Chapter 718: Letter bird transport fleet

A war across a star system, because of its scope, cannot end in a short time.
What's more, the purpose of this joint operation initiated by the Mogo tribe and the Crocodile is to destroy all aliens in the Orr star system.
This will inevitably be a protracted war.
In this context, the transportation line has become a very important existence.
Fighting is fighting resources and logistics.
This sentence is true on the earth, and it is also reasonable to put it in the Moyun River System.
The transportation line numbered "a-3542" is a relatively secret and safe transportation route developed by the Silver Dragon Empire fleet after a lot of tedious and thorough calculations and finally combined with the current situation of Orr Star.
At this moment, under the leadership of six large transport ships the size of a cruiser, a transport fleet full of materials, munitions, and more than 30,000 elite human soldiers is transporting from the "a-3542" at the speed of light. The line is rapidly approaching towards the Orr star system.
"It is expected to be close to the edge of the Orr star system after ten minutes."
"The program is set up, and the power engine shuts down after a while."
"Understood, after six hours, the reverse engine is turned on, and when it is expected to reach the edge of the Orr star system, the transport fleet will enter normal speed."
On the cabin bridge of the main console of the large transport ship at the head of the transport fleet, I heard the staff's somewhat undisturbed reports. The captain of the transport fleet named "Letter Bird", his solemn expression is about to turn into a cloud. Up.
Deschier has a magical ability, and that is his perception.
Although this perception is not accurate every time, nor does it appear every time you need it, Deschier still thinks he has superpowers.
Premonition, in Deschier's life, he encountered at least three fatal dangers.
But with this uncontrollable magical ability, he has escaped three times.
Such an ability, if it is controllable and agile enough, then Deschier can't be just the captain of a transport ship.
Transport ships and battleships sounded just a few words different, but they were the difference between heaven and earth.
Deschier's dream since he was a child was to be a warship pilot, but his dream changed after his command was affirmed.
To be a commander of a battleship, even a cruiser, is enough.
However, the prediction of danger was just like a woman's mood, Deschier could never grasp it.
In addition, the huge Silver Dragon Empire occupies dozens of resource star systems and nearly a hundred life planets. The Imperial Military Academy graduates millions of commanders and officers every year.
Compared with them, Deschier's only advantage may be more experience.
Therefore, Deschier could only continue to stay in the transport fleet until his superior recommended to a higher superior before he retired, that he became the commander of the "letter bird" transport fleet.
If you are not satisfied, you can only do this.
There is no outstanding military talent, nor the ability to strategize and win thousands of miles like those generals, and there is no superb warship driving skills.
The only thing Deschier can do is to lead the "Birds" transport fleet to and from the major bases and different fleets, and supplement all kinds of materials and munitions needed by the fleet to warships of all sizes.
Of course, during the war, the "trust bird" transport fleet, known as "ubiquitous" and "ubiquitous", will also send batches of fighters into space to supplement different fleets. .
"The detector is fully powered on. Don't rush forward. This is the magic cave and Yuanze. I want you to confirm the safety ahead."
Finally, when the composite metal baffle outside the observation window slid away silently after the fleet exited the speed of light, Deschier, who felt more and more disturbed, gave the order.
Outside the window, the misty light and shadow gradually became clear.
Although the transport fleet was still on the edge of the desolate and lonely and somewhat chaotic Auer star system at this time, Deschier felt that countless pairs of cold and cruel eyes locked on them in all directions.
In theory, this is impossible.
The empire's fleet passed by here not long ago. They checked all hidden dangers and determined the safety of this desolate starry sky.
If these are not determined, the large-scale "signal bird" transport fleet cannot take this route.
From this distance, Orr's star is no longer so blazing.
At this distance, there are only icy meteorites and celestial bodies in all directions.
Because the star's light is no longer strong and dazzling, the surrounding area looks extremely dark.
The endless darkness seemed to swallow everything.
The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, Deschier's heart began to beat violently, and an extreme panic surrounded him.
Obviously the hands and feet are cold, and my heart is extremely cold.
But on Deschier's forehead, there were still big beads of sweat oozing out.
"What's wrong? Commander! Are you okay?"
Came over with a cup of fragrant bitterness. Seeing the captain's abnormal appearance, the tall and thin-legged secretary asked strangely.
"in danger!"
"Speed ​​up, speed up."
"The engine is fully open, don't consider the momentary load."
"Leave here, leave here immediately."
The secretary's voice seemed to have awakened Deschier, his face was bruised and he almost roared.
I don't know what happened, the staff still showed excellent military literacy, and after a brief consternation, they quickly operated under the command of the captain.
"Didi di..."
Just then, the harsh alarm sounded.
At the same time, the mechanized voice of the battleship Zhinao also rang.
"A large number of unknown objects were found, and they were rushing towards the fleet."
"Warning, there is a huge obstacle ahead. If you accelerate now, it is expected to hit in six seconds."
"The impact assessment level is level 6, and the hull will be severely traumatized."
"A large number of unknown objects were found, and they were rushing towards the fleet."
Amidst the alarming repeated warning sounds of the brain machinery, Deschier dashed to the main console.
"Contact the fleet and tell them that we are under attack and need emergency rescue."
Anxiously shouted to the communication liaison, Deschier quickly clicked on the control light screen of the main console.
In an instant, at least ten flares were ejected by the transport ship.
From top to bottom, from left to right.
The ten flares are like ten small stars, and the burst of blazing eyes illuminates the barren starry sky.
The next moment, in the control room of the transport ship, all the people who saw everything around them through the light of the flares were completely stunned.
Uncontrollable fear and coldness caused the expressions of almost everyone to freeze instantly.
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