Chapter 3130: The essence of the moon

"Oh, you are talking about him. Recently, this kid is a stranger. It is said that he has just killed a master who has become famous for a thousand years, and he is still so young. No wonder he will receive an invitation from that place. Letter." The ss-level mercenary nodded, then he looked at the summer.
Because summer is just killing a long-time master.
Although the means were not glorious, he did win.
The ancient battlefield is such a place, only value the results, do not value the process, regardless of the process, as long as the results are done, then it can.
"What is your name? Have we seen it before?" The ss-level mercenary looked to the summer.
"Of course I have seen it, you still licked me!!" complained in the summer, when he was only going to ask for directions, or to inquire about the situation here, and the result was returned by the other party, which also allowed him Is it good?
"Oh, that mental illness is you." The ss-level mercenary suddenly realized that he finally understood.
It turned out that the mental illness was summer.
"What mental illness, I entered the second floor, I finally met a person, I want to say hello to you, and as a result, you can't move me when you come up with a foot." Summer is completely helpless, he just I was still guessing whether the other party was sick or not. When I came up, I hit someone, but now he understands that the other person used him as a mental illness.
"You two are also very good!!" The cloud disaster students saw the two men and said.
call! !
I took a sigh of relief in the summer and then extended my right hand with a friendly hand: "My name is summer."
However, the ss-level mercenaries did not reach out, because this is the rule of the ancient battlefield. Whether it is dialogue or doing, it must have the same identity. Although the killing of Gigabit in the summer, this ss-level mercenary saw it with his own eyes. So he doesn't think how strong the summer is.
Therefore, he did not reach out.
Summer is very helpless, he took out his badge.
When he took out the badge, the ss-level mercenary suddenly took a look.
He did not look at the billions of people, but the high-level killings in the summer, close to four thousand high-level kills.
You must know that even the high-level killings of the cloud disasters are only more than 7,000, less than 8,000, and the cloud disaster is one billion people, but the summer is only a million people, although it seems very scary, But the higher kill is even more scary.
Cloud disasters have long been seen, so they don't care.
"Summer!!" The summer stretched out his right hand again.
"Nie Wei!!" The ss-level mercenary reached out.
The two are simple to come to a self-introduction.
Then the summer's eyes looked at Yan Xin: "Thank you."
"I don't need to say thank you!!" Yan Xin said, she saved her so many times in the summer, and her heart has been telling her that she must save the summer.
There was no feeling in the summer, but a slight smile, then walked forward: "Goodbye!!"
"You have injuries on your body, do you go like this?" Yan Xin hurriedly asked, she was obviously worried about the comfort of summer, to know that the summer is very miserable.
"Who wants to kill me, then take it for life!!" Summer responded.
In his left arm, there is a strong poison of Medusa, although it can't be controlled in summer, but if anyone really pushes him, then he will release Medusa's poison all over. The powerful venom of the stock will naturally annihilate everything around it.
He also understands that although he will be safe with him, he is really not so thick, and he can't follow them all the time. After all, he is too slow now, he will delay the other party. The itinerary, and if he followed the other, then others would think that he must have been completely out now.
But if he goes alone, there are probably few people who really rush to chase him.
It may even be shocked.
This is the legendary empty city plan.
Step on! !
After the summer, go straight ahead.
"Somewhat!!" Nie said, looking at the back of the summer.
"Yeah!!" The cloud disaster also nodded.
Some people around them are directly scattered because they think that summer is related to the cloud disaster. If they kill the summer, they will definitely attract the anger of the cloud disaster. They have already witnessed the horror of the cloud disaster. To the extent, naturally, I am not willing to provoke a cloud disaster.
Some people also followed up with a lucky heart.
"I am leaving, I am going to talk to that guy." Nie Wei said that he chased him directly. He pursued the summer because he was very interested in the summer.
"How do you keep up? I am very slow," said the summer.
"I am not here to help you. If someone wants to kill you, I don't care. I just think that you are very interesting, so I plan to keep up." Nie said very casually, although he said that he just came to see it. It won't help the summer, but the people around him have all seen his ss-level mercenary status.
If he is with him in the summer, who else dares to do it in the summer?
That is naturally no more.

Thank you,
said the summer.
"Thank you for your thanks? I said that I won't take care of you." Nie said.
"Right, you just had so many people gathered there, and they are still masters. Why?" asked the summer.
He was wondering before, and the gatherings there are all super-class masters. So many people are definitely not simple there, and there are injuries on Giga.
"For what else, the essence of the moon." Nie said: "The thing was taken away by Gigabit at the beginning, so he will be attacked by so many people, but after you appear, Gigabit will Don't take the essence of the moon. Obviously, in his eyes, your life is more useful than the essence of the moon. Then the person who got the essence of the moon sneaked away while you were fighting two wars."
"The essence of the moon? What is that?" asked in the summer.
He really heard this title for the first time, but it sounded like a cow, b, look.
"Tell this to you, you found that there are two moons in the middle three circles, and there is no moon here?" asked Nie.
"Rely, when you are a fool, how can I not find out." I saw it early in the summer, but he never knew why.
"The moon in the middle three circles is the essence of the moon, and the essence of the moon in the ancient battlefield is formed after the moon is scattered. The main reason why the night is not too dark in the entire ancient battlefield is because it is all moon The essence is shrouded," said Nie Wei.

What is the use of the essence of that month?
asked again in the summer.
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