Chapter 583: cost

A certain degree of light and heat is not afraid of aliens.
But this is only to a certain extent. When quantity causes a qualitative change, nothing can be absolute.
The unprecedented nuclear fission bomb destroyed more than a thousand warships while also killing nearly 10,000 aliens.
In addition to the aliens who died in the previous fierce battle, more than 100,000 aliens invaded the Orr star system under the organization of the first queens and led by alien beasts, and more than 30,000 aliens died.
Yunhai may have anticipated this number in advance.
But when he really faced it, he still felt a little heartache.
Not only because of the number of alien deaths, but more importantly because of their special nature.
If it were replaced with the alien form on the blue star, let alone the death of more than 30,000, it would be infinitely magnified, that is, 300 million deaths, Yun Hai may be angry and furious, but it will not be so heartache.
If you want to survive better in the universe, and even grow stronger, death must be faced. No matter the sea of ​​clouds or more aliens, there is such a psychological preparation.
If it can choose, Yunhai is even willing to use half of the aliens on the blue star to replace these 30,000 alien beings.
You can fly in the universe, you can fly at an infinitely close to the speed of light, and you can fight in space.
These aliens are far inferior to those ordinary aliens on the Blue Star.
"This is a tragic victory."
Flying slowly in the dark universe, watching the familiar planets getting bigger and bigger, Yunhai said in his heart.
He didn't know that if this sentence was heard by the Crocodile Man or the humans of the Silver Dragon Empire, he would be off.
Destroying a powerful fleet, it can almost be said that he has occupied a star system that was turned into a war fortress. He only paid more than 30,000 alien lives, but he was ashamed to describe it as "tragic victory".
Except for the mothership. Nearly 15,000 warships of the crocodile "Cangmo" fleet were destroyed.
Not to mention the locust-like fighters and shuttles.
The crocodilemen were the ones who really suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and this did not even count their deaths.
A reconnaissance ship is normally equipped with about fifteen crocodiles in war.
There are more assault ships. There are at least hundreds.
Larger cruisers, from driving, fire control to communication, intelligence analysis to logistics personnel. There are at least two to three thousand crocodiles to maintain its operation.
In this battle, the most conservative estimate is that the number of crocodile deaths is nearly 400,000.
Is it not enough to get a star system for only a small price?
Yunhai is indeed not satisfied.
In his opinion, as long as the mothership has not been destroyed, it is not a complete victory.
The body was tumbling violently, a sea of ​​alienated clouds. The huge kiss kept coughing up a large group of blood clots.
He was still injured, under the extremely terrifying and violent explosion of the nuclear fission bomb.
Just the shock wave's attack made his body suffer a certain degree of severe damage.
And the most terrifying light radiation did not actually hurt him.
Of course, this is the result of the transformation of the "radiation source".
If it was placed before, even if it reacted in an instant and retreated far enough, Yun Hai could not guarantee that he would still be alive.
The other surviving more than 60,000 aliens are the same. If they hadn't received the same transformation, it is estimated that very few would have survived, and there would still be bad luck.
Slow down. Yunhai once again sent out a spiritual exchange.
"They didn't approach, they kept their regular speed and were still far away."
Soon he received a spiritual response from the alien beast and alien.
He hesitated, when he saw a barren rocky planet not far away. In the hemisphere facing him, a violent energy fluctuation suddenly appeared on a piece of earthy land, and Yunhai made up his mind in an instant.
Upon receiving his spiritual order, more than 60,000 aliens quickly dispersed.
With 10,000 as a group, six groups of aliens flew quickly towards different planets.
"Wait a minute, their warships cannot detect our presence, so you will hide behind that satellite and block its retreat after the mothership follows."
"I hide in front, as long as it dares to follow. Even if it pays a heavy price, I will destroy it here."
A spiritual command was issued to the alien beast alien. Yunhai quickly received its affirmative response.
Looking at the first battlefield in the distance, watching the shadow of the brown satellite where the alien beasts are hiding. Yun Hai waited patiently.
As long as the fleet is resolved, the other defensive forces of the Crocodile Man will be completely vulnerable to the sea of ​​clouds.
The war fortress wandering in the orbit of the planet or in space, not to mention him or the alien beast alien, even if the guard alien rushes up and hits fiercely, it will be destroyed and exploded in the shortest time.
The planetary cannon on the planet is indeed terrifying enough, not even worse than the main particle cannon on the mothership.
But it is dead after all. An attack target that is fixed and immovable must rely on more intelligent creatures to work together. As long as the alien can approach it, it is not difficult to destroy the planetary cannon.
Even the artillery group on the ground is even more a joke.
By bypassing the range of artillery attack and landing on the planet, these main air-to-air artillery arrays have become decorations-compared to space combat, the power that aliens can exert in ground warfare, even Yunhai will be amazed when he thinks of it.
As for the ubiquitous traps in this star field, Yun Hai didn't care.
As long as it wasn't the giant nuclear fission bomb just now, no matter how many traps composed of the giant nuclear fission bomb, it would not cause much damage to these aliens that had been transformed by the "radiation source".
More importantly, the aliens can avoid these traps, otherwise they will never reach the edge of the Orr star system safely. You must know that after operating for so many years, in addition to the secret routes that change from time to time, the edge of the Orr star system In the outer space, how many traps and huge nuclear fission bombs exist, I am afraid that the crocodile who has always been nervous can not remember.
Thoughts passed by planet after planet, including several life planets, and the sea of ​​clouds was like a rock at this moment.
Whether the crocodile people or humans live on these planets, the aliens on the blue star that need to divert will turn it or all of them into food.
And the first-generation queens and spider queens who couldn't wait a long time ago will completely turn all other creatures into alien forms.
Thoughts once again passed large and small planets, passing more stars, and the sea of ​​clouds "looked" towards the impossible-observable central position of the river system.
Yunhai knew that there was an unknown and terrifying monster near the central black hole of the Moyun River System.
And it obviously has its eyes on itself.
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