Chapter 596: Wandering civilization

On the earth, the human definition of the speed of light in the universe or in a vacuum is about 300,000 kilometers per second.
This conclusion is the same as the conclusion of the Silver Dragon Empire humans and Crocodile people.
After all, different civilizations are absolutely different in many places, but many things, including some basic knowledge, are the same.
The only difference is the different appellation.
On the three-dimensional light and shadow projected by the "smart watch", the rapidly beating numbers represent the speed of the fast flying light group.
Obviously, Yunhai did not know whether Qi Fei considered it or the very human "smart watch" calculation or consideration.
There are two sets of numbers, one is the general text display of Crocodile, the other is the human text display of the Silver Dragon Empire.
Yunhai absolutely believes that if this magical "smart watch" has ever been to the earth, there may be a set of Chinese or English text displayed on it.
The results of the two sets of simultaneous display numbers are the same, and the speed of the light and shadow has reached approximately one million kilometers per second.
Obviously, the speed of that so-called five-level wandering civilization is a bit faster than three times the speed of light.
"Why did they come to the Moyun River System?"
Believe that what Qi Fei said is true, Yunhai asked when the stereo projection disappeared.
The expression on his face was a bit unnatural for a moment, Qi Fei hesitated for a moment, or said, "I brought it here?"
Yunhai couldn't help being stunned, and immediately asked, "Why?"
Qi Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Didn’t I say that I used to place a large number of detectors in this star field? In fact, not only this star field, but in order to explore several nearby river systems, I secretly More detectors have been manufactured and launched to different river systems using the technology of space transition."
Yunhai heard this. I can't help but feel a little heavy.
A small detector can actually make a space jump.
Not to mention the battleships of level six technological civilization. Think about it, you will definitely encounter similar civilizations in the future. And it is bound to be hostile, Yun Hai is a bit big.
"A space transition requires a lot of energy. Originally, in my plan, the detector would reach the edge of the Moyun River system during the first space transition. After absorbing enough energy from the stellar light radiation and high-energy rays, Only then will there be a second spatial transition towards a different river system."
"Thousands of detectors will certainly not successfully complete the plan. In fact, in the first space leap, because of the material technology limitations of the third-level technological civilization, more than 3,000 detectors were destroyed."
"The second space transition is even more a test. As many as more than 6,000 detectors may not be able to complete the recharge in a short time. Or they could not be completed for other reasons, but more than 1,000 detectors succeeded. "
"I improved and strengthened the telecommunication device that can receive the signal sent back by the detector, so I received such a message."
Having said that, Qi Fei subconsciously looked at his "smart watch".
The light reappeared and formed a vivid and three-dimensional projection picture.
Only this time, the picture was a bit blurry.
In the slightly distorted light and shadow, a dark thing is quietly suspended in the universe.
Before Yunhai could see the details clearly, the picture disappeared.
"The detector only sent back this piece of information. I believe that the other party responded in an instant, or blocked the detector's signal transmission. Or it destroyed it directly."
"Is that a spaceship?"
When the picture reappeared and freezed, Yunhai's mental perception scanned for a long while, but could not observe too many details.
"To be precise. This is a real mothership. The mothership made by the humans and crocodile men of the Silver Dragon Empire is like a toy model in front of it."
Qi Fei said solemnly.
"Is there such an exaggeration!"
The mothership of the crocodile has just seen it, and Yunhai is still having a headache how to deal with it. At this time, he was a little stunned when he heard this.
"I'm not exaggerating, I am the conclusion that I have drawn after a long period of analysis. This mothership is even larger than the mothership of my home planet civilization, and it can even be said to be like an artificially made planet. , Not even smaller than the Lansing-3 satellite you've been to before."
"Because of this conclusion, I deduced that it is a wandering civilization. Otherwise, a fifth-level civilization would not consume resources recklessly to create such a huge warship."
Qi Fei replied affirmatively.
Yunhai didn't say anything for a while. He can still imagine the wandering civilization.
Because the home planet has undergone irreversible changes, or because of war. Or because of natural disasters.
The civilized races that could no longer survive in the parent star field could not find a more suitable planetary immigrant within a relative distance, so creating a battleship that could accommodate a large population became their only hope.
After all, transforming a planet is a very huge project, and if it is a natural disaster, the chain reaction that may be triggered will also destroy the new immigrant planet.
No need to consider resource consumption, even the most things in the mothership can be supplemented while walking.
After creating a giant mothership in the shortest time, they took the most outstanding and outstanding tribesmen, and left more tribesmen behind. With a sense of anxiety, they began to wander in the vast universe.
There are also races that are greedy and warlike by nature. They endlessly mine and destroy planets one after another until their resources are completely exhausted.
Created a huge mothership, they also began to wander in the universe.
If they encounter a civilization that is stronger than themselves, if they are lucky enough to escape, they will run away desperately.
When encountering a civilization that is weaker than them, they will show their fangs and pounce hard until they get everything they want, or once again exhaust the planet's resources, so they start aimlessly again Wandering.
The advantage of wandering civilization is that they do not have a fixed planet, and there is no goal that they can defend at all costs.
In every contact, invasion and war, they will be careful to park the mothership in a distant place, and only use more warships to intervene.
As long as the mothership escapes, it will be acceptable to them to lose more battleships.
But this is also the badness of the wandering civilization. If the mothership is targeted, bitten, or even destroyed by the enemy, it means the complete demise of their entire civilization, and there is no room for change.
The universe is vast and boundless, and any civilization can exist.
So early on, Yunhai inferred the existence of wandering civilization.
In fact, in his opinion, Alien is a civilization of alien animals.
Similarly, aliens are also wandering civilizations.
They do not have the concept of "home planet".
Where the ruler is, where is the queen, where is their home star.
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