Chapter 7174: Where there is water

The sudden appearance of the situation surprised the summer. At the same time, the opposite water knife was even more surprised. He did not respond at all, and turned and ran.
He knows that this time he will not run, then, then, he may not be able to run.
But just as he fled, his body was directly pierced.
It is a tooth that pierces his body.
A generation of masters.
The water knife, so died here.
Looking at it all in the summer, all the eyes are incredible, although he also knows that anything on the mainland can happen, but this kind of thing seems too unbelievable.
He saw it with his own eyes.
The water knife that just swayed the martial arts was so smothered.
The moment before, he seemed to be the top master who could kill everything.
But at this moment, he was nailed to a tooth.
Very large teeth.
Just a tip of the tooth, so that his entire body is shattered.
"Quickly collected his emperor, or else he flew." Hongfeng said quickly.
"Isn't this time to run?" said the summer.
At this point he saw.
A creature with a height of ten feet.
"It's not murderous on the body, it should not kill you." Hong Feng said.
"Should!!" The black line in the summer: "Okay!!"
The summer body moved and rushed straight up.
at the same time.
His right hand waved and grabbed the two items that were going to fly out. Then he got up and looked back, looking at the creature with high temper.
This creature is really big.
And he is not just a big problem.
It is no longer a question of strength to be able to kill water knives in an instant.
You can only describe him with strong words.
"You saved me!!" shouted in the summer.
The tall creature opened his mouth and seemed to eat the summer, but soon, his voice was heard in his mouth: "You guard me for three days, I will guard you forever, as long as Where there is a sea, there is me."
It is the voice of the sister.
When I heard this, I hurriedly looked up in the summer.
"Don't look at it, it's a voice, the aquarium's usual means, she may be in a very distant place, but use the aquarium's body to pass the sound to you." North Kingdom God reminded.
He is now even more unaware of what to say.
He always felt that the longer he spent in summer, the more secrets he felt in summer.
But this time.
He feels that this is no longer a secret issue.
This summer's sister, it seems to be a very mysterious existence.
This long-distance dragon, at first glance, knows that it is very existential under the water, but it runs directly to save the summer, but also helps to pass the sound, which proves that the sister in the summer mouth is very high.
Under water.
As if you have the highest rights.
"I thought I could see my sister." Shake his head in the summer.
The body of the dragon's body jumped and directly answered the inside of the endless sea, gradually disappearing.
He is coming fast.
Going fast too.
He came here to help the summer. Now that there is no danger in the summer, he will leave.