Chapter 872: Push forward

Yun Hai saw Lingzi's close combat style for the first time.
If he had to use one sentence to describe it, it might be more appropriate for him to be poor.
The long-range attacking spirit, energy shells can easily kill aliens.
But when the Alien was close, there seemed to be a variety of spirits, even if their attack methods were unbelievable, but the attack damage caused by the Alien was completely different from what Yun Hai imagined.
Lingzi's close attacks can be roughly divided into several types.
One is an attack similar to a vine. Some spirits grow countless thick vine tentacles like an octopus. No matter if they strike or entangle their attacks, they still look majestic.
There is also a part of Lingzi's body that is completely a thick vine. Compared with Lingzi with vine tentacles, their attacks are sharper, even if a guard alien is entangled by them, if not in the shortest time Killing the vine spirit child, even the guard aliens will be cut in half by their tremendous force.
Furthermore, it is a short-range jet attack. Whether it is spraying irregular things like seeds, or spikes, explosive balls, etc., the roundabout, close-in breathing attacks of this group of souls have caused a certain amount of aliens. hurt.
Very sharp, the speed and power of these jet attacks surpassed the bullets of the high-speed-fire cannon.
Yunhai even saw a cone thorn sprayed out by a black spirit like a giant trumpet flower. The cone thorn not only penetrated the chest of a guard alien, but also smashed a thin messenger alien in half.
There is also a fruit that will explode, it comes from a tree-shaped structure of the soul.
On the main trunk of Jumanji, the surface layer is a soft substance similar to rubber.
Its rhizomes are very developed, hanging down like a waterfall.
The canopy-like branches stretched vigorously, and among the leaves that looked more like solar panels, there were countless durian-like fruits hanging.
Surrounded by a group of weird spirits, this spirit's attack method is very peculiar. The thick and long rhizome plucks fruit after it does not need to aim, and then slams into the alien group fiercely.
I don't know what detonation method is used, when these fruits are close to the alien shape, they will explode violently.
It doesn't look like a fruit at all, it's just a high-energy bomb.
There is no energy light, and nothing special.
After these fruits with a radius of about ten meters explode, they will completely clear a void of space within a range of about a hundred meters in diameter.
The power is extremely tough, whether it is the guard alien with the strongest defense, or the messenger alien with the worst defense.
In the face of this weird and terrifying fruit explosion, there is no difference in their defenses.
In a fundamental sense, such an attack cannot be regarded as a close attack.
However, considering that the war takes place in the vast outer space, compared to those energy projectiles that easily span millions of kilometers, this kind of attack method that spans tens of thousands of meters can no longer be close.
Other melee attack methods are not too unusual and sharp.
For example, some spore-like spirits attacked by plasma cannonballs, or directly attacked with limbs sharper than a sharp sting, or spewed corrosive liquids.
If the enemy of these souls is a human fleet, or space mecha, perhaps their attacks can still make the enemy chaotic.
It is a pity that they are facing aliens, and so far in close combat, there has never been a rival alien.
It is purely a repressive attack. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the alien has been advancing swiftly and firmly, and has never stopped.
Doing everything to extremes, alien attacks are pure and effective.
With a violent collision, the messenger alien, who is not afraid of life and death, can even smash a soul who is several dozen times the size of it.
The sharp claws flicked and shredded, and the tail blade kept reaping life like black lightning.
The huge kiss hissed and swallowed, and the inner nest teeth violently ejected.
In the vacuum of the universe, there was no sound.
But no one would doubt the severity of the war that is taking place in this starry sky.
Almost every minute and every second, thousands of aliens die.
At the same time, Lingzi, an enemy several times larger than the alien, also died in silence.
"I don't know if there is a brood in the starry sky of Carlo!"
The sea of ​​clouds that entered the battlefield simply gave up the attack of the sharp claw and the tail blade. He regarded this war as a drill and threw a gravitational ball that he had never stopped when he was leisurely.
The round metal gravitational ball, with terrifying speed, hit a path in the endless army of souls.
Even the most defensive alien beasts and aliens can't resist the gravitational ball attack controlled by all the power of Yunhai, let alone these incomparably weak spirits.
The largest ship that could be produced by Level 3 technology was eventually shredded and reorganized by a gravity bomb, and turned into a gravitational ball the size of a human head.
This is just the initial gravitational ball. After the alliance with the Silver Dragon Empire, every time the sea of ​​clouds reaches a star system, it will ask where the largest garbage disposal site in this star system is.
With the help of the Silver Dragon Empire, whether it is a large amount of waste garbage, or heavier and more waste metals.
The Empire paid thousands of precious gravity bombs to create a unique gravitational ball for Yunhai.
According to the estimation by scientists of the Yinlong Empire, the mass of this gravitational ball has reached an astonishing number of one trillion tons.
Even the current sea of ​​clouds and alien beasts and aliens, if they have no skill, reaching out and slamming the gravitational ball will have the same result.
The gravitational ball will pass through the bony armor, tendons and skeletal tissues of the sea of ​​clouds and alien beasts until it disappears from the back of the giant claw.
More often, they are actually alien animals with gravitational balls.
Ever since it was discovered that Alien Beasts are particularly interested in it, regardless of whether the Gravity Ball has any effect on the re-evolution of Alien Beasts, Yunhai has the idea of ​​killing mistakes and never let it go, so he gave the Gravity Ball to it in his leisure time during practice. .
This is also the reason why alien beasts and aliens often don't like to stay on the surface of the planet, but stay in the universe outside the orbit of the planet.
Even if it has to land on the surface of the planet because of something, it will leave the gravitational ball in the planet's orbit, and then take it away when it leaves.
If a gravitational ball of such a terrifying mass is brought to the surface of the planet, let alone the alien beasts and aliens that cannot be controlled, even if it can be controlled, 100% will cause geological disasters.
The most perfect way to manipulate the gravitational ball is actually the best mental power or psychic power.
However, even Zhihan couldn't control the gravitational ball with his psionic energy, Yunhai couldn't control it freely now.
After practicing for a very long time, now he can only control the direction of the gravitational ball with his mental power, and he is not flexible enough, let alone use it flexibly.
But if the opponents are just ordinary spirits, Yun Hai feels that even if his operation is rough, it is enough.
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