Chapter 924: Humiliation and flying

"You don't know what the ruins are now?"
Boarding the huge main ship alone, Yun Hai met Li Daogu, who had not met for a long time.
He is no longer a prince.
Just two days ago, Li Daogu ascended the throne.
His father, the emperor who had controlled the Silver Dragon Empire for more than two hundred years, quietly retreated behind the scenes.
Then Yunhai didn't care about this, and he rushed for several days without rest, finally approaching the galaxy in the Silver Dragon Empire, and encountered a fleet, but he didn't expect the other party to know nothing.
"How can you know nothing? Didn't King Roco say that? You don't know how many detectors have been released in the ruins, and there are many reconnaissance ships patrolling. How can there be no news?"
Standing in the main control room, looking at Li Daogu in the virtual light screen projection, Yun Hai frowned.
"Master, what you say is the truth."
In the projection screen, Li Daogu was wearing an ancient and solemn imperial robe. A hint of helplessness appeared on his handsome face. He continued: "When we finally received the news, five days ago, the mutant brood blew up suddenly in the ruins. , And released an uncountable alien species."
"In this message, there is also an order from King Roco. He ordered that no one enters the ruins before receiving new news from him."
"Time has passed so long, we haven't received any new information."
"It is not only the Tianyi main ship that King Roco and Zhihan took, we have lost contact with the nearly 10,000 reconnaissance ships in the ruins."
"Three days ago, I couldn't wait any longer."
"A hundred reconnaissance ships try to enter the ruins from different spaces."
"However, they failed."
"Aliens prevented these reconnaissance ships. We were not sure if we would continue to move forward or not, so we had no choice but to retreat."
Li Daogu kept talking, his voice and expression very solemn.
But his eyes betrayed his mood, panic, and perhaps expectation.
Obviously, he was staring at the alien master in the projection screen somewhere in the starry sky, for fear of hearing news from the other party that would make him or the empire completely desperate.
"Alien stopped you?"
Yun Hai was startled slightly, and then nodded at Li Daogu in the projection screen, ignoring the captain on one side, and hurriedly left.
"His Majesty!"
The captain was an old general. Seeing that he couldn't catch up with the sea of ​​clouds, he didn't catch up to send him off. He turned around and bowed to Li Daogu.
"Fortunately! Fortunately!"
In front of his own people, Li Daogu was no longer so restrained.
He let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had lifted a heavy load.
The elderly general did not say anything, until Li Daogu gave a few orders and ended the communication, he did not look up for a long time.
The old general's heart was full of humiliation.
When did proud and smart humans bow their heads.
If it's just ordinary people, it doesn't matter, the emperor of the empire has to look at the faces of others, which makes the old general who has fought with the crocodile all his life feel a deep sense of humiliation.
But no matter how uncomfortable and hard to accept, the old general can't express it.
He couldn't even say anything, because he knew that Li Daogu, the former prince, the emperor had done nothing wrong.
If alien civilization suddenly tears its skin, it will only be human
What Li Daogu and King Roco did was just to allow the human civilization of the Silver Dragon Empire to continue.
With a deep sigh in his heart, the old general raised his head.
Looking out the lookout window, after the alien master returned, the mighty alien army began to march in the direction of the ruins, and the old general suddenly caused a trance.
In his eyes, that boundless shadow is like countless battleships of the Silver Dragon Empire.
"Something happened, something must have happened."
Not to mention the old general's obsession, he returned to the "Giant Whale Villa", and the spirit ordered the alien army to speed up to the ruins, Yunhai said in a deep voice toward Yunyue.
Zhihan left the fierce beast planet to the ruins, Yunhai was not surprised by this.
What surprised him was that Zhihan, who had lived in the Silver Dragon Empire for a long time and had feelings for this human civilization, would hide in the ruins and not come out, letting the aliens possibly collide with the imperial fleet.
This is unthinkable. Under normal circumstances, Zhihan could not do this.
Unless, something stopped her.
There were possibilities in his mind. When he saw that Yunyue was still working on the over-distance communicator, he didn’t feel angry.
Putting aside the over-range communicator brought back from the main ship, Yunhai said solemnly: "So you can do anything you like, don't move this one."
With this reminder, Yunyue, who had just beamed his eyes, lost energy.
Rolling her eyes, Yunyue ignored him and continued to play up her masterpiece.
She had already dismantled eight pieces of the over-distance communication device, plus the parts removed from the Starlink network receiver and some other instruments, and the whole table was filled.
"I said, it was just an accident, maybe it was just a piece of interfering information, do you really think you have received a certain civilization light-years away from it?"
Standing by her side, watching Yunyue tirelessly disassemble and assemble, Yun Hai couldn't help mocking.
"That's a very regular signal, you admitted at the time."
"We can't just say it's useless because we can't crack it."
"You have admitted that in the confidential information of the Silver Dragon Empire, someone has received a signal of a similar pattern."
"It's hard to say that these signals are critical. If we can catch them or crack them, we will discover some truths that you have been unable to find."
Yunyue looked very energetic, and while talking, he installed the signal amplifier of the Starlink network that had been modified by himself on the ultra-distance communication equipment.
"How many communication coaches and elite talents does the Silver Dragon Empire have, signals that they can't crack, do you think you can do it?"
Yunhai was still thinking about the ruins in his mind, and casually responded.
With a triumphant smile, Yunyue said: "That's for sure."
"First of all, I am different from them. I can use my tentacles to do many details that they can't do, so my hands-on ability is not worse than them."
"Secondly, I have devoured a lot of human brains, gathered more people's wisdom, and my knowledge reserve is far more than a certain person."
"In addition, my mental abilities are very strong, at least compared to those of tutors and experts. Compared to theirs, my brain is like a super intellectual brain, which can store more information and do more detailed analysis."
"So the mysterious signal we caught that day, if someone can crack it, that person must be me."
Yunyue kept talking, her youthful face was full of energy.
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