Chapter 939: Alien Factory

Silent, stupid, like a plague, quickly infected the crowd.
The people behind didn't know what had happened. They only saw that as the little red-lighted mechanical insects flew into the crowd, the people waving their hands in horror suddenly fell silent.
The first batch of about three or four million mechanical insects turned the same number of people into wooden people.
There was a sharp contrast between the quiet crowd and the panicked crowd who didn't know what was happening.
Just in the crowd where the mechanical insects disappeared for the last time, behind them, a crocodile man suddenly let out a panic cry: "Look, what is that?"
Following the direction of its fingers, the other crocodiles saw a scene that made them desperate under the rising sun.
The quiet crocodile man stood still in place, motionless.
On the back of its head, the mechanical insect is firmly attached to it.
Its mechanical limbs have penetrated into the back of the crocodile man's head.
Other crocodile people can clearly see that there is a little blood leaking out at the end of the arthropod.
"They want to use this to control us!"
Seeing these clearly, a voice rang.
At this time, a strong alligator gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand.
However, before its hand touched the red-lighted mechanical worm, the crocodile man who was attached to the back of the head by the mechanical worm turned his body abruptly.
Not strong, not every crocodile grows up violently.
At least the crocodile man with the mechanical insect attached to the back of his head is very thin, and the worn clothes on his body also indicate his identity, and it is probably the lowest part of the crocodile.
It was thin, and the dull eyes looked back.
At the same time, its arms lifted and grabbed the wrist of the crocodile trying to save it.
A clear fracture sounded. When everyone thought that the first crocodile man would grab the mechanical worm, the thin crocodile grasped its wrist without any difference, and then screamed.
The eyes were empty, and the thin crocodile man had no expression.
Crushed the strong crocodile wrist, its hand stretched out again, and then inserted into the screaming crocodile chest, violently crushed its heart.
Seeing that the thin and thin crocodile man turned his body, and the dead crocodile man was half leaning against the people behind, blood was constantly pouring out from the hole in its chest, and the crocodile man next to him felt a chill in his heart. Take it straight.
"I don't know if they have controlled consciousness. Obviously, they have lost consciousness."
"The mechanical bug should stimulate their brains with some kind of energy, so its strength will become very strong."
"This alien civilization does not want to kill us, but to control us."
Among the crowd, I don't know who said in a low voice.
However, when they heard these crocodile men and humans, they (them) began to clenched their fists.
At this time, a mechanical tentacle monster flew over.
The tentacles wrapped around the neck of the dead crocodile and pulled it into the air.
When the tentacles of the mechanical tentacles were tightened and loosened, the blood and flesh of the crocodile fell from the sky.
The blood turned their fear into anger, and at the same time awakened the violence in the crocodile's bones.
"Rather than becoming a puppet, it's better to fight with them."
Someone started screaming angrily. When the crocodile knew the truth, when they could not attack the mechanical tentacle monster in the air, they began to rush forward excitedly, trying to rush into the "alien star" that was established after only half of it. factory".
The mechanical tentacles in mid-air, and the spider mechanical monsters popular on the buildings on both sides of the street.
They prepared for the impact in an instant, and stopped their aggressive behavior in an instant.
A sharp high-frequency sound rang in everyone's minds.
The intense stimulation caused them to lose consciousness in an instant.
The dense crowd fell into a ball.
At this time, the pipes that came out of the "Alien Star Factory" were opened again, and dense torrents of mechanical insects poured out.
"Well, the brain control center is fully operational."
"These stupid races are really vulnerable."
On the heights of the "Alien Factory", the two Kei people leisurely watched the surrounding scene through the virtual light screen projection, and talked comfortably.
"I don't know what happened to Ronnie."
A slightly thin Kei said, and clicked on the light screen of the brain.
The communication connection was established in an instant, and what appeared in the screen was Tianhe City, which was far away from the Star City.
The same has changed. Compared with the changes in Star City, the changes in Tianhe City are more obvious.
Hundreds of huge mechanical monsters are raging in the city.
Huge buildings were destroyed by their collision and violence.
The mechanical behemoth that can't be crushed or smashed, and in the huge kiss composed of countless gears that are completely intertwined, the violent gravity sucked out all kinds of metal from the building debris, and then swallowed it into its belly.
What was eaten was a mess of metal, and what was pulled down was a standard metal rod.
From the tail of the mechanical behemoth, metal rods of standard specifications continued to fall.
Countless spider mechanical monsters rushed among the smoke-filled building wreckage, quickly transporting metal rods to the city center.
In the center of Tianhe City, a rolling metal building is rapidly taking shape.
Of course, it is more appropriate to say that it is not so much a metal building as a large metal instrument.
These giant instruments of different shapes have been fully operational after being connected to the Teem Energy Center.
The picture of Tianhe City was replaced by an ugly Kei face.
"Is it clear that the machinery factory is larger in scale, so it will take some time to complete the work."
"After all, our daily output requirements are very high. At least after completion, we need to produce tens of millions of mechanics every day, and it is a complete production. Unlike you, just add a shell to the core brain control chip. ."
"So, Morrie, don't show off your speed in front of me."
The Kei people said slowly.
"Okay, you are right, I won't argue with you about this, I want to contact Trafigura to see how the deep processing center is doing."
The thin Keyi who initiated the communication connection said, ending the communication with Tianhe City and preparing to connect with the people on the other side of the planet.
However, at this moment, an instrument in front of it flickered red, and a short and sharp alarm sounded.
At first I thought it was the restless crocodiles who were making trouble. When the Kei tribe saw the source of the alarm, it showed a shocked expression and was busy connecting to the detector at the abnormal point.
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