Vol 9 Chapter 11555: Sanguan

  "The spirit is the purest individual. When we cultivate to become the spirit, we cultivate ourselves into the purest individual. When we remove all the impurities in the body, we can become the spirit." Yang explained.
  "The purest!!!" Xia frowned.
The true emperor adjusted his breath: "There is no selflessness in this world, including the ancestor tree in everyone's eyes."
   "You seem to know a lot of things!!" Summer found that the true emperor was really different.
   "Otherwise, why would those ancient war gods arrest me!!" The true emperor said very casually.
  Summer nodded slightly: "Why don't you follow me."
   "Can you keep me?" the real emperor asked.
   "If you don't try it, how do you know if it works!!" Xia Tian replied.
  "If I follow you, you will also become their target, and you will die!!" Although the real emperor and Xia Xia have not known each other for a long time, he can see that Xia Xia is not a villain.
  Plus he had heard of some things about summer before.
  So he still has some good feelings about summer.
   "There are many people who want to kill me, but I still live to this day." Summer said very casually.
  Has he been afraid?
  There were so many masters from the Celestial Clan who declared war on him together, but he did not choose to escape.
  How can he be afraid now?
   "You really are the same as in the legend!!" said the emperor.
"I think you and your sister are very interesting, so I don't want you two to die so early, just follow me. If something happens, you two can abandon me." Although Xia Tian met this true emperor for the first time , But he always felt that this true emperor should be alive.
  "Isn't this unreasonable?" the real emperor asked.
  "Yiqi is talked about between brothers, and you and I are not brothers. What can I say about loyalty?" Xia Tian asked.
   "Although the words are not good, but it seems there is really no problem!!" The real emperor said with emotion.
  In the summer, when he raised his right hand, Qu Xi and others were released.
  When they saw these people, the siblings instantly became alert.
  "Don't be so nervous, these are my brothers!!" Xia reminded.
  True Emperor nodded slightly: "It seems that you have a bunch of reliable brothers."
  Nihuang is still watching these people nervously, her vigilance is summed up from death.
  She does not trust anyone easily.
   "Your sister is very vigilant!" Summer also felt that Nihuang was a little different.
  "You have not experienced her life. If you have experienced her life, then you will become more vigilant than her." The Emperor explained.
   "Let's go, it's a good thing to be alert, but don't let your spirits be too tense, otherwise, it will be bad for yourself!!" Xia Tian reminded.
   "By the way, where are you going?" the real emperor asked.
"I'm going to find the female worm to see what it looks like, and then survey the environment here to face the danger that may arise at any time." Summer also understands that there will be great danger next, otherwise they It is impossible to invite himself to come and help with the fist when there are so many venerables and the ancient of war.
   "You are really not easy!!" Zhenhuang said.
   "What's wrong?" Summer asked.
  He doesn't think he has any problems.
   "The position of the mother worm to the Zerg is like the position of the ancestor tree in the ancient battlefield." The true emperor explained.
  This represents the status of the mother worm.
  Just ask.
  If a Zerg wants to get close to the ancestor tree, would the people on the ancient battlefield agree?
  They must resist desperately.
  I want to get close to the mother worm in summer.
  The result is the same.
  Will the Zerg let him go?
   will definitely fight him desperately.
"They don't work hard, I can't test it out. Only when they work hard, I can see their strengths and weaknesses, and all their fighting habits. Only in this way can I face the unforeseen things that happen next! !" Xia Tian explained.
   "That's right, wealth and wealth are in danger. Although it is dangerous, the effect is definitely very good!" Zhenhuang nodded slightly.
   "Come with me to join in the fun?" Summer asked.
"You are not afraid, what I am afraid of, but don’t be expensive. I didn’t remind you. If you bring me, you are provoking the ancient war gods. People on the normal ancient battlefield don’t know their existence, but they are in the ancient times. The battlefield has absolute rights," the true emperor reminded.
  Bring them.
   is equivalent to challenging the ancient of war.
  Provoking the majesty of the ancestor tree, provoking the majesty of the ancestor tree in the ancient battlefield, the consequences are very serious, so the things to face in the summer will also be very terrible.
   "I have provoked it a long time ago!!" Summer smiled.
  "Have you been to the ancestor tree?" Zhenhuang raised his brows and looked at Xia very with interest.
   "Guess!!" Summer didn't say anything, just walked forward.
  The Great Emperor Jinyu is still accepting inheritance.
   did not come out.
  But a few others are ready to have a big fight with Summer.
  "Brothers, let’s go!!" Xia Xia glanced around: "There are at least hundreds of thousands of Zerg around here!!"
"There are hundreds of millions of Zergs, or even hundreds of millions of Zergs, near the Mother Worm you are going to, and the strength is not weak. They have arranged various defense and attack methods there. As long as you step over, it will be instantly There are hundreds of thousands, millions of attacks coming, no matter how strong you are, how many attacks can you hold them at the same time?" the true emperor reminded.
  There are all kinds of Zerg.
  Different attacks come over.
  There are also various controls, toxins and so on.
  Summer will definitely be beaten and helpless.
   "Fools will rush forward and let them fight!!" Summer will not do that kind of thing.
  There are so many zergs that have hovered there for a long time, and any wind and grass will react to them for the first time.
   "If you want to see the mother worm, you need to pass three levels." The true emperor stretched out three fingers.
  "Which three levels?" Summer asked.
  "The first level, the insect rain forest; the second level, the sand worm space; the third level, the insect emperor column!!!" the emperor explained.
   "What are these things?" Summer asked.
"A little further ahead, there will be more and more zergs. The zergs there are born in the sky and fall from the sky after being born. The number is extremely large, forming a rain of insects. These insects are from birth to landing. A cycle of life and death. After death, they will become food for other insects. Once they touch other creatures, such as humans, fairy beasts or monsters, they will instantly absorb the power of other creatures and hatch. Come out and turn into a Zerg warrior." The Emperor explained very patiently.
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