Chapter 460: signal source

The endless heat and blazing light are the eternal theme of this space.
The chaotic, violent and indescribable energy radiation occupies this starry sky.
Here is the beautiful sea of ​​flames, here is the temple of light, and here is also a terrible hell.
Any word is pale in the description of the star's illumination.
Alien is not afraid of this light. In fact, in the alienation of the sea of ​​clouds, the light emitted by the endless burning fireball only possesses a stunning beauty.
There is also heat, which comes from the blazing heat of endless flames.
This point still did not cause much interference to Yunhai. In addition to the memory of the secretion speed of saliva, Yunhai even felt this extreme heat, which made his spirit or soul exude a strange sense of comfort.
It's like bathing in a hot spring, even if the hot spring is enough to melt steel.
What is really deadly is the unknown mysterious energy.
Like invisible turbulent waves, endless mysterious matter energy is continuously emitted from the stars, presenting a three-dimensional surging surging in all directions.
It has always been passive absorption, and this time is no exception.
Even if only one billionth of a billion of the energy of the mysterious matter flooded into Yunhai's body, he felt that he could not bear it.
Normally absorbed, this mysterious material energy can transform his physical body.
However, Yunhai felt that the mysterious matter energy attack at this time might not last long, and his body might not be able to withstand such an attack, and eventually burst completely.
"Let's go!"
The soul fascinated by the star awoke, Yunhai sent out a mental communication to the alien beast and alien, and then flew in the other direction.
Aite Nebula.
When viewed from the distant universe, the Aite Nebula looks like a ribbon covering the stars. They are almost clinging together.
But now it's close, Yunhai can see clearly, the distance between the Aite Nebula and the stars is not very close.
The previous gas giant planet. It is not on the same plane as the Aite star.
And the sea of ​​clouds flying straight all the way, at this time, is probably located below the star of Aite.
of course. In an empty universe, up and down are not absolute concepts.
If the sea of ​​clouds is now upside down, then for him, his current position is above the star of Aite.
This is also the conclusion that Yunhai was in the gas giant planet when it first set off, plus the gas giant planet as a reference.
The Ater Nebula is still far away from the Ater Star. Of course, if they are very close, the Ater Nebula may have been swallowed by the Ater Star.
Even so. In the process of flying away from the star to the Aite Nebula, Yunhai still saw an extremely spectacular scene.
Nebula celestial bodies that look like clouds and mists are different from fiery stars. The colorful nebula is really like a dreamlike world.
The whole looks very vague and difficult to define, but if you have to define it, this nebula looks like a colorful Tianhe, spectacular and beautiful.
At this time, in this Tianhe, a large amount of interstellar gas and dust rushed to the Ai Te Nebula like a river bursting its banks.
Almost every moment. The mass of the Aite Nebula is decreasing.
Also at every moment, the mass of the Aite star is slowly increasing.
But compared to their amazing quality, this reduces loss or increases. They are difficult to observe and detect.
If there is no Ater star, the gas, dust, and other matter in the Ater Nebula gather a huge mass, which will also absorb more mass, and finally large enough to absorb into a star.
Perhaps the remaining nebula material will also form planets and other celestial bodies in the planetary system.
Of course, this is a long, long time later.
And these are not important to Yunhai.
His purpose is a specific area in this nebula, or the entire nebula. Hidden mysterious creature.
The speed was slow to the extreme, and Yunhai repeatedly communicated with each other so that the alien beasts and aliens should not be impulsive. He and it almost relied on the gravitational effect of the mass of the nebula to approach the nebula slowly.
"Appeared. That thing has appeared again."
This approaching process was slow and long, and I didn't know how long it had passed. At the same time Yunhai felt abnormal, the voice of the alien beast and alien rang in his mind.
It's the mysterious radiant energy, or brain wave signal, or mental energy fluctuation.
Its signal fluctuation frequency is exactly the same as Yunhai feels these days, but it is obviously different.
"Different obviously represents a difference in emotions, so what does this frequency of fluctuations mean now? Does it or they have felt the closeness between me and the alien animal? Are they excitedly looking forward to it, or are they feeling fear?"
Yun Hai thought nervously in her heart.
In fact, he already had a certain judgment in his mind. The signal fluctuations that just appeared were obviously unknown mysterious creatures expressing excitement and anticipation. It is impossible for them to fear the alien.
"Release a bait to see."
The distance at this time gave Yunhai an illusion that he had entered the boundless nebula. He cautiously used the unknown energy in his body to resist the gravitational force of the nebula, and while concealing his figure, he sent out a spiritual communication towards the alien beast alien.
He did not hesitate to execute Yunhai's order, and the alien beast was suspended beside him, and at the same time opened his mouth.
A fragment of an irregular battleship about ten meters in diameter flew out from the huge kiss of the alien beast.
It didn't exert too much force on this piece of battleship fragments, more was the gravitational effect of the nebula itself, and small battleship fragments slowly flew into the nebula.
There was no abnormality, and there was no abnormality in the nebula, except for the chaotic and identical signal fluctuations.
Not in a hurry, the mental power of Yunhai gushed out without reservation. While closely observing the debris of the battleship, it also covered a large area of ​​nebula, nervously observing the abnormalities that might appear at any time.
one kilometer.
Five kilometers.
ten kilometers.
Fifty kilometers.
Time passed slowly, and as the distance narrowed, as the gravitational force exerted by the nebula on the debris of the battleship became larger and larger, the speed of the latter became faster and faster.
One hundred kilometers.
Two hundred kilometers.
Finally, when the battleship fragments finally touched the gas at the edge of the nebula, the vision suddenly appeared.
One signal source, two signal sources, ten signal sources...
Almost in an instant, signal sources ranging from single digits to hundreds of thousands appeared suddenly.
They are like hungry hyenas that smell the smell, and immediately rushed towards the delicious taste without hesitation.
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