Chapter 916: Silent fight

The self-detonation of the heterogeneous brood not only released countless aliens, but also released a terrifying barrage frenzy.
No one can estimate the number because there are too many.
The huge heterogeneous brood, its body is like countless heterogeneous accumulations, once it bursts open, it is enough to become a nightmare for any creature.
Spectacular scene, terrifying momentum.
It was the torrent of bullets fired by ten fleets with high-link rapid-fire machine guns at the same time, all of which seemed insignificant in the face of this heterogeneous tide of hurricane shooting.
At least the high-linked rapid-fire machine guns cannot shoot metal bullets at the speed of light, and the violently self-destructive mutant brood has given countless different kinds of light speed.
The initial speed is the speed of light, and there is almost no resistance in the universe, which means that unless one heads into the stars, these alien species will fly on forever, almost endlessly.
Of course, the heterogeneous brood came to the ruins to explode, not just to spray the heterogeneous aimlessly.
No matter how it did it, in the direction it was advancing, a gas giant planet had been exposed, and in its direction, at least one fifth of the alien species seemed to be bound in the direction, and the purpose was very obvious.
The level of the energy shield was directly adjusted to the highest level. Susan, who was pale, looked at the light screen of the brain, and a large area of ​​aliens disintegrated strangely. Without thinking, she drove the reconnaissance ship and turned around the bow, but still hiding in the same retreat. Behind the alien, he fled in a hurry.
Alien will not disintegrate, they are not self-destructive.
Because the distance was too close, when the mutant brood exploded, bullets equivalent to the speed of light violently attacked, and the aliens flying in the forefront greeted them at the speed of light.
Each alien was hit head-on by a different number of alien species.
The collision of the speed of light directly shattered their bodies.
Knowing this point better than anyone else, Su Li adjusted the power output of the battleship's engine to the extreme. With the addition of the highest-level energy shield, the reconnaissance ship was still unable to enter the speed of light despite the obvious tremor.
The dark green alien species passed by silently like a ghost in the space where the reconnaissance ship was located.
What made Bowen's heart about to jump out was that in his horrified eyes, a human fist-sized alien almost flew past the scout ship.
The densely packed alien species are still limited compared to the empty universe itself.
Only in an instant, the terrifying alien frenzy passed by the scout ship and quickly disappeared into the dark universe.
"I am not wrong, right!"
Noticed that at least tens of thousands of light spots representing the existence of aliens disappeared on the wisdom brain light screen, and Bob, who was horrified by the truth, pointed to the light indicating the existence of the energy shield and asked with a trembling voice
"No... that's right."
Susan's voice was also a little trembling. She hesitated for a moment, but she gritted her teeth and controlled the warship to turn around again, and flew towards the gas giant planet that was outlining in the dark universe in the distance.
Regardless of why the alien species can ignore the existence of the energy shield, or the heart palpitations that the alien species had passed by the scout ship just now because of the danger and danger of the alien species, Bowen stared at Susan with wide eyes.
"Don't look at me with that look, now we have to go."
It’s not so beautiful, but her youthful face was filled with determination. Susan controlled the battleship to fly to the gas giant planet, and continued: "If the alien species successfully parasitizes the alien and becomes a spiritual child, this is for the empire. What a threat, I think you know better than me."
"Open your eyes and look around. Now besides us, who else is closest to here."
"No matter what the gas giant, the alien base camp is, we have to go over and take a look, and then transmit the information as soon as possible."
"If you are scared, there is an escape pod on the reconnaissance ship. It will definitely not work at a long distance, but it is still possible to send you out of the ruins."
"I have to go. I have come this far. I can't shrink back."
The tone was firmer than her expression, and Susan was full of indisputable meaning.
While talking, she did not stop her actions.
Searching for nearby detectors, including possible reconnaissance ships,
For a moment, Bowen didn't say anything, but just nodded slightly.
When he turned around and sat down in the co-pilot chair, he suddenly noticed a big change in his expression, but he didn't discuss it with Susan, and reached out and pressed his hand on the fire control platform.
A flash of light left the reconnaissance ship, and burst out silently after a few seconds of shooting out.
The sudden appearance of light, even a small "stellar flares", is enough to brighten the huge void in a short period of time.
Tens of thousands of aliens are floating in this void.
Some are still flying at a slow speed, and many have lost their flight power and are floating quietly just like icy meteorites.
Obviously, the alien frenzy that broke out abruptly just now, like a storm of death, swept them by surprise.
Just a glimpse, Susan and Bowen have not seen too many details, the high-speed reconnaissance ship has passed this space.
Human eyes and brain can't respond, but wisdom brain can.
Although it was only a short moment, the reconnaissance ship equipped with the most advanced ultra-clear detection equipment had already clearly recorded the scene just now under the automatic control of the brain.
Without Bowen's reminder, Susan, who had set the direction, quickly tuned out the screen recorded by the brain just now.
Choosing a guard alien with the largest size, after zooming in and clarifying it, Susan and Bowen opened their eyes and looked at it.
Half of the body has disappeared. Whether this guard alien is alive or not, it can still exist in the universe, obviously thanks to its huge size.
It is not clear which host this alien was born with, but it is known that as long as the host is different, different aliens have obviously different body characteristics.
However, this guard alien with only half of its body lost, it was obviously different from the normal alien at this time.
On its body full of mechanized metal style, there is an extra layer of furry moss-like things, just like mold.
And at the huge trauma where it lost half of its body, a strange sarcoma-like thing protruded. In the dynamic picture, Susan could even see the disgusting sarcoma trembling slightly.
"Change one, find someone to live."
You don't need to ask to know this guard alien whose life or death is unknown, what is the source of its anomaly, Bowen said in a trembling voice.
Susan called up the whole picture, quickly locked a clearly moving alien shape, and then zoomed in.
"Oh my God!"
Seeing the alien and silent fight in the picture clearly, Susan, who was very nervous, couldn't help covering her mouth and let out an exclamation.
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