Chapter 919: small thing

The dark green alien species, like a light attack, flies in the dark universe at the incredible speed of light.
The explosion point of the mutant brood may instantly produce hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of alien species.
But when these alien species hurriedly shot out in different directions, after a period of journey, the number of alien species within the relative space no longer appeared to be that many.
Of course, this is only relative.
At least within the relative distance, the number of alien species is still more than the total number of warships in the conventional formation when the fleet is flying.
Almost as if they were made in a mold, all alien species have almost the same volume and shape.
They are not like the alien species that appeared abruptly in the Gebo Galaxy. First of all, they are very small, about the size of a human fist.
Secondly, the shapes of these alien species are also different. The alien species once seen in the Geber galaxy Totomi are more like the split body of the brood. The spherical alien species will suddenly explode in the space very close to the ground. Forming more violent and dense heterogeneous rainstorms.
Obviously, the "tree god" took almost two or three times the time to "bring", and the mutant brood that was finally transformed by the energy of the stars was different from the brood and alien species under normal conditions.
Of course, nothing is absolute.
At least for now.
Among these almost identical alien species, there is a unique existence.
Its size and shape are no different from more alien species.
It's just that this special alien species still grows thousands of tentacles that are hard to see with the naked eye.
Said to be tentacles, in fact they are more like tentacles.
There are about the thickness of a human hair, and I don't know how many tentacles drag straight behind the body as it flies at the speed of light.
Countless alien species passed by planets and meteorite belts in the barren universe.
During this process, some alien species hit the meteorite and exploded violently.
After all, there are no alien species that have the ability to fly. The only thing that maintains the speed of light is the ability given to them by the nest
So even if these spirits want to take root in the larger meteorites, but they cannot control their speed, they can only crush those meteorites.
Alien species with life existence are harder than icy meteorites.
In the impact of the speed of light, the meteorite exploded violently, and the energy generated by the impact prevented the meteorite from even a single piece of debris.
The alien species after the impact did not seem to be affected in any way.
Even its speed has not slowed down, it is still straight forward.
The alien species that have fallen into the planet are like water droplets that have sunk into the sea, without any waves rising—at least it looks like this from the distant outer space of the universe.
But the human beings who have watched this scene through a large number of probes in this star system are very clear that if they are left alone, in a few days, countless army of souls will be born from these planets.
The lonely or eternal flight is still going on.
That special alien species that was not noticed by people finally approached the star of Aite.
This also means that it is close to the Aite Nebula.
At this time, a strange scene appeared.
This particular alien species obviously has some deviations in its direction.
Whether it's the hot Aite star, or the Aite Nebula that looks like a fantasy world, if it still flies in the current direction, it will obviously wipe away.
But this particular alien species is different, it slightly adjusted its direction.
With just a slight adjustment, the flight trajectory of this alien species has changed greatly.
If it doesn't make any further adjustments, it will fly into the Aite Nebula within a long time.
After a long time, this particular alien species and other alien species submerged into the Aite Nebula.
Just like sharks smelling the smell of blood, countless invisible "radiation sources", like ants on a hot pot, are waiting impatiently on the edge of the Aite Nebula.
When those alien species entered the Aite Nebula fearlessly and ignorantly, they were "infected" by the "radiation sources" in an instant.
The weird scene reappeared.
However, the alien species the size of a human fist, under normal circumstances, the same volume of metal can be swallowed up by the "radiation source" in an instant.
However, these seemingly ordinary alien species, after countless "radiation sources" intensively filled their bodies, still went straight forward, swiftly flying towards the depths of the Aite Nebula.
Behind them and even in any direction, there is a tide-like "radiation source" chasing.
Numerous tentacles became thicker, and at the moment they entered the Aite Nebula, the entangled tentacles formed a special layer of armor, which was firmly covered by the alien species.
The tentacles armor gleamed with mysterious dark green energy rays.
Those "radiation sources" tightly stuck to the tentacles armor, they invaded and infected like viruses, and the speed was suddenly several times slower.
Obviously discovered this, a special alien with a certain consciousness, and more and smaller tentacles began to rise on the dark green tentacles armor.
In the dusty Aite Nebula, even if there are almost no heavy elements, it is enough for it to draw enough energy.
The body shape began to swell, and when the energy absorption had accumulated to a certain level, the energy-absorbing tentacles were glued together, forming a strange shape.
Just like the shape of an atomic cannon on a human battleship, it has a shape like a sharp robotic arm without a muzzle.
No abnormality appeared, the weird sharp thing did not launch any energy attack, but at the moment after it formed, it scattered into countless tentacles.
"The news has passed, the tree god's ability can withstand the invasion of these monsters, but I don't know what is here..."
There is joy in the simple consciousness. This seemingly different species is actually the special existence of the true core of the mother nest. It can clearly feel that its information is being transmitted from the nebula at a speed comparable to that of light.
Joy is just an instant.
"Poor little fellow, don't you know that disturbing deep sleep is a very annoying thing?"
A voice rang in the consciousness of the core body of the mutant brood.
When it has a feeling of fear in its simple consciousness, within the range that its mental ability can detect, the sudden appearance of abnormalities makes the core body of the mutant brood completely desperate.
The information that was being transmitted at high speed was swallowed by the black hole that suddenly appeared in the Aite Nebula.
The black hole, one of the most terrifying extreme celestial phenomena in the universe, is like the ablation of an ice-bound meteorite, and the annihilation of a planet flying to the star. It appears so simple, so simply, and so easily.
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