Chapter 593: The power to destroy a planet

In the dark universe, dozens of people were quietly suspended in the void, motionless.
In front of them, a star was floating at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.
In the nearby star field, there was a loneliness, except for some icy meteorites, no more stars were seen.
Obviously, this is the edge of the star system, abnormally desolate.
And this rocky star with not too much mass should be a wandering planet captured by the gravity of the star system.
On the surface, this is a very common and ordinary phenomenon in the universe.
However, things have become a little unusual. The detector that recorded this image was obviously taken from directly in front and recorded the entire process in detail.
Floating right in front is a middle-aged human man who is hard to ignore at first glance.
He is not very strong, with a bumble back and a long arm.
A crown made of unknown metal material was worn on his head, his eyebrows flew diagonally into the temple, and his piercing eyes were even brighter than the stars in the dark universe.
The most difficult thing to ignore is his temperament, which is a trait that takes a long, long time to develop from the superior.
With a slightly confident smile on his slightly square face, the middle-aged man quietly looked at the wandering planet in the distance.
Behind him, standing various creatures-maybe these are intelligent creatures, but Yunhai has not seen them.
Strange shapes, and several of them are beyond the limit that humans can imagine.
No one speaks, in fact the sound cannot be transmitted in the vacuum of the universe.
Probably they were communicating with mental power. Soon, the person standing in the front looked back and nodded to the others, and then a strange scene appeared.
A little star-like light appeared in the dark void first.
quickly. The star-like light began to swell sharply.
Because it is impossible to determine the correct distance, Yunhai can probably see the figures of those humans as a reference. It only took a few seconds for the light cluster to change from a little star dust to the size of a hot air current.
Still swelling rapidly. Yun Hai's attention was not on the light group, but carefully observed those people.
There seemed to be no change on the surface, but Yunhai still keenly caught the anomaly.
The middle-aged human man headed by him, his eyes were exceptionally bright.
If it used to be like looking at a star from a distance, his eyes are now horribly bright, just like a supernova exploding in close range.
As for those other people or weird intelligent creatures, their faces all showed shock.
Finally, the dazzling beam of light stopped expanding. But it shrank unexpectedly and sharply.
In the end, it became as small as standing on the surface of a planet and looking at the distant stars of the universe.
Xiaogui is small, but its light surpasses everything.
Yunhai even felt that even if a supernova exploded in close range, the light radiation at that moment might not be so intense.
The eyes of the middle-aged human being brighter than the stars, Yun Hai even came up with the word "fire eyes and golden eyes" in his mind.
Rotating slowly, under the control of unknown power, the dazzling star began to slowly rotate around the group of people or the middle-aged human man in the void of the universe.
It was slow at first, but soon it got faster and faster. The most completely became a dazzling light.
Yun Hai keenly noticed that when the middle-aged human man clenched his fists tightly, the "star" began to rapidly expand the range of rotation.
"It wants to destroy that rocky planet!"
In fact, it has long been estimated what these people want to do. But when he saw this scene with his own eyes, Yunhai was still shocked.
There are no unimaginable high-tech weapons, some are just unimaginable capabilities.
A person actually wants to destroy a planet with his own power.
Although the mass of that planet is not great, it is still a planet after all, not artificially made, but a huge celestial body that has experienced countless magical natural formations in the universe.
It didn't give Yunhai too much time to be shocked. When the "star" rapidly expanded its rotation range, finally. Its orbit coincides with the rocky planet.
In just ten seconds, the blazing "star" violently collided with the rocky planet.
No words can describe the spectacular degree of that instant impact. All descriptions are pale and weak.
At the moment of the impact, the seemingly stationary rocky planet seemed to tremble.
Then, it ushered in an irreversible disaster.
The huge light instantly lit up the dark and deserted edge of the star system.
Powerful light radiation, thermal energy and high-energy rays have upset the huge universe.
The icy meteorite in the close range just vaporized and disappeared.
At the same time, the rocky planet began to "melt."
Where the "stars" hit it, the fiery molten slurry was thrown into the universe violently, violently and violently like a waterfall flowing backwards.
The surface of the planet began to fall apart, and the sand and rocks were heated into dark red fluid, raging on the surface of the planet.
A gray rocky planet instantly turned into a huge fireball, just like a star.
This state did not last long, as the violent energy inside the star raged and vented to the heart...
Silently, the huge star exploded.
The violent energy carried a large amount of matter, and it was thrown away in all directions.
The picture finally froze on the faces of the group of people. Yun Hai didn't know how they left the scope of the impact of the planet's explosion. He only saw the horror in the faces and eyes of those people.
Except for one person, the middle-aged human man who was the instigator returned to his indifferent expression, and there was a ray of satisfaction in his eyes.
It was exactly the same as what happened before the eyes, and the three-dimensional and vivid picture converged with the light on Qifei's "smart watch" and disappeared.
Without speaking for a while, Yun Hai was still immersed in the shock that the scene brought him, and Yun Yue beside him had the same expression.
"real or fake?"
Obviously, she couldn't accept the fact that a person could easily destroy a planet. Even Yunyue had always dreamed that she would have such terrible power one day, but she couldn't believe what she had just seen.
"When I was on Earth, blockbuster films came from this way. Not to mention the scene of destroying a planet, or the scene of destroying a star, it can also produce pictures that are countless times more spectacular than this on the computer."
In fact, Yunyue's expression showed that she actually believed this fact in her heart, but she was still holding on.
"That is our emperor, in order to maintain his power, he may lie a lot, but in this matter, no one will suspect that he is cheating."
Qi Fei's expression was very serious, and he responded word by word.
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