Chapter 825: Endless

Cut, tear.
Gather, close together.
After breaking away, Yun Hai kept repeating the same actions for dozens of seconds.
Soon, he knew it was useless to do so.
In a certain sense, Sam cannot be killed.
At least Yunhai has rarely seen a life form like it. The body can be said to have been cut into pieces, but it still maintains a strong vitality.
Sam, torn and shredded, its power aura was much weaker, but its vitality was still as strong as before.
What's even stranger is that Yunhai thought it was split, only one fragment was the absolute main body, and the others were just split bodies with vitality characteristics.
But the facts told Yunhai that he was wrong.
Every fragment he tore and cut was a Sam.
No matter the biggest or the smallest, they all have the same breath of life, and they can send out spiritual communication to the sea of ​​clouds.
"What is it? Combined life form? What does this have to do with plant civilization?"
Yun Hai felt strange.
He knew that he could no longer tear and cut it so pointlessly. Yunhai believed 100% that as long as a piece of Sam's body escaped, it would definitely survive.
What's more, it seems that as long as these fragments give up and gather together, if they flee in different directions, Yunhai will not be able to catch a few.
But now it seems that Sam clearly believes that Yunhai can't kill it, and it doesn't want to give up any of its fragments, so it does not escape.
"Stupid guy, well, I admit you are stronger than I thought."
"But what's the use? You can't kill me, even if I'm here to let you kill me for a year, I'm still me, you can't kill me at all."
"You will regret it. When Lord Tree God bites you bit by bit, I will catch your blood flowing down on one side and swallow your bone fragments."
"Of course, before that, I will kill your smaller comrades one by one, and then swallow them all."
"I will let you look at these, and I will eat them slowly in front of you."
Without giving up the "spiritual communication attack", Sam kept talking to Yunhai with different fragments.
"Are you finally scared?"
The sharp claws and tail blades kept on, and Yun Hai suddenly exchanged spirits.
Different pieces, the same Sam.
After Yunhai's spiritual communication was sent out, the thoughts of broken thoughts finally stopped.
"Haha, it's so funny."
"I will be afraid of you."
"Can you kill me?"
"Why should I be afraid?"
But in an instant, every voice rang in Yunhai's mind again.
"You didn't expect that I would break free of you, so you dare to wrap me tightly."
"You in a complete state are indeed very powerful."
"But now you can't threaten me anymore."
"I feel that the fragments of your body that have been cut apart are dissipating energy into space."
"Although the process is slow, I can be sure."
"Also, don't think I can't deal with you. I just want to make sure how much you have."
In the mental communication, he said to Sam indifferently, Yun Hai's lower body sank slightly, and at the same time the closed giant kiss opened.
A cable-like white silk thread sprayed out from under his tail vertebrae, with strong power. The white silk, which seemed thick and small compared to Yunhai's huge body, shot out angrily, and instantly stuck to it. A piece of Sam with a diameter of about ten meters.
This is a larger fragment formed by the two fragments just coming together. Without waiting for more fragments to be attached quickly, the white thread continuously ejected from under the tail of the sea of ​​clouds quickly wrapped the fragment into A zongzi.
This is Yunhai's ability after fusion of the spider alien queen's gene fragment for "spinning".
Of course, this is the first time he has used this ability in actual combat.
The spider silk ejected by the spider alien queen is stronger than a cable made of alloy.
And the sea of ​​clouds that had gained this ability, the spider silk spurted out was several times stronger than the spider alien queen.
Pure strength, the current sea of ​​clouds is the strongest among all aliens.
At this point, even the alien beasts and aliens are not comparable.
The only difference is that the use of power in battle is purer and more effective.
In the experiment, Yunhai tried that unless he used the explosive force in an instant, he would not easily break the spider silk that he sprayed.
The silk spinning organs under the tail vertebra closed, and the sharp claws of Yunhai grabbed the fragments tightly wrapped in spider silk. While pulling back to grasp, the translucent corrosive liquid violently rushed into the huge kiss. Shot out.
In the sea of ​​clouds now, the width of the giant kiss has exceeded the length of the reconnaissance ship.
Rather than spitting acid, it is more appropriate to describe it as a turbulent waterfall.
There is no cosmic vacuum without gravity and no atmosphere. This surging "horizontal" waterfall instantly submerged a large number of Sam's fragments that suddenly closed.
The light and heat of the stars illuminate this void.
Obviously, it is no better than pure water. Although part of the acid spit out from the sea of ​​clouds is evaporated, more acid is sprayed on a large number of debris.
What sounded this time was a real scream.
As Sam kept nagging, screams from the depths of his soul sounded in Yunhai's mind.
The large number of fragments that kept closing together, under the strong attack of the corrosive acid, singed bubbles that kept exploding on the surface.
When the sea of ​​clouds was spitting out acid while the skull vigorously shook, the acid like a rainstorm completely covered the void.
Almost every piece of debris is contaminated with acid, and when the rapidly diminishing fragments of singe bubbles that keep popping up and bursting are brought together, the strong corrosive acid is infected, and the infection is more. Normal fragmentation.
"Help! Ah..."
"Prince, ah... save me!"
Even accurate mental power communication can't be achieved. A large number of fragments are distorted, tremble, and melted. In the mental power cry for help by Sam's broadcast, the sharp screams are endless.
At the same time, I can't care too much anymore.
Among the large number of fragments, more fragments that were still intact were automatically peeled away, and then they flew in different directions.
Finally, Sam gave up "fitting" and began to flee desperately.
All this was in Yunhai's expectation.
He had anticipated Sam's escape as early as the spitting acid worked.
The huge body revolved around the vast void like lightning, and in the process, a large amount of acid was spit out by him.
In the void space, the constantly evaporating acid enveloped the entire space.
Pieces of large and small pieces were all stained with corrosive acid.
In the rapid flight, a large number of fragments expanded and burst as the singe bubble burst, and finally dragged a pus-like thing in the void, either evaporated by the light and heat of the star, or frozen into ice beads. (.)
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