Chapter 887: Alien Transport Group

What happened to the reconnaissance cabin team, "Radar Alien" was discovered in the first place.
In fact, when Totomi's three spirits were blocking the reconnaissance fleet, the "Radar Alien" transmitted the information to the alien team following behind.
The other "Radar Alien" that received the information relayed the information to another alien group behind them.
In this way, the transmission of information from the edge of the Mongosrit star system to the purple orchid galaxy took only a few seconds with the efforts of the "radar aliens" in a dozen alien groups.
As long as the transmission of mental power is within the allowable range, its speed is not slower than that of over-distance communication.
The Purple Blue Galaxy, which received the information from the "Cerebral Worm Alien", began to transmit the information to the Carlow star system.
It is another round of relay transmission of information. When the news finally reaches Yunhai's mind, it will only take ten seconds.
In ten seconds, across three star systems, complete information was successfully transmitted.
Yun Hai was ecstatic, he knew very well that this time was nothing compared to the empty universe.
Yes, Yunhai knows the time it takes to transmit information.
Because the No. 1 "Radar Alien" flying with the reconnaissance fleet is very smart, it adds a small piece of additional information to the information itself.
It does not have a watch, and does not know the passage of time.
However, it took the time required for the ejection of its inner nest to be the base.
One ejection of the inner nest tooth only needs zero and one second.
Most of the time, the person being attacked hadn't even seen anything abnormal, and his or his head had been shot and exploded by the alien bullet.
In the process of information transmission, an inner nest ejection is a unit, and then in the process of information transmission, other "radar aliens" accumulate this special time unit.
Finally, how many times the "Inner Nest Ejection" time unit was used for the information successfully transmitted to Yunhai's mind, Yunhai only needs to convert it.
The sea of ​​clouds that got the result, if it were now humanized, he would definitely have a satisfied smile on his face.
In fact, even if there was no such news, he was in an exceptionally good mood at this time, and he was also extremely satisfied with the scene in front of him.
The endless soul, at this time has been defeated.
Without the command of the "intelligent brain spirit", these are just spirit sons who have a certain consciousness and rely more on instinct, and they have completely become swarms of headless flies.
There is no more surging surging, nor is there any forward impact.
The densely packed Lingzi was cut into pieces by more than 40 million aliens at this time, and then was brutally wounded and killed.
The huge battlefield is divided into hundreds of thousands of large areas.
When the soul of the Carlow star system was no longer a threat, Yunhai's command became the priority of heavy damage.
Among the souls, almost 70% can be parasitic.
They are definitely the best host among all the social creatures Yunhai has seen.
Compared to them, crocodiles, who are several times stronger than humans, are weak reptiles.
Yun Hai absolutely believes that no matter how weak the spirit child is, even in the face of a fully armed crocodile man, a spirit child can easily kill dozens of crocodile men.
Of course, in critical moments, there is no problem in killing Lingzi with heavy hands under the alien.
Compared with a host and an evolutionary alien, Yunhai naturally distinguishes which head is lighter and which is heavier.
So his command is to injure as much as possible without killing Lingzi, but the command is not absolute.
In this process, alien casualties cannot be avoided.
But this is within the acceptable range of Yunhai-this is originally a shocking battle between different civilizations. Unless each alien has an absolute advantage like a different animal, casualties are impossible to avoid.
The dark space no longer looks so empty, at least this piece of space is like this.
In the silent battlefield space, there are pieces of corpses floating, including a large number of souls who have lost their ability to move and are struggling in vain.
When the number of badly wounded souls accumulates to a certain level, a "plasma alien" jumps out, splitting the pit on their backs and releasing swarms of worms.
Of course, these are only things at the edge of the battlefield.
Now, the arachnid worms carried by the limited "plasma aliens" are almost exhausted.
This is not a problem, the first generation Alien Queen, Spider Alien Queen, Ant Queen Alien Queen, Crocodile Gar Alien Queen, plus Blue Star Queen.
Five alien queens accumulated face-holding bugs for a month, and this time they were all brought over by Yunhai. This was the main reason why he participated in this reconnaissance mission.
Meet the "Tree God", the master of alien plant civilization, and by the way try to find the army of souls discovered by the Silver Dragon Empire, and then see if the face worm can parasitize them, these are the purpose of the sea of ​​clouds.
In the divided battlefield, when more and more souls were hit hard, and after the "Plasma Alien" had released all the face-holding bugs they carried, the "Alien Transport Brigade" officially appeared.
This is a special group consisting of a group of "sea beast aliens" whose host is a huge sea beast that lives on the terrible planet of "ferocious beasts".
About ten times the size of the Earth's blue whale, this sea beast is more than 300 meters long and weighs more than two thousand tons.
Their large size is not an advantage that Yunhai values.
What Yunhai fancy is their unique body structure.
This kind of sea beasts are not too numerous in the "Ferocious Beast Planet", where they like to live in groups, the number is about 60,000.
Compared with other more beast groups, this number is not much.
The living environment is very harsh, and this has allowed these sea beasts, called "cage beasts" by the Silver Dragon Empire, to develop a special organ that closely matches their name.
In the abdomen of the cage beast, an organ structure similar to a cage grows, which even occupies a quarter of its body.
The role of this cage is equivalent to the baby bag of the earth kangaroo.
Its shape is the same as a fence. After the cage beast muscles expand, it can form a completely enclosed space.
Baby caged beasts live here. The gaps in the cage ensure that they can eat. After the caged beasts close the gap, even the smallest creatures can't get in.
The only entrance and exit of the cage is controlled by a piece of muscle tissue that can contract. The cage beast can freely choose to let in and out of the cage beast in its juvenile period.
Yunhai found 30,000 caged beasts on the fierce beast planet, and the "cage beast aliens" that parasitized them were the best transport units for transporting the beasts.
Other body characteristics are not much different from ordinary aliens. The huge "cage beast aliens" have an exceptionally huge belly.
In the cage formed by the bone plate on their abdomen, from the original octopus to the spider worm, all the worms that have entered the dormant state, stay quietly in the sealed space, waiting for them patiently The host appears.
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