Chapter 554: Blue Star Dark Side

"Here? Who is here?"
Yunyue's excited screams still echoed in her ears, but she disappeared on the island, and Alice looked a little dazed when she saw her flying to the sea of ​​clouds.
At a loss, it soon became astonished.
In an instant, he jumped hundreds of meters above the sea, and Yunhai's body began to make Alice's jaw-dropping changes.
The body swelled in the shortest amount of time, and accompanied by a terrible energy radiating vibration, a small human instantly became a terrifying alien master.
A body comparable to the size of a cruiser, the terrifying majesty that exudes violently swept all over the place.
In the ocean, on the island.
I don't know how many aliens stood up, sending off the master with their sharp neighing sound.
Seeing that the same alienated Yunyue and Yunhai quickly turned into invisible black spots, Alice moved her teeth to the beach.
A huge flying alien with a wingspan of more than thirty meters fell from the sky and smashed down in front of Alice.
The huge kiss trembling with salivation, its tailbone erected from the back of the body, and the cold-glowing tail blade pointed at Alice's head in the distance under the sunlight.
"Boom boom boom..."
More alien shapes exactly like it fell heavily, trapping Alice firmly in the middle from all sides.
Can clearly feel their hostility, Alice believes that if she moves one step forward, she will be greeted with a merciless attack.
They are not afraid of these aliens, although the better hosts of alien planets make these aliens stronger.
As long as the silver gun is in hand, Alice still believes that she can defeat them.
But the problem is that her enemies are more than just in front of them.
The looming body in the dense forest on the island, the dark shadow that fluctuates with the waves, including the dark clouds hovering in the sky.
Dozens of aliens can't kill her, but what if they were replaced by hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands?
He sighed in his heart. She had become accustomed to being monitored and threatened by aliens, stuck her silver gun on the beach and sat down at the same time.
Looking through the gap in the alien body, he looked at the shuttle not far away. Alice knew that the aircraft found in the Crocodile assault ship was intact.
As long as you can sit on it, whether it is to follow Yunhai to see what happened. Or just drive it back to the star field of the empire, Alice believes this is definitely not a problem.
But Alien did not give her this opportunity, perhaps Yun Hai did not give her this opportunity at all.
Looking away from the dark shuttle, Alice raised her head and looked up at the sky, but prayed in her heart that it was better not what she had imagined.
"If that's the case, then everything is over!"
"The crocodile bears the brunt, and the empire will not be spared."
"Can't all of this be changed? The Age of Dark Blood. Is it really going to descend on this star field?"
"Alice, what have you done!"
Thinking that all of this happened because she had reached the earth through the wormhole, Alice lowered her head to her palm and cried silently.
Apps is about to collapse.
To be precise, it is called "Apps".
If it is changed to a better understanding method, "Apps" is like the Chinese people on earth, it is the last name of this ethnic group, and the last byte is their name.
It's just that in the Moyun River System, whether the Silver Dragon Empire humans or the Moge Crocodiles, including other intelligent races ruled by these two parties. They or they are accustomed to calling it "surname" directly.
Apsk was temporarily transferred to the surveillance and intelligence section of the satellite base. From a laid-back warship repairman to a "data dog", Apsk talked about his work experience these days. The three heads were full of tears.
At every moment, a large number of detectors send back massive amounts of data.
Every picture, every video material.
Apsk must observe carefully and write a detailed report to submit.
Although there are more than a hundred apps working on the same job like it, compared to the massive amount of information that is being transmitted all the time on a planet, if hundreds of apps are shared, it is also overwhelming. .
"The inspection of the picture No. s-674923 was completed and no abnormalities were found."
Apsk said in a muted left brain, and the two tentacles controlled by it quickly wrote normal reports on the light screen in front of him.
"The video data No. l-785798 found an anomaly. At the position of No. 574 fold 782, there is an unusually huge alien animal. Whether it is an evolutionary alien animal with the ability to reproduce or not is uncertain. It is recommended to deploy a detector to track it in real time."
The voice of the midbrain did not fluctuate, and two sore tentacles both wrote this sentence on the light screen.
"The juice here is too ugly, just like animal urine."
The tentacle of the right brain held a cup of dark juice to his lips, taking a sip and looking miserable.
"what are you doing?"
The left brain and midbrain turned their heads together and glared.
"Supplement energy, replenish energy, anyway, we are all one body, I drink it and we all enjoy it together.
His right brain smiled and put the cup aside. When it was about to look up the massive data in front of him, it suddenly gave a "Huh".
Reaching out and clicking on the real-time monitoring light screen next to him, the right brain magnified a picture in the center of the light screen.
The picture presented on the light screen is not the scene on the blue star, but the dark universe.
The detector produced by the third-level scientific and technological civilization will not just monitor a predetermined area in a rigid manner. It has a variety of detection capabilities and can react differently according to different situations.
For example, now, the established procedure is for the probe named "a-23457" to monitor the area of ​​the blue star.
But at this time, it turned around and pointed the surveillance probe at the dark cosmic space. Obviously, it must have found some anomalies.
"Is the transport ship coming to supplement the satellite base? Or is the fleet to support the war on the North Star System coming?"
The right brain was a bit unclear about the situation, and his eyes widened to magnify the black screen-like picture dotted with thousands of stars, carefully searching for anomalies.
It is obviously a picture of the dark side of the blue star not covered by the stellar light. One of the star-like points of light may be a fleet at a long distance, and the right brain hasn't seen anything abnormal for a long time.
"The detector may be malfunctioning."
His right brain shook his head, and when he was about to give up, its eyes suddenly widened.
"An irregular planet, how can it lack a small piece?"
"The planet will not disappear for no reason for a small piece. Something must be covering it!"
"What the is it?"
Thinking in his right brain, he mobilized the "a-23457" detector to point in that direction and grabbed images several times.
With this comparison, the problem immediately came out.
"Something is rapidly approaching from the dark side of Blue Star, and the detector did not find the energy radiation generated by the battleship engine."
The voice in the right brain trembled a little.
"What else can it be if it's not a battleship?"
Midbrain replied casually.
"what did you say?"
The reaction of the left brain was obviously faster, and its face showed deep bone marrow fear.
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