Chapter 845: Beast planet

"He really dismissed us like that?"
"He has so many aliens, not to mention, even thousands of them."
"Thousands of aliens, to him, are like a grain of sand on a planet, how can he be like this!"
Looking at the closed metal door in front of me, the sound of footsteps fading away could no longer be heard. Alice knew that it was best not to say anything, but after all, she couldn't help muttering angrily.
"Stop talking, don't say anything."
After touching his nose, Prince Li Daogu gave a wry smile, then turned around and wanted to leave.
At this moment, the metal door that had just been closed opened silently, and Zhi Han, who looked a little tired, walked out.
"At least ten cruisers. Make sure that half of them are equipped with atomic cannons."
"The number of assault ships and reconnaissance ships is up to you. Anyway, these warships may not even be able to disrupt the line of sight."
"Three days, wait another three days, if nothing happens, we will go there."
Li Daogula pulled Alice, and the two stood aside and politely gave up the passage. When the former smiled and nodded, Zhi Han stood in front of him and said something.
The appropriate smile turned into a surprise, and a slightly excited Li Daogu reacted, putting on a solemn expression and asked, "You?"
"Yes, Alien Master, me and Yunyue, we will all go."
Zhi Han moved and walked away.
"This is not right..."
Li Daogu frowned, caught up with Zhi Han in two steps, and said, "This time is no better than last time. We are only in the Camel River star system adjacent to the Mongosrit star system controlled by them. A small number of contacts."
"This time, we are going to their base camp, to their lair."
"In fact, you don't have to go personally. What we need this time is only intelligence. After more careful discussion, we will decide whether to launch a general attack or when."
Li Daogu's tone was full of sincerity.
After yawning lazily, Zhihan walked to the door of his room and opened the door and walked in. When the door was closed, he said, "This is not my decision. If you have any questions, talk to him. I am very tired now. I have to take a break, sorry."
Saying "I'm sorry", Zhi Han didn't give Li Daogu and Alice a chance to speak any more, so he closed the door.
"Finally it makes sense."
Alice said excitedly.
She didn't care about Zhihan's attitude, even if she had always had a slight hostility towards this "little star".
Zhi Han was obviously really tired, her fatigue was obvious, and her whole person seemed to have completely lost the vitality of the past.
With a heavy sigh, Li Daogu turned and quickly followed the passage to the stairs leading to the ground.
"what happened?"
Alice didn't understand why his expression was still so heavy, and asked inexplicably after a few steps to catch up.
"We just asked him to send some aliens. In case the reconnaissance fleet fails, he may not be able to escape some of his aliens and bring back some precious intelligence information."
"He can't go, have you ever thought about it, if he died in the Mongoslite star system, at least 560 million aliens, maybe there are more aliens we don't know, they are out of control, What does it mean to us?"
Li Daogu explained in a low voice.
Alice stayed, and then reacted.
Ascending the stairs quickly, Li Daogu didn't even pay back the military salute to the elite special forces outside as usual, but hurriedly walked to the apron outside the underground research room.
The gray sky, like a boulder, weighed heavily on Li Daogu's heart.
While boarding the assault ship, when a sharp neigh blew abruptly, Li Daogu suddenly looked back at the underground research institute that was tightly surrounded by three thousand special forces.
"Since he moved here, this is the 36th time."
A special forces team member saw His Royal Highness beckoning, and immediately ran over and said sharply.
"Thirty-six times!"
Li Daogu was startled slightly, he subconsciously looked at Alice.
"It's this sound, absolutely correct. I don't know how many times I've heard it. When the alien larva is born after breaking through the host's body, it will make this exceptionally sharp neighing sound."
Alice said without a doubt.
"Does he still need to go out hunting every day?"
Li Daogu looked at the special forces member and asked.
The young special forces team nodded and replied: "He usually doesn't go out. Most of the time, it's the girl who always wears a wicked smile and comes out with an alien. Every day, day and night, he will catch a lot of evil beast."
Speaking of this, a sound rang from the tiny ear veins in the pierced ears of the special forces. He tilted his head slightly, and then said to Li Daogu: "Come back, before your Royal Highness, there are three Hundreds of aliens have just left, and I have just received information from the combat intelligence room, and they will be back soon."
Li Daogu nodded, his gaze followed the direction the special forces member pointed.
Under the gloomy sky, a shadow quickly approached.
But within a few breaths, they flew here from the boundless mountains in the distance.
Li Daogu vaguely saw the large and small shadows in the giant nets, and the aliens with the giant nets on their hind limbs quickly fell to the back of the underground research room.
A different roar sounded, stern and painful.
Obviously, these sounds are not made by aliens.
"Your mission is to prevent countless beasts on this planet from attacking the underground research institute. As for what you are doing inside or what comes out, it doesn't belong to your jurisdiction."
"Also, don't attack any aliens. Even if they attack you under certain special circumstances, you can't fight back. You can only contact him as quickly as possible."
Li Daogu really wanted to know why it has been ten days since Yunhai captured a number of beasts that are definitely not a small number, but only parasitized the birth of thirty new aliens, but he obviously went back to discuss the countermeasures with King Roco and others. More importantly, he gave a serious command to the special forces, and then walked into the hatch.
Obviously, it was not the first time that the special forces team received such a ridiculous order. He saluted the military salute, and then quickly ran off the ship ladder.
The assault ship flew up and began to accelerate with the sound of the powerful tail flame jet of the engine.
With a clear sound, on the top of the mountain in the other direction, a shadow suddenly flew up and slammed into the assault ship.
"Determining the target is the third-level fierce beast electric wing beast."
"The second time I confirmed, the target is not alien."
In the cockpit, two different voices sounded one after another.
Immediately afterwards, the assault ship opened fire.
The particles flashed at the speed of light, directly hitting the huge shadows on the wings shining with electric light.
In a stern wailing, the huge shadow slanted toward the ground.
"It's really a planet of fierce beasts. With so many aliens occupying this place, there are even fierce beasts appearing nearby."
The driver said with emotion, and then pushed the engine to accelerate with all his strength, and jumped toward the cumulus clouds in the sky.
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