Chapter 884: Wo Huo

After leaving the planet "m-7" in the shortest amount of time and floating in the pitch-black universe, Prius suddenly stopped moving.
Fei Lun also stopped shortly thereafter, until Totomi caught up, he couldn't help asking: "Should you tell Lord Tree God?"
"You think I can find it, but adults don't feel it?"
Price responded irritably.
Totomi shrank his neck and stopped talking.
There was silence for a long while, and for a long time, Price turned around and flew towards the planet "m-7" again.
"Should we stand still?"
Soon after catching up with it, Totomi asked strangely in the mental communication.
"My lord doesn't order, we don't need to pay attention."
Price responded casually.
Hearing it said that, Totomi was speechless.
As a result, Philon began to fly to the city that had mostly disappeared, preparing to turn on the gravitational vortex mode again, and Prius' roots pierced into a dozen or so dumb souls, and at the same time, the root stems were connected to the energy pipes. together.
It was almost late at night, and an energy extraction had just been completed. Totomi, who was digesting and absorbing energy, looked bored at the void.
It's like looking into the night sky through a high-power radio telescope. Today's Tomomi can see far, far away with only one pair of eyes.
The boring time passed by every minute.
The tree gave no orders, and Totomy, who was full of expectation, sat leaning on the soft energy channel, completely bored.
Suddenly, his eyes opened completely round.
At the same time he stood up abruptly, Phelan and Prius apparently also found anomalies.
In the shining galaxy sky, a few bright lights appeared.
Although not conspicuous enough, it is also enough to snoop.
"I remember the Frozen Zone at the edge of the Mongosrit star system. We didn't arrange the soul?"
Knowing better than anyone else, the bright light originated from the explosion of a nuclear fission bomb within a relative distance, but Totomi did not understand what the fleet was at war with.
"The spaceships were not attacked. They exploded suddenly during the flight."
"Also, the other spaceships obviously knew the spaceships were going to explode, and they moved away early."
"Tottomi, this is your civilization, tell me, what are they doing?"
Price looked at Totomy.
"Signal, this is a group of signals, representing the transmission of information."
As soon as the possibility of fighting was ruled out, Totomi reacted instantly.
"The transmission of information? A group of cowardly guys who dare not fight, or even dared to come and take a look at it up close, only using this primitive method to transmit information is ridiculous."
Price seemed to have forgotten how he was injured, and his tone was full of contempt.
"Use the light from the explosion of the nuclear fission giant bomb to combine to transmit information..."
Totomi actually wanted to admire it more, but considering Prius' mood, he immediately changed his original intention.
"It's really useless, Lord God, is the fleet still moving here?"
Without Prius's skills, Totomi wanted to know the whereabouts of the fleet, so he could only ask with a smile.
"Well, I want to see where they can go."
Price was full of resentment in his tone.
Has ever suffered such a frustration, fought with the tree for so many years, and crossed how many galaxies, Prius has never been so frustrated.
A civilization that was stronger than the Silver Dragon Empire in the past, Prius almost died several times when fighting with them.
But it was different then. The mighty tree does not ask how many enemies there are, and no matter how strong the enemy is, even if it loses temporarily, it can fight back fiercely in the shortest time.
But now, just getting in touch with human technology and civilization, and even before a formal war, the tree god's reaction is so unbearable.
In the same time, the tree was enough to complete the construction of the "heterogeneous brood" three times.
But it is still staying on the planet "m-5", it is not like building a "heterogeneous brood" at all, but is boringly completing a perfect giant craft.
Philun didn't understand where Prius's grievance came from, and his round body flew away.
Totomi, who succeeded Sam as the second "Broken Mouth", immediately heard Prius's grievances, but if he dared to answer the conversation, he just didn't hear it.
The roots waved vigorously, and Prius dumped the dozen or so souls who had sucked it away.
When it was extremely unhappy, it raised its roots and was about to start again, when it suddenly broke away from the energy transport pipeline.
"The order has come, let's go."
Dragging the long roots, Price flew up suddenly.
Totomi didn't feel any abnormality. It is estimated that the tree had directly issued an order to Pris, and he didn't dare to drag it any more, so he ran after him.
When leaving the planet's orbit, Prius had already entered the speed of light.
With a fire simmering in its heart, it left Totomi and Feren far behind.
The ghost on the planet "m-5" is almost always the legendary tree god.
This important piece of information, Li Jingming decisively issued an order to let twelve transport ships detonate the huge nuclear fission bomb and relay the news.
"It's 80% possible, how do you think?"
Although the news had been delivered, Li Jingming couldn't help asking after all.
The super-intelligent voice sounded: "The ghost is not an independent living body. After repeated scans and confirmations, I think it is composed of two living bodies connected."
The stereoscopic projection of the ghost appeared again, and the Super Brain also outlined the position with a striking white aperture.
"From this point down, there is a 90% chance that this is the so-called brood, because it has been growing, albeit at a slow rate."
"From this point onwards, it is an extremely huge creature. If the brood can only be constructed by what you call the tree god, then obviously it is the tree god."
The Super Brain explains very clearly and in detail.
"Well, next, let's complete the final task."
Li Jingming agreed with the judgment of Super Brain. He stood up and glanced over the soldiers and staff.
"The news that the tree exists in the Mongoslite star system, we have passed it back."
"Now, what we have to do is to approach planet m-5 at the fastest speed."
"Cruisers and assault ships will launch attacks on the tree gods. In this process, we have to determine many things."
"How powerful is the tree god's attack? Is its defense able to withstand the bombardment of the atomic cannon? How fast is it?"
"These are what we will do."
Li Jingming said loudly.
"Understood, my lord."
"Yes, Shangguan."
The mobilization before the war had already been done when these people left Onyx Star.
They were already mentally prepared, and responded to Li Jingming with a firm voice.
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