Chapter 57: Spider

The entrance to the cave is not big, and it can probably accommodate a heavy truck.
As the sea of ​​clouds and his party rush forward, the cave is getting wider and wider, and gradually getting darker.
In the alienation perception, a large number of cobwebs began to appear in the cave.
Before the end of the world, the Huwen Tarantula seldom formed a web to prey.
Far larger than normal insects, most of the ferocious insects occupy the nests of other insects and are accustomed to active hunting.
After the end of the world, evolutionary mutations have appeared, with more giant bodies, a rapidly increasing group, and there are almost no spider webs outside the cave. Obviously, they still like and are accustomed to taking the initiative.
Of course, this does not mean that they will not connect.
As far as the large number of cobwebs began to appear in the cave, for them, the sea of ​​clouds is estimated to be just like humans making beds, in order to rest more comfortably.
It rushed forward quickly, it was obviously the huge life light and shadow of the spider queen, which was clearly visible, coupled with the "squeaking" it made from time to time, Yunhai could find it when he closed his eyes.
Unlike the cave where the Alien Queen's lair on Yangshan Mountain is located, the cave under Songfeng does not have a twisty passage, nor does it have a large number of honeycomb-like holes in the cave wall.
After rushing in for dozens of seconds, the sea of ​​clouds and the Alien Knife Commando completely let go of speed, and soon they reached a space the size of at least three football fields.
I haven't seen the situation in the field clearly. In the center of the cave, the huge spider claws rubbed against the beard and limbs violently, making a sharp sound.
A black figure suddenly greeted him, and his body looked like a gun cow.
"Male mutant tiger-patterned tarantula? Like the guard alien, the most combative mutant giant spider that guards the safety of the spider queen!"
The longer the delay, the more mutant spiders that died outside. These are the best alien hosts. Yun Hai didn't think much about it, and the spiritual command and control aliens dispersed.
The porcupine alien rushed forward, twenty or thirty meters away from the mutant spiders that were approaching quickly, arched its back, and its body quickly expanded like a balloon.
The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded intensively, and on the back of the porcupine alien, an unknown number of bone spurs burst out in anger, and shot at the mutant spiders crowded into a pile of ran over.
The terrible sound of broken flesh and blood sounded one after another, and a large swarm of mutant spiders running in the front fell silently.
Completely penetrated, the power of those bone spurs is obviously not something that the mutant spider's body can resist, the bone spurs that penetrated their bodies came out through their bodies, and fell down the next mutant spider.
Not only the power, but also the accuracy. The Porcupine Alien perfectly controlled every bone and muscle. Few bones spurs ejected from it missed, and they all hit the enemy with precision and sharpness.
"So tough!"
Although the eyes are invisible, in the alienated sense, everything around is extremely clear, and the sea of ​​clouds can't help but shake.
Such speed and power, as well as accuracy, in Yunhai's view, almost comparable to some sniper rifles, afraid that the steel plate at close range can pierce.
Compared with the porcupine-shaped bone spurs, the automatic rifle on his back is almost the same as the fire stick.
It might be better at close range, and a little farther away, this small-caliber rifle, and the bullets it shoots, is probably not enough to tickle most mutant creatures.
If there are more than a dozen such porcupine aliens, even in the face of hundreds of mutant spiders, Yunhai believes that one round of ejection can basically solve the battle.
The fly in the ointment is the growth of bone spurs. In Yunhai's original experiment, after the ejection of bone spurs, it would take at least half a day to grow to the same length and sharpness.
Of course, the porcupine includes all other aliens, and their state at this time is just molting and growing to complete the first evolution.
If they evolve again, the ejection speed and power of bone spurs, including the speed of bone spur regeneration, will definitely be faster and stronger.
The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded again, but at this time, it was no longer a porcupine alien.
Ten acid-spraying messengers with the same shape as ordinary aliens sprang out silently from the darkness. From their open mouths, a burst of acid shot out, violently at more mutant spiders that charged up. .
It melts when you encounter it, and it rots next to it.
The terrifying acid rushed to the back armors of the previous batch of spiders, and the huge force crashed and spattered, and the mutant spiders rolled over in pain.
If they can speak, their screams at this time are enough to sting most souls.
Struggling hard and writhing, no matter which part of the body was hit by acid blood, it instantly corroded terrible wounds.
