Chapter 906: The goal of the mutant brood

The Yunhai watch can only be used as a short-range communicator, and cannot receive signals at a too long distance.
However, in his "Whale Villa", there is an ultra-distance communication device.
Before Yunhai was leaving, the logistics staff of the Silver Dragon Empire had a very thoughtful vision.
They added a communication transfer program between Yunhai's watch and the ultra-distance communicator, which means that when his ultra-distance communicator receives a communication connection request, the watch will prompt him immediately.
The sky and the earth are big, and the evolution of alien beasts and aliens is the greatest.
For fear of unnecessary troubles caused by the over-distance communication waves, Yunhai warned that there was nothing urgent when connecting to King Roco for the last time, and that he should never be connected remotely.
And now that there is a remote communication connection, it is obviously a big deal.
"The tree killed the silver dragon empire home star?"
"Or a mutated brood?"
"Or did the warship of wandering civilization appear?"
"Did something happen to the Planet of the Beast? What tricks Sam did?"
Yunhai thought in his mind, and quickly swept over the back of the giant whale alien.
Yunyue was almost at the front heel and back foot, hurriedly chasing her.
The metal door was closed tightly, separating the universe from the inside of the villa.
After Zhi Brain passed the test with a beep, the door of the villa slid open.
In a flash, he appeared in front of the ultra-distance communication equipment. Yunhai saw the communication connection request flashing with green dots, and the familiar signal range belonged to King Roco. He frowned and reached out to touch the light screen to connect. pass.
The blurred light and shadow projected by the virtual light screen instantly formed the figure of King Roco.
Obviously he was on a battleship, and Yunhai could still see that the door of the main control room had just been closed, and a soldier in a striking naval suit hurried past the projection screen.
"Something happened."
Sure enough, the solemn King Roco couldn't be polite and spoke straight.
Yun Hai's frowning brows stretched slightly, and asked calmly, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"
Perhaps because of his emotions, the overwhelmingly solemn King Roco also opened his brows and said in a deep voice: "The mutant brood has appeared. It spans more than 30 star systems in six stellar days. Just when I contacted you, it flew over the Eugene star system."
"How many people were parasitized by the alien species? Or how many alien species did it release? How many spirits were created?"
Yun Hai asked immediately.
To be honest, at the moment when King Roco said this, Yun Hai's first thought was how many "spiritual aliens" he could get from it, or how many aliens could evolve by swallowing these spiritual creatures.
However, it was only an instant that he realized that he didn't seem to care how many people were parasitized and killed by the soul.
All he cares about is his own interests.
Realizing this, Yun Hai's mood is a little weird.
"Perhaps, only then can there be a real alien ruler."
Whether it is comforting yourself, or relieved.
Yun Hai thought in his heart, and then left the question behind.
"Master, you have warned me solemnly before, so I won't disturb you with ordinary things."
"You mentioned earlier that the tree stayed in the Carlo star, but released the mutant brood."
"So it is normal to say that the mutant brood invades our inner galaxy."
"The mutant mother nest has passed through more than 30 star systems, and the twelve star systems that passed through it all have the existence of living planets, and there are also tens of billions of human beings living on those planets."
"But the problem now is that the star systems that the mutant mother nest passes by, the life planets that pass by at close range, the total number of humans on it is tens of billions."
"Don't talk about dropping alien species, the mutant brood is like ignorant or dismissive of the survival of these human beings. It doesn't stop for a moment, it keeps moving at the speed of light."
"We suspect that the purpose of the mutant brood is not our human beings."
"If it didn't go to your alien army, then it went to the starry sky controlled by the demon crocodile."
As Prince Carlo said, he bent over and moved a few times on the console in front of the ship's chair.
In the virtual light screen projection, a dynamic star map appeared obviously made.
A light spot is flying in the star chart.
Behind it, the white road map is exactly a straight line.
Obviously it is a masterpiece of super brains, and the entire star map is formulated according to strict proportional standards.
Each star system is marked with text.
Yunhai can see clearly, in the ruins of a "flat surface" and the Orr Galaxy, just in the direction of the mutant brood.
Of course, in this direction, there is also a star field controlled by the Mogo crocodile.
"In this period of time, we have found traces of several wars in the star field controlled by the Mogo crocodile."
"Just twelve long hours ago, we also observed a violent flash explosion in the Binney star system controlled by the Crocodile. According to our inference, it should be an explosion of a nuclear fission giant bomb, or general It can only happen when the main ship explodes."
"The Binney star system is also on the flat surface of the mutant brood, which means it may be looking for your alien army, or it may be a galaxy controlled by the crocodile."
King Roco never stopped his narration, and when he saw Yun Hai frowning deeper and deeper, his speech rate became slower and slower.
"Which is more likely?"
Yun Hai almost had the answer in his mind, but he still wanted to hear King Roco's judgment.
Of course, King Roco's judgment is definitely not his own judgment.
Behind him, stood a huge empire, or countless human elites.
"We discussed it and thought that the mutant brood was looking for aliens, which accounted for 85 percent."
"These people think that you and the alien plant civilization parasitized the soul in the war of the Carlo galaxy."
"Whether the tree wants to confirm some facts or simply revenge, it wants the mutant brood to carry countless alien species to find and parasite your alien."
"As for the mutant brood to go to the star field controlled by the Moge clan, only 15% of the people think so, and I personally feel that this is unlikely."
"As long as the tree is a bit wise, it won't do that either."
"Because it shouldn't come into contact with the wandering civilization until the alien civilization is cleared and its rear is stabilized."
King Roco clearly told him or their judgment.
"Have you been in contact with it?"
Yun Hai's judgment was the same as that of the 85 percent of the people. He quickly thought about it, and he asked at the same time.
King Roco nodded and replied: "We have sent two cruisers and thousands of assault ships to try to stop it, but the results are not satisfactory. Its size is too large, and the main ship’s particle beams and atomic cannons Its damage is very limited, and to be precise, we cannot stop it."
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