Chapter 68: Underground Parking Lot

"The spider alien queen said very clearly. The unknown existence in Xicheng District has a dangerous aura and strength that is not inferior to it. And in this container, the same unknown mutant creature is only a tiny bit behind it."
"What? It can live peacefully with humans? A mutant being domesticated? Or something else?"
"Among human evolvers, is there a beast trainer?"
"Or mental control?"
"What evolutionary has such a strong mental power, can control how many mutant creatures that are not inferior to the spider alien queen?"
Unexpected, Yunhai only felt like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and his heart was itchy.
He had a devilish impulse, and wanted to kill him to see it.
Of course, this is just an impulse, Yun Hai has not lost his reason.
The sneak and silent approach were all discovered, and the opponent's strength was stronger than he thought.
Yun Hai didn't know until now, whether it originated from the detection of military high-tech equipment, or some evolutionary ability like the young girl Xiaoyan of Yangshan County.
Fighting with elite soldiers representing the strongest power of mankind, sprinting in the artillery fire of advanced weapons, even if you have confidence in the alien assault in front of the opponent, this also means that Yunhai will bear a heavy price.
The power of the sniper rifle is too terrifying, far from being comparable to that of a submachine gun or general rifle.
The mutant cow with a height of more than four meters that was shot earlier, Yunhai also encountered one when it burst into the night, and the tip of the ordinary messenger could not pierce it.
Especially its hard skull, the hyoid bone ejected by the crocodile lizard, shaved a blood groove on its face, but it failed to explode the skull.
However, it was just a sharp headshot, without mentioning the gunner's precise strike in the dark. With such a terrifying bullet, Yunhai worried that the spider alien queen would get one, and it would definitely be uncomfortable.
Moreover, the military's methods are far beyond what ordinary people like him before the end of the world can imagine.
I don't want to conflict with them, it is unnecessary, and extremely unwise.
For a moment of curiosity, not worth it.
Even Yunhai wanted to know who was in the container and what mutant creatures were in it.
This is a very critical question. If humans can appear with huge mutant creatures, even if there is only one, it is of great significance to Yunhai.
This means that he can bring the spider alien queen by his side when there is no way to avoid it, or when he enters the survivor base to find his sister.
In that case, even if there is a sudden crisis, and with the ability and speed of the spider alien queen, it can turn around or escape in an instant, at least Yun Hai will not fight alone.
The rain continued to flow down the hair, and the soaked sea of ​​clouds finally controlled the devilish impulse.
The spirit ordered the alien lurking in the darkness to speed up and leave, Yunhai jumped out of the carriage and deliberately avoided half the street, far away from the location of the mall.
"The mutant biota just retreated and it is safe."
In the basement, the young soldier "Xiao Zhang", who closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly spoke to Qi Yuan.
The eyes were full of exhaustion, and Xiao Zhang's pale face showed a hint of joy after the disaster.
No one knows what he just suffered.
Unknown mutant creature, the breath is terrible.
He used his mental power to probe, just like putting his fingers into a fast-rotating meat mixer. The fear and tingling sensation in the soul at that moment were placed on ordinary people, enough to make them lose their minds and instantly collapse.
"Also in the world, there are mutant creatures more terrifying than that thing!"
There was a horror in the container in his mind, and there was a deep-seated fear in Xiao Zhang's eyes.
The thunder rumbling in the sky, the electric light drifting in the lead cloud, and the heavy rain pouring down.
He rushed to the Xicheng District along the abandoned traffic, and had already left the mall for several kilometers. In Yunhai's mind, it was still the container.
The spider alien queen and the tiger armor alien rushed to the forefront. After receiving the spiritual communication from the former, Yunhai converged his mind and cheered up and accelerated to catch up.
The range of sight is completely dark.
Unlike the wilderness, the number and types of plants in cities are still relatively small, and there are not many plants that can glow.