On the body and on the ground, a lot of green smoke rose up, and a disgusting weird breath filled.
It has always been collectively out to hunt, whether it is the huge mutant wild boar king, or the mutant green python who has escaped by chance, the mutant spider colony is at the top of the food chain in this territory.
However, the appearance of aliens caused extreme fear in their simple thoughts.
The long looks similar in shape, the scope of ejecting bone spurs exceeds the scope of their spider silk ejection, and they can even eject such a terrible acid.
In the eyes of mutant spiders, the aliens that existed like killing gods had already scared their guts.
Except for the dead mutant spiders, the dozen or so giant mutant spiders that survived began to flee in panic.
Seeing the acid spray alien began to hunt down the mutant spider group, the tiger armor alien screamed, and along with the porcupine alien, rushed straight to the distant mutant spider queen.
The claws rubbed against the beard and limbs, making a strange noise that was more grit than a scream, and the huge mutant spider rushed up like a tank.
Not only the momentum, but also the body shape, in the dark shadow like thick ink, the body of the mutant spider queen is completely a biological tank.
The violent and ferocious aura was not concealed. It was no more restrained than the aliens accustomed to sneaking. The mutant spider queen, who was obviously violent, exuded a terrifying arrogance, raging in the space.
If the green python alien is better here, the size of the tiger armor alien is completely out of proportion to it.
But not afraid, the tiger armor and porcupine aliens quickly greeted them with five alligator lizard aliens.
The speed is as fast as lightning, even if it is returned to the messenger-type crocodile lizard alien by the sea of ​​clouds, the slender body rushes, and the speed is much faster than the spider queen dragging the huge belly.
The sound of violent fighting sounded, extremely intense.
Just relying on the alienated sense and prying eyes, Yunhai couldn't capture too many details of the battle, but could only perceive it roughly.
The tiger armor's alien shape was like a gust of wind, surrounding the huge mutant spider's queen, with sharp claws and tail blades bursting out from time to time.
The porcupine is not badly shaped, and it attacks fiercely, slamming into the eight thick legs of the spider queen.
The crocodile lizard alien is even more fierce, they directly climbed onto the huge body of the mutant spider queen, and launched a crazy attack.
Every part of the body is a weapon, no matter any alien.
Sharp claws, metalized tail blades, internal nest teeth like mechanical hydraulic tissue, and even acid blood pierced by spider claws.
Born to be an alien born for fighting and killing, in the shortest possible time, a tide of attack would drown the spider queen.
The huge body struggled hard, seemingly domineering, but the bloated spider queen was about to be beaten.
The whole body was full of wounds, and spider blood surged.
The spider queen, who shook her body violently, was about to mad in pain, but couldn't get rid of the five crocodile-lizard aliens on the back like bone maggots.
"The skin armor is not strong enough, the strength is not enough, and the speed is not good. The strength of this spider queen and the alien queen is simply worlds apart."
"It seems that they rely on quantity, and compared with the alien group, mutant spiders will flee in addition to fear, too far!"
Feeling the turmoil of the queen's face-holding bug, Yun Hai turned his body sideways and let out a half step.
The slim body is extremely flexible, and the speed is not slow.
A few meters away from the spider queen, the queen hugged the face and the worm bounced, flying up like a cannonball, and tightly attached to the spider's back armor.
The huge, round belly of the spider queen kept lifting up, spraying out strands of weak and thick spider silk.
Not to mention the tiger armor alien that sticks to attack as fast as lightning, even the porcupine alien, whose speed is not strong, cannot catch up with spider silk.
Every time the spider silk is sprayed, more spider blood will gush out from the wound in the abdomen, and the speed of the giant spider queen is getting slower and slower.
The six limbs bent, and the tiger armor bounced out of shape.
When the body swept over the head of the queen of the mutant spider, its palatine teeth shook like a sickle.
With a "bang", the tiger armor alien leaped over the spider queen and hit the ground hard.
The strange smell of spider blood was spilled like a rainstorm, and the huge mouthparts were almost cut into four pieces by the tiger armor. The extreme pain made the head of the desperate spider shake wildly.
When the two sturdy hind limbs were violently broken by the porcupine alien, the painful spider queen couldn't support it anymore and collapsed.
After struggling and convulsing for a moment, the spider queen convulsed with horrible pain and fainted.
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