Chapter 70: Biochemical soldier

The sharp neighing sound penetrated the heavy concrete wall of the basement, through the rain curtains, and resounded over the city a with an extremely angry and violent mood.
At this moment, the survivors who were stubbornly living in every corner of city a were awakened.
With trembling and trepidation, except for those who had been completely numb, almost everyone was frightened, and there was no more sleepiness.
Not long after he fell asleep with his eyes closed, he was awakened by a sharp abnormal sound, and Captain Qi Yuanqi suddenly jumped up from the sofa.
Almost at the same time, there was a violent crash at the door of the mall, Qi Yuan's expression changed, and he grabbed the submachine gun beside him and ran out.
The huge container shook violently, and even the heavy trucks swayed wildly.
The violent impact sounded continuously, as if the sleeping beast awakened and was about to rush out.
Coupled with bursts of roar from deep in the throat, the monstrous fierce and terrifying aura, like a tangible wave, spread in all directions.
The muzzle of the black hole of the four infantry fighting vehicle machine guns moved, locking the violently oscillating container, and the driver in the vehicle was full of horror.
More soldiers attached to various firearms surrounded the container from afar. Everyone had a numb scalp. Under the pressure of terror and arrogance, their breathing became short.
"Can't control it?"
Qiu Lei and the others, who rushed over from a distance, waved their hands to prevent them from trying to come closer. Qi Yuan was surprised and anxious, but didn't know what to do.
Among the secret orders, that thing is the most important existence. If you cannot be 100% sure that you have lost control, you must not attack.
The torrential rain poured all over his body, and his heart was extremely cold. Qi Yuan himself couldn't tell whether his forehead kept rolling off, whether it was sweat or rain.
The container that was originally just vibrating suddenly appeared one by one. When the comforting sound became sharp, some kind of mechanical idling sound suddenly sounded...
"Vulcan Cannon! Get down!"
Upon hearing this sound, Qi Yuan's face turned green, and he opened his mouth and yelled, and at the same time, he lay straight on the ground like a wooden stake.
"Boom boom boom..."
Before his words fell, the dull gunfire sounded, and the thickened alloy container that was enough to lock a B-class mutant beast was shot through, and a violent wave of bullets poured out.
Several soldiers standing on the east side of the container had no time to react and were hit by the metal frenzy.
A shot on the body is a blood hole.
The limbs were hit and torn apart.
His head was like a watermelon, but it was shot into a ball of minced meat.
Penetrating the alloy container, penetrating the soldier's body, the metal frenzy still flew out with terrifying kinetic energy.
Hundreds of meters away, the car was trembling and jumping, the leaves of the bushes were flying around, and the bricks were splashing on the hard concrete wall.
In less than a second, the metal frenzy ignored all obstacles and was invincible.
When the gunfire turned into an idling sound, blood flowed into a river on the east side of the container.
Of the seven soldiers in that direction, only one of the right leg was broken from the hip, still alive, screaming heartbreakingly.
The east side of the container, which was battered by bullets, was suddenly knocked out of a hole. When a huge shadow rushed out...
"Da da da da..."
A soldier whose soul was completely eroded by fear, subconsciously squeezed the trigger of the machine gun, and a shuttle bullet flew out and hit the huge body.
Either the bullet was flew by the firm and hard scale armor, or it was sparked, and it didn't penetrate the monster's shell at all.
"Stop, don't shoot at all!"
Inside the container, an unusually sharp sound sounded.
"Don't shoot!"
Qi Yuan yelled almost at the same time.
With a sound of "peng", the huge monster took a step and reached the soldier.
Bean's big rain washed down the soldier's pale cheeks, and his legs felt soft as he looked at those cold and cruel red eyes.
In the dry voice, the monster's huge head poked out.
The blood-red eyes like light bulbs were full of indifference to life, and the blood bowl opened his mouth, biting the soldier who was panicked and wanted to turn around and escape.
The sharp teeth intertwined like guillotines closed, and the submachine gun in the soldier's hand was still flaming. The whole person was bitten into two pieces from the waist, and blood surged.
