Chapter 831: Fallen leaves return to their roots

Agate star, sleepless tonight.
This planet has only 10% of the land, almost all concentrated in one area, so when you look from space, it looks like a chain of agate necklaces on islands, and the lights are bright at this time.
Electronic fireworks bloomed in the void.
Although more people don't know what happened, it was only when the Military Ministry proposed to host a grand welcoming ceremony to welcome the Black Wing Fleet back to Onyx Star with the glory of victory, the entire Onyx Star was completely boiling.
The Silver Dragon Empire needed a grand victory to stimulate it.
The empire does not need to consider the feelings of the people, but they have to hesitate the thinking of the imperial soldiers.
Alien invasion, the emergence of plant civilization, including news of the emergence of wandering civilization that began to spread in the military.
The morale of the imperial soldiers suffered heavy blows time and time again.
This time the victory was nothing short of a blow to the military of the Silver Dragon Empire.
Because of the visit of the sea of ​​clouds, all the residents on Onyx have learned that the alien civilization will join forces with the Silver Dragon Empire.
This is also impossible, because the sea of ​​clouds and aliens are about to descend on this planet earlier, and the empire is afraid that the ignorant people will attack the aliens because of panic, resulting in an unexpected situation in the first formal meeting.
The residents of Onyx know it, but more people in other star systems in the empire don't.
For the time being, the empire has not considered spreading the news completely, but only the transmission of information within the military has already explained the problem.
The part of the soldiers who had previously opposed joint operations with the aliens, after learning that the Blackwing Fleet and the aliens had achieved an absolute victory in the first war with the plant civilization, that part of the soldiers finally changed their attitude.
Of course, the ordinary people of Onyx Star are not clear about these.
They don't even know how terrifying the plant civilization that the empire has deliberately downplayed. Ordinary people only know that with the cooperation of alien civilization, the empire's Black Wing Fleet has achieved a crucial victory after paying a certain price.
The land area is small, resulting in the limited land and cities on the Onyx star inhabiting too many people.
At this moment, every city and every street is a boiling crowd.
In the city, in the wilderness, there are crowds of people everywhere.
Especially when the imperial military opened several cold storages on the planet, transported a large amount of stored drinks and food, and put them in the cities in the form of airborne by miniature transport ships, all the cities seemed to boil.
Of course, nothing is absolute.
Outside the orbit of the planet, the Black Wing Fleet that is being repaired, whether in the cold universe outside the ship or inside the battleship, is silent.
A large transport ship slowly separated from the fleet and flew towards the other hemisphere covered by the starlight.
A large number of detectors on the transport ship sent different pictures to the different light screens of all the warships of the fleet, and passed them to the secret base of Onyx Star.
The repair project of the Black Wing Fleet is urgently proceeding.
Among the large and small battleships, one by one soldiers and staff members, under the leadership of the captain and vice-ship, stood solemnly in front of different light screens.
It is the same in the secret base of Onyx Star, everyone's face is full of solemnity.
The transport ship soon reached the outer space of the hemisphere covered by stellar illumination.
In the passionate "Ode to Empire" music, the cargo ship's hatch slowly opened.
The corpses wrapped in the sky blue flag kept flying into the universe.
The national flag and the stiff military uniform made of special materials quickly evaporate under the intense light and heat radiation of the star moxibustion.
For those thousands of corpses who died soon, their body fluids were heated rapidly in a short period of time, boiling and evaporating quickly.
In the end, a corpse exploded until it was completely evaporated and disappeared.
In the Silver Dragon Empire, there was no such concept of "being safe in the land".
Especially in the fleet, whenever someone dies, this seemingly cruel funeral has become a routine.
"Why do we have to use this method?"
Agate Star is located in a secret base on a remote island, and Zhihan couldn't help asking as he watched thousands of corpses explode like a chain reaction in the light screen.
"What would you do in your home planet civilization?"
Li Daogu slowly put down his hand on his chest, he looked at Zhi Han after the military salute was over.
"There is a doctrine in our religious religion that says this. The original sentence is very awkward and I will not say it. It means that after death, just like fallen leaves will return to their roots, they will always return to their hometowns, whether they are buried. Only when people are buried in the sky, buried in the ground, or buried in the sea can people rest completely with their flexibility."
"It is this doctrine that has solved the problem of work for hundreds of millions of humans in my home planet civilization. At every moment of every day, many dying people or corpses are sent to his home planet from different star regions. ."
"Our home planet civilization once had a famous scientist who once complained that this was a huge waste of resources, but after the temple sent a servant to contact him, he did not raise this issue again."
Zhi Han responded in a flat tone.
"Temple, what institution? What organization? Can influence a great scientist?"
Li Daogu was a little strange.
"Falling leaves...return to root!"
At the same time, Yunhai murmured.
His gaze flicked over the transporting ship on the light screen, and looked at the stars that were farther away.
Those stars, like familiar eyes, were blinking and staring at him.
"The temple, in our civilization, is a sacred and inviolable authority above the imperial power. The overlapping of the thrones must be approved by the pope. You can understand if I say this."
Zhihan explained earnestly, and at the same time walked to Yunhai's side, reaching out and holding his hand.
Li Daogu's eyes paused on the hands held by Zhihan and Yunhai, and then moved away.
He smiled at Zhihan and said nothing.
It's just that his eyes are still full of incredible.
I don't know if I can't believe that a temple can affect the emperor's power, or I can't believe that the well-known princess of the entire empire has taken the initiative to hold the hand of the alien master.
"I'm fine."
The light screen flashed into black, feeling Zhihan's warm little hands clenching his hands slightly, feeling her concerned gaze, Yun Hai grinned at her reluctantly.
Looking at the transparent steel glass wall in front of him, Yun Hai waited patiently.
Behind the steel glass wall in front of him is a huge space.
Sam's body fragments exist in a peculiar structure at this time.
It is in an independent space, and outside this space, a three-dimensional space is formed by special composite metals that are not corroded by abnormal blood.
The space is filled with extremely corrosive blood of the alien.
Sam may be able to break through the sealed cage made of composite metal, but no matter which direction it breaks through, it will inevitably be exposed to alien blood.
This cage was made exclusively for Sam.
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