Vol 9 Chapter 11401: Heaven and Earth Puzzle

As soon as he arrived here, Xia Xia felt that a fairy beast was running towards them.
It came from underwater.
"I'm coming!!" The enchantress has always wanted to fight a battle.
"I can too!" Qiqiongzhimo thought that this time he asked Xia Tian for help, and now he does nothing, which is a bit unreasonable.
"Here, you can not take action, try not to take action. After all, this is the territory of the fairy beast clan. We are human beings. We can leave this area at any time, but you have to live in this area and you have offended too many people. , Then we are gone, what do you do?" Xia asked.
That's right.
No matter how many fairy beasts Xia Tian and Yao Ji offend.
What kind of fairy beasts are offended, as long as they leave, those fairy beasts can no longer do anything to them.
But Qiqiang is different.
He can't run.
"Mr. Xia, since I am here, I am not afraid of anything." Qiqiongzhimo is also determined.
In order to be able to save his wife and children, no matter what kind of existence he provokes.
He doesn't care.
"When you do it!!" Xia patted Qiqiongzhimo.
"Can you kill it?" Demon Ji asked.
She has begun to rely on Xia now. No matter what she does, she wants to hear Xia's opinion.
Before coming here in summer, I also wanted to have a good talk.
But according to the words of the five immortal kings before, plus the hundred-legged python he encountered before.
He can almost conclude.
The six kings here.
They are the kind of existence who don't want to talk nonsense, they should only be convinced by the messenger of light and darkness here.
and so.
If you want to negotiate with a fairy beast at the level of the six great beasts.
Then you need to come up with something.
Fight a tough battle.
The reason why he had a good relationship with the five immortal beast kings before was because of his own personality, and on the other hand, because he was giving himself a retreat. Once he could not compete with this Qiqiang, he could first check the other party’s Strength, and then withdraw.
"There are so many fairy beasts here!" Although Yaoji wanted to fight very much, the overall strength of the fairy beasts here was very weak. She didn't need to spend any fighting power at all, and even many fairy beasts did not even have the power of 30,000 points.
She can blow away the soul of the other party.
"The fairy beasts here are all sea creatures. Their reproductive ability is very terrible, so the race group here is also the largest, but the sea races here are different from the sea races outside. They are both native sea races. They gave birth to them. The first batch of Sea Clan died a long time ago, and they did not leave any beliefs and Sea Clan culture, so they are like a group of wild beasts, completely without spiritual wisdom." Qiqiongzhi Mou explained.
"Didn't Jumang guide them to open up their spiritual wisdom?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.
Since Ju Mang is the king here, doesn't he want his subordinates to turn on the wisdom?
"Because Jumang is not a sea clan, and once the sea clan turns on the wisdom, their cohesion will be even more terrifying, and even replace the king here, just like the sea clan outside, their unity is terrifying, so actually The Sea Clan who came here did not turn on their wisdom, but it was also because Jumang and them were contributing to the flames." Qiqiongzhimo explained.
Xia Xia understood what it meant this time.
It is that they are afraid of the sea people, so they deliberately do not teach any knowledge and culture of the sea people, or even let them have the wisdom, train their wild nature, let them have only the wild nature, and then use the most primitive methods to domesticate them.
"It seems that the Sea Clan back then made a lot of noise here!!" Xia Tao understood.
It must be that the Sea Clan back then was too terrifying here, so the six great kings and all the fairy beast kings here are all afraid of them.
The Sea Clan here will be targeted in this way.
"I don't know the specific things either. What I know is that the Sea Clan must not be allowed to turn on the wisdom, otherwise we, the fairy beast kings, may encounter great danger and trouble!" Qiqiongzhi Mou explained.
Xia Xia now has an interest in the sea people here.
"Summer, something is wrong!!" Enchantress reminded.
"What's the matter?" Summer asked.
"How do I feel, we have been spinning around in place, the scene here is too familiar, like the place we just passed by!!" Yao Ji explained.
Xia Xia looked around in a circle: "Heaven and earth are puzzled!!"
"What is it?" Demon Ji asked.
"It is a kind of mirage. It is the third environment created by the overlap of the projected image and the real scene. Such an environment occurs naturally, so you can't find any traces of formations, nor can you find any illusions!!" Summer Explained.
"Then what shall we do?" Demon Ji asked.
"You give up perception and walk in a straight line. Just rely on instinct. If there is danger, I will look at you!" Summer will not give up perception, he will protect Demon Ji.
Once the enchantress gave up her perception, if suddenly there was any danger to kill.
She can't sense it.
But if summer is here, what kind of danger can affect her?
"Okay!" Yao Ji absolutely trusts Xia, and what else is she afraid of when Xia is here.
In summer, he didn't look at the surrounding environment. Even if his eyes were special, the surrounding environment would produce a slight image of him. So just ignore it and feel the danger around him.
Qiqiongzhi Mou is very honest.
What do you want in summer.
What does he do.
The three walked like this.
And this time.
A pair of eyes were staring at them, as if coming from the abyss of heaven and earth.
In the quicksand valley.
The fire demon and Ming Yanyan were fighting with the surrounding fairy beasts.
"There are too many fairy beasts here, we can't fight like this, otherwise it will consume too much, and it will consume too much here, which will have a great impact on the subsequent battle." Huo Demon reminded.
But Ming Yanyan didn't seem to hear him.
Still fighting with fairy beasts there.
As if wanting to throw out all the anger.
Watching this scene.
Although the Fire Demon was helpless, he could only fight with him.
that's all.
Except for his hole cards, the fire demon was about to use it, and then rushed out from the corner position. Although it came out, the distance was farther, and his current consumption was also very large.
call! call!
The fire demon took out the pill for recovery.
Ming Yanyan took it down: "Don't rest, we have to speed up, now we are farther and farther away from summer."
"The consumption is a bit serious, if you don't take a break, it will delay your journey!" Huo Demon explained.
"Is it okay for you? If you don't, just say it earlier, don't take revenge and take your own life!!" Ming Yanyan said uncomfortably.
"Dignified Fire Demon, it was really frustrated by others to ask him if he was okay!" A loud laugh came.
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