judgment."
"Yunhai was in a mortal environment at the time, but that was only for ordinary people."
"A person who commands hundreds of thousands of aliens. How can a person with alien blood flow in his body be an ordinary person!"
"So I believe in sharp words, but I don't believe in his judgment."
"Yunhai must be alive, I firmly believe that."
Chen Gong's voice was so firm that his tone and emotions affected others.
"I'll just say, how could Yunhai die easily."
"Nonsense, no one can die."
"By the way, Professor Chen, what do you mean by saying that there is an alien blood in his body?"
Others talked about it, but Cui Hao couldn't help but ask a crucial question.
"I can't explain this point clearly, you just need to believe me."
Chen Gong said faintly, and then put on an indifferent expression again.
"You guys will bury it in my heart after you have heard this paragraph. If there is a rumbling outside, I will definitely check it to the end to find out who leaked it, and I will kill it by then."
"Trust me, it's not difficult for people with mental abilities to track down the beginning of the rumors."
After speaking these two sentences, Chen Gong's sharp eyes scanned everyone's faces for a moment before he stood up.
"Boss, does Yunduo know the news? I haven't seen her for several days!"
The big head caught up with Chen Gong and asked nervously in a low voice.
"She already knows that Yun Duo's mood is very unstable these days, you better not bother her."
Chen Gong also knew the relationship between Big Tou and Yunhai and Yunduo, and said without concealment.
"The more so, the more I have to see her, where is she now?"
The big head is anxious, that is, Chen Gong, if he is replaced by someone else, he may have turned his face.
After hesitating for a while, Chen Gong nodded and said, "Well, it just so happens that I want to say something vigorously, let's go together."
"Yun Duo and Lei Li are with them?"
The big head was slightly surprised.
"To be precise, it was Lei Li and Yun Duo together..."
Having said this, Chen Gong glanced at his chest subconsciously.
In his eyes, a touch of worry also emerged.
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