Chapter 898: Special energy body

After closing the remote communication connection, Yunhai looked at the portable smart brain light screen on the desktop again.
On the light screen, information about the "Aite Nebula" is still displayed.
This is the top secret information of the Silver Dragon Empire. Of course, as far as Yunhai is concerned, the Empire has no secrets at all.
When civilization is at its peak, individuals will make the right choice.
Obviously, the Silver Dragon Empire has made a choice.
"Energy body" is the definition of the so-called "radiation source" of Yunhai by Yinlong Empire scientists.
I have to say the advantages of science, Yunhai never figured out what the "radiation source" is from the beginning to the end.
The scientists of the Silver Dragon Empire obtained a relatively complete form of the "radiation source" through different detection methods.
It is about 0.1 "Pumi" in size, and the unit of "Pumi" is only one-tenth of the "nanometer" in the understanding of the earth.
The shape of the "radiation source" is very peculiar, like a virus, with a spherical body full of spikes that looks like a hairball.
Once near the "food", whether it is flesh and blood or heavy elements, they all show strong aggression.
It is not swallowing, but an invasion like infection.
When the "radiation source" comes into contact with "food", such as a piece of metal, it will disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Energy will neither be produced out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air.
The Silver Dragon Empire also believed in this view, but in the "radiation source", this law seemed to be overturned.
The substances corroded and swallowed by the "radiation source" did not make any visible changes in themselves.
For example, an increase in visible volume, or an increase in mass that is difficult to determine.
In the existing monitoring and testing instruments, they have not changed at all.
This puzzled the scientists of the Silver Dragon Empire-the only change they could detect was that these "radiation sources" became irritable after swallowing more material.
They could have coexisted peacefully, they would attack each other frantically.
The attack is still a virus-like infection.
Just like more living bodies, among them, there are obviously strong and weak individuals.
The latter will be killed and swallowed if it cannot stop and refuse the infection of the former.
Similarly, having swallowed countless "radiation sources" of the same kind, there is still no change.
Seeing this, Yunhai knew that the scientists of the Silver Dragon Empire had gotten into the tip of the horns.
In fact, the "radiation source" is always changing, whether it has swallowed food or the like.
Their changes are not reflected in the visible range at all, such as volume, mass, etc.-and in terms of mass, without capturing the "radiation source" living body, those scientists cannot be sure that it is constant in volume. Under the circumstances, has the quality increased.
The changes in "radiation sources" are reflected in their spirit or vitality.
Yunhai is 100% sure. When he observes those "radiation sources", in his mental perception, the "radiation sources" in the initial state are like candles that may be extinguished at any time.
As they swallowed more food, the light became brighter.
Especially after they killed each other, they swallowed many similar "radiation sources", and they were as bright as stars in the night sky.
"We can be sure that the energy body can emit strong radiation."
"In a safe distance, especially metal materials under the attack of radiation, its hardness and toughness can be greatly improved, that is, the most advanced composite materials in our empire are far less."
"This kind of radiation, we call it'Pai Energy'."
"Through our long-term testing, there is still a strong ‘Pai Energy’ in the depths of the Aite Nebula."
"Its radiation intensity is trillion times that of an ordinary'energy body'."
"That is to say, our main ship with the strongest protection energy, even if there is no ordinary'energy body' invaded and swallowed, at a place far from the unknown'energy body' in the sky, we don't even need it to attack, our main ship It will disintegrate and melt."
"Of course, if we can study this special energy body in detail, I believe that our Silver Dragon Empire will not only advance by leaps and bounds in material technology, but may also be able to break through the third level of technological civilization."
Seeing the conclusion of this piece of information, Yun Hai sighed in his heart, and reached out to close the light screen of the brain.
The scientist who made this report did not exaggerate the facts.
Yunhai believes that as long as he can figure out what is in the "Aite Nebula", all the aliens may be able to evolve after being stimulated by its "baptism".
"Are you okay?"
Turning off the light screen, Yun Hai sent out a spiritual exchange to Yunyue while standing up.
It took too much time to think. According to the prompt of the desktop light screen, a long time has passed since the remote meeting connection.
After such a long period of time, Yunyue, who had just left for a while, hadn't returned yet.
"Come and see for yourself, I'm not sure if something is all right."
Yunyue responded to him with a strange voice.
With a tight heart, Yun Hai turned and flashed towards the door.
First, the metal door fell to isolate the space. After Zhi Brain made a soft beep, the front door of the villa automatically slid open.
Before the main entrance completely slid open, Yunhai jumped out and stood on the smooth and huge skull like a giant whale's abnormal deck.
When he saw the sight not far away, his pupils suddenly stretched and contracted, and the whole person jumped over like lightning.
This is a gas giant planet, and all the alien shapes are now hidden in the shallow clouds of this gas giant planet.
This is the Bhikkhu galaxy, and it is not on the same plane as the Carlo star system.
It is still far away from the "Agate Star", and it is also very far away from the Carlo star system.
The approximate location of the Bhikkhu galaxy is about the center between the Carlow star system and the Onyx star.
Hidden here is not because the sea of ​​clouds or aliens need to rest.
The reason for stopping the trip was because the part of the alien that had been sweating like rain, led by the alien animal and alien, appeared abnormal.
While flying at the speed of light, they suddenly slowed down.
When Yunhai discovered the anomaly and ordered all aliens to slow down and stop, the more than 200,000 aliens led by alien beasts and aliens had already been far behind by them.
The exchange did not ask what happened. The Alien Beast only said that its body had undergone some changes, and it could not maintain the speed of light.
Other alien responses also have this meaning.
Negative reaction of Lingzi eating too much?
A sign of evolution?
Yunhai prefers to believe that it is the latter, but no matter what the reason is, it is obviously not sensible to fly at the speed of light.
At that time, Yunhai estimated that even if the tree was dispatched by himself, after the alien army changed its direction three times in a row, it might not be able to find itself, so it found a gas giant planet and hidden the alien army.
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