Fortunately, Yunhai didn't rely on sight to eat. He completely let go of his alienated senses, and he carefully probed everything in front of him.
It should be an underground parking lot, extending from the space where he was located, and a huge space extended downwards on the ground sixty meters away.
In the empty underground space, there are a large number of things of the same size. You are already familiar with the presentation of various things in the alienated perception. Yunhai knows that those are all cars.
Going deeper into the parking lot will not be within the range he can sense.
The distance of 300 meters is the limit distance that Yunhai can sense now.
Beyond this distance, in the alienated perception, it is no longer possible to distinguish anything.
Of course, the alien's sensory distance is much stronger than that of the sea of ​​clouds. Facts have always proved that the distance range that a messenger can sense far exceeds him.
"Go in!"
All the aliens have been gathered around, Yun Hai decisively issued a spiritual command.
Of course, it was only an order, and he was not so arrogant that he was arrogant enough to dictate the alien's upcoming hunt when the enemy was unknown.
Attacking according to instinct, every alien can do its best, not to mention that there is a very powerful queen in his bones.
Leaning down, thirty acid-spraying aliens headed their heads and quickly rushed to the underground parking lot.
Behind them, the warlord-like lynx alien followed closely behind them, not hurriedly or slowly.
The alien queen of the spider trembles with a huge kiss, and makes a low, inaudible neigh.
The sickle-like palate was nodded, as if in response to the spider alien queen, the tiger armor alien ran away with other messengers.
Instead of keeping up with the Lynx Alien, the Tiger Alien led a team of messengers to the distance.
Presumably, they wanted to go in a circuitous way and outflank the way back. Yun Hai looked at the queen face bug on the alien crocodile lizard around him.
The gorgeous and textured bone cover lightly moved, and the spider alien queen sent out a mental communication. After receiving a positive response from Yunhai, it rushed into the underground parking lot like a lightning.
When it completely rushed into the underground parking lot, Yun Hai followed the only messenger around him.
His speed is not fast-an opponent who can be recognized by the Spider Alien Queen, who dare not say that the land is broken, at least the flesh and blood are absolutely indispensable.
As far as his own human body is, the damage of that degree is estimated to be disabled if touched, and dead if touched.
The distance is not far, even if the speed is deliberately slowed down, it didn't take long for Yunhai to rush into the underground parking lot.
"Boom boom..."
As soon as his front foot stepped into the parking lot, a violent collision sounded from far away, mixed with a lot of broken flesh and blood.
Immediately afterwards, the fierce fighting sound that can be imagined just by listening to the sound, including a large number of sharp blasts like a whip.
I couldn’t help but speed up, and rushed in no more than fifty or sixty meters. After a large number of humanoid lights appeared in the alienated perception, he spied an unusually huge light and shadow of life, and felt the familiar breath, the sea of ​​clouds. His face couldn't help but fade.
Taking off the hunting bow and taking out a long arrow, Yunhai took out a small rechargeable lamp from his backpack, tore off the cloth strips of his sleeves and tied it to the arrow, then turned on the rechargeable lamp switch and quickly shot it out.
"call out!"
With a harsh whistling sound, the long arrow flew straight out for hundreds of meters, and then it pierced into the height of the parking lot column.
With the trembling charging lights shining, and instantly seeing the situation of the underground parking lot, Yunhai's face turned pale with no trace of blood.
In the underground parking lot, there are three or four hundred mutants, and they are fighting the aliens in a and tragic fight.
Basically the same as the mutants Yunhai saw in Yangshan County, the evolution of these mutants is clearly developing in two directions.
One is the giant, the height and body become bigger, the strength is incredible.
One is agility, which is no different from a normal human body, and is more accustomed to walking forward with his limbs on the ground, with an extraordinary speed.
Of course, there are only three or four hundred mutants, and even if the number is doubled, the sea of ​​clouds will not be bloodless.
What really surprised him and even horrified him was the behemoth among the large group of mutants...
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