Chapter 901: Absolutely hard

"Aliens, this is what our laboratory calls them for the time being."
When Pullman couldn't find a suitable word, Tans raised his paw winkly and said timely.
"Well, the aliens will be their titles in the future. Our current plan is to send a hundred reconnaissance ships to the starry sky to see if we can find more useful information."
Pullman glanced at Tans approvingly and said loudly.
At this time, a paw was raised from the stands.
Depending on the situation, there are many problems.
"This is an announcement, not a discussion."
Black-robed Speaker Sarri said heavily, ignoring those clansmen who urgently wanted to speak.
"You are abusing power here."
I don't know who shouted loudly.
Gray Robe Speaker Gray smiled slightly and said: "During a special period, the speaker has a three-vote two-determination system. It just so happened that this decision was passed unanimously by the three of us, so there is no need to discuss it at the meeting."
Having said this, Gray Robe Speaker Gray nodded to the other two Speakers, and then controlled the suspended chair to float to the height of the conference room.
Black-robed Speaker Surrey and Purple-robed Speaker Pullman also followed. The three speakers ignored the angry questions and heated discussions of the members below, and entered the sliding door on the high metal wall.
The silver-white metal door was silently closed, and the chaotic noise was also shut behind the door.
The suspended chair floated about ten centimeters from the ground of the passage and began to move forward at a constant speed.
Not long after, the three speakers stopped in the middle of the passage, and under the respectful eyes of the two guards, they entered a huge experimental chamber.
Various advanced instruments are also mixed with rough instruments with exposed wires.
At this time, a human being was busy buried in that crude instrument.
On the back of his head, a palm-sized precision instrument was tightly attached to his bald head, flashing green light spots from time to time.
"How long will we see the first finished product?"
Black Robe Speaker Surrey controlled the floating chair to float to the human side, and asked with open mouth.
His cheeks were a little pale, and that human being who seemed to be in a bad state of mind was Qi Fei.
Hearing the sound of interrogation, he raised his head dullly.
The expression was very Mu Na. Compared with the past, Qi Fei at this time seemed to have been destroyed by ten hungry grudges, and his state was extremely poor.
Looking at the black-robed speaker in front of him hesitantly, Qi Fei didn't seem to hear what he said.
"how much longer?"
The black-robed speaker Sarri asked again unhappily.
Frowning for a few seconds, Qi Fei shook his head.
A trace of anger flashed on the ugly face, and the black-robed speaker Sarri changed position and looked at Qi Fei's back head, and his paw was also placed on the control light screen of the suspended chair.
"and many more……"
When Qi Fei’s face flashed deep into his bones, when he habitually stretched out his hand to hold the head that would be tortured by severe pain, the gray-robed Speaker Gray stopped it.
"In his state, where is there any efficiency in working? Nutrients can meet his physical needs, but what he lacks now is mental strength. He has been working for ten sidereal days, let him rest for a day."
Gray Robe Speaker Gray said, looking at the guard not far away.
"Did he make any special requests?"
The guard walked over and replied respectfully: "As mentioned, he provided a genetic specimen to Lab 6 and it should have been completed."
"Lab 6 is right next door. Go and see if it's done? Bring it to us if it's done."
Gray Robe Speaker Gray said with a smile.
The guard responded quickly and stepped back quickly.
"If this thing is really mass-produced, then whether it is an alien civilization or an alien civilization, after the full-scale war breaks out, our casualties will be much less. After all, its energy shield is amazing."
Pullman leaned in front of the experimental platform next to him, squinted his eyes and looked at the metal skateboard that had been disassembled on the platform, and said with interest.
"It's hard to believe that he comes from a technological civilization that is higher than ours. It would be great if he was a scientist. From his perspective, he is basically at the level of our junior science apprentice."
Black Robe Speaker Sarri said, glaring at Qi Fei.
The whole person is dead long ago. For their judgment, let alone ineligible to argue, Qi Fei himself didn't even have the desire to speak.
Feeling his body was hollowed out, Qi Fei hadn't eaten anything for more than ten days.
Milky white high-grade synthetic nutrient, not to mention its disgusting shape and smell, just think of the slaughterhouse scene when waking up on a giant ship, thinking that these nutrients may contain human and crocodile corpses. The ingredients, Qi Fei didn't spit it out, they were all good, where to eat.
If you don't eat, you can't. This Kei ethnic group who regards cruelty as a normal thing, if he knows that he is only working and not eating, Qi Fei can't guarantee how they will deal with him.
The nutrients were squeezed into the sewer pipe and washed away. Qi Fei could still hold back the intense hunger, but it was his mental power that was about to collapse.
Stabbed into the control device in his brain, it can detect the bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex.
When Qi Fei is thinking and remembering, this level of bioelectricity will not cause any abnormalities.
But if he uses his mental power and the controller detects abnormal bioelectrical activity in the cerebral cortex, it will cast a short but strong electrical stimulation.
This level of electrical stimulation, if only applied to the body from the outside, may only make Qi Fei feel paralyzed, tingling or convulsive.
But if it directly affects the "fresh and tender" cerebral cortex, it will be enough to make him unhappy.
Under such a background, the burden of thinking is extremely heavy, and he is already too hungry. Qi Fei doesn't know how long he can last. He who is numb, how can he care what these monsters say.
At this moment, the metal door slid open silently.
Subconsciously raised his head and glanced, Qi Fei's body trembled, and the whole person froze.
The guard had already returned, behind it, followed by a naked girl.
Long hair like a waterfall, thin eyebrows like willow leaves.
Her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her skin is as delicate as a newborn baby.
A full chest, a thin waist with a full grip.
The slender legs, even the bare feet, are enough to make your heart tremble.
It's just that her eyes, which are as bright as the stars, are less spiritual and more lunar.
The three speakers just glanced at them and looked at Qi Fei with interest.
In their eyes, how ugly and ugly this human girl is, there is absolutely no point in it.
In the puzzled eyes of the three speakers, it took a long time for Qi Fei to walk over, but he raised his hand and slapped the girl's delicate face.
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