Chapter 6664: The secret of Xue Yujian [fifth]

call out!
At this moment, the snow feather arrow that had been picked up suddenly fell from the top, the speed was very fast, and just the snow feather arrow was picked, the two brothers did not have a chance to respond.
"Not good!" One of the bodies is also fast upwards.
"No way!" Giant Jonson also slammed out.
His body is very large, although he is a little heavy, but he is violently attacking casually. He is bigger than others.
Xue Yujian successfully separated the other two people. At the same time, the giant Jonson’s attack also hit. He kicked the take-off person directly, and the snow feather arrow also attacked the second. personal.
If the giant Jonson encounters such an opponent opposite, the opponent will definitely not hit hard with the giant Josson. They only need to use the coordination and speed. In those rounds, the giant Jonson’s group can be transferred, and the giant Jonson is finally eliminated.
But now that there is help in the summer, the two people have no chance at all.
Summer is pushing them to the giant Jonson, so they have to compete with the giant Johnson.
"It’s so good, it’s the giant Jonson. His strength is so great that even the Kyle brothers can’t take it.

"This big block is really not long. He is now suppressing the attack of two people on the other side."
"Yeah, it seems that the giant Jonson will easily enter the ranks of the four-star gladiator in the future."
The people in the stands are now as if they are going to become fans of the giant Jonson. They are all very admired to watch the giant Jonson. At this time they think that the giant Jonson is a very powerful existence.
The same powerful overlord.
However, in some corners of the stands, some people have different opinions.
Especially the manager at the front desk: "Interesting, this field is really good. He actually shot only one arrow and forced the Kyle brothers to this point. Although on the surface, the giant Jonson is now completely suppressed. The other two people, almost all of them are fighting alone, but in fact, if not the two people forced the two to force the giant Jonson, then the giant Jonson is even more powerful, and has no use.

"Manager, it seems that the two of them will not necessarily lose." The front desk staff said.
"Crap, otherwise you think I will dare to arrange this casually, but it is such a lens that can arouse the enthusiasm of the audience. You look at the audience on the field now, they are excited what they are." The manager said .
"Still managers have a foresight." The staff said respectfully.
At this time in the scene.
Standing there in the summer, as if nothing was done, but in fact, the summer has been controlling the attack of the snow feather arrow.
The Kyle brothers are also very passive.
However, the two of them do not seem to be anxious.
At the same time, one of them rushed to the giant Jonson.
"Looking for death!" Giant Jonson's attack also hit out in an instant.
Just as the man was about to hit the giant Jonson's attack, his body fell instantly, and the giant Jonson's attack was blocked by another person.
The descending man quickly rushed to the summer.
The cooperation between the two brothers is very tacit. There is no need to say anything at all. They understand each other's meaning. They both see it. They are pushing them to this point in the summer, and summer. It is a long-range attacker, so they are now going to one of them to rush to the summer, to eliminate the summer, as long as the summer is eliminated, the giant Jonson is nothing.
So that person also rushed to the summer quickly.
"Close." The man's eyes lit up.
Just when he thought he was about to succeed, he suddenly felt a crisis behind him.
His body was churning in the air.
Xue Yujian also flew directly from his position and returned directly to the summer.
"Not bad!" The summer smiled slightly, and then the snow feather arrow in the hand was shot again.
At such a close distance, that person wants to dodge.
But the snow feather arrow still passed over his arm.
Blood flies.
The person’s arm was uploaded with severe pain, and he suddenly found that his arm seemed to be being frozen at this time.
"This is one of the powers of the snow feather arrow. As long as it touches each other's blood, it will exert the effect of ice." In the summer, the uncle said that he had told him the secret of the snowy bow and snow feather arrow. .
It is impossible for outsiders to know at all.
But now I understand it in the summer.
"Not good!" The man's face changed, but he rushed to the summer at the same time.
He still wants to beat the summer quickly.
But when he rushed up, it was just the feeling that he could only evade again.
The snow feather arrow is once again back in the hands of the summer.
In the summer, the snow feather arrow was shot again.
Snow feather arrow hit his shoulder again.
The exact same scene, but the location of the injury is different.
"What happened?" The face of the man suddenly changed. He felt that there was a problem, but he couldn’t say where there was a problem. However, on the battlefield, he couldn’t hesitate to change. He saw that he was not a few meters away from the summer. Good opportunity, he does not want to miss.
Killed again.
But the same thing happened again.
Receive arrows, archery, and injuries!
This time, the man finally reacted: "Impossible, how can I loop indefinitely, obviously I have time to attack, but why I am caught in an endless loop, as long as I attack, I will be shot by him. ""
He finally reacted.
"This is the secret of the fairy arrow." The darkness in the heart of the summer.
Sword Archery!
Uncle Lan also made his name by himself. Now he handed the archery to the summer. Although he just learned the fur in the summer, the fur is also the archery.
"Second second, what are you doing, why not do it." Kyle brothers shouted.
When I heard the urge from my eldest brother, the second child was once again killed in the summer.
History can often be strikingly similar.
The same thing happened again.
But this time the second child's luck is obviously not so good, his lower abdomen was shot, although not Dan Tian, ​​but he also felt that his body seems to have a big problem.
At this time his body did not even dare to move, as if he was moving, his body would fall apart.
"The power of the snow-covered Tibetan bow is about to appear." The summer's face showed a hint of smile.
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