Swallowing half of the corpse in one bite, the monster's thick limbs waved, and in the fearful eyes of more soldiers, he turned his body and ran to the west.
The thick tail, which was longer than the body, swung away the armored transport vehicle blocking the intersection, and the huge body plunged straight into the darkness.
Few people can even see what it looks like in the dark. The only memory is that it leaves a bitter horror and violent blood.
"Chasing! Chase me!"
The monster had disappeared, and a dark figure stumbled out of the gap where the container had crashed.
The ugly face was like the necromancer in the magic movie, the man's face was extremely pale.
He was bald without half of his eyebrows, his eyes were extraordinarily large, but their eyeballs were strangely green.
The head is extremely big, and the top of the head with sparse hair seems to be growing protruding sarcomas.
"Chasing? Can you guarantee that after we catch up, it won't shoot us? That modified Vulcan gun, using armor-piercing shells."
Six elite fighters died and one was seriously injured. Qi Yuan didn't know whether it was fear or anger, and his face was completely distorted.
"It was stimulated by the sound just now, and it fell into madness for the time being. After finding it, I will control it..."
"I'm not an almighty master, I can only control it within a certain distance. If it runs away, or something happens. It's not a pity for a captain in your area to die, even your base will be bloodbathed."
"This is not an ordinary biochemical warrior. This is the B-grade biochemical soldier created by the master with great effort. Do you know how valuable it is?"
The strange man looked at Qi Yuan, his voice was like a rusty knife against friction.
"In that case, why don't you chase it?"
The rain kept scouring his face, his face was uncertain, Qi Yuan looked at the strange man's eyes, and wanted to breathe fire.
"I'm just a psychiatric experimenter, not a biochemical warrior, and I don't have strong power and fierce physique. Do you think I can catch up with it alive in this dangerous city?"
The weird became impatient, his eyes fixed on Qi Yuan like wildfire.
After gritting his teeth, Qi Yuan yielded after all, turning around and quickly arranged.
The soldier whose thigh was broken was carried down, and more than 30 soldiers boarded four infantry fighting vehicles and the only remaining armored transport vehicle.
After Qiu Lei and the others got on the car, Qi Yuan and the stranger got on the leading infantry fighting vehicle. The engine roared and the convoy immediately drove towards Xicheng District.
"What it is?"
Inside the fourth infantry fighting vehicle, Liu Biao tremblingly asked.
"The body looks like a crocodile, but it has a huge human-like head. The hind limbs are thick and powerful, and the front limbs are as narrow and flexible as ape arms.
"It can talk, and it is carrying a Vulcan cannon. In the black metal box on its back, I don't know how many bullets are loaded."
Qiu Lei responded softly, her face was very ugly.
"Biochemical soldier? Almighty master? Psycho-experimental body? We are here wrong, too wrong..."
Without any scruples about the driver who was driving the infantry chariot, a look of fear appeared in Qiu Lei's eyes.
"What do you mean?"
Liu Biao was still filling the monster's body shape in his mind, and when he heard the eldest sister say this, he couldn't help but asked with a trembled mouth.
"The cleaning of the base seven days ago must have something to do with this biochemical monster."
"Qi Yuan may not even know it. We came to City A this time, but some of the big figures above, or the so-called omnipotent masters, wanted to test the abilities of this biochemical soldier monster."
"It's okay for the monster to not have an accident. We may be subject to a sealing ban, or it may be cleared directly. If it has an accident, it will definitely be the military's thunder and iron blood method to greet us, including his Qi Yuan."
Speaking slowly, Qiu Lei held the heavy sniper in her arms tightly, as if that cold metal gun could give her a sense of security.
"Now thinking about so many things to do, it's better to think about what's in Xicheng District? What caused the shrill scream that came from afar? It can make some biochemical soldiers out of control."
The fourth old Bai Feng roared, his handsome face especially pale.
The others looked at each other, panic spreading in the narrow space, and the air seemed to freeze.
ps: Thank you book friend 080704152632899 for your support. There is a classified recommendation on the 26th. These days are tantamount to streaking. Please collect and recommend all support!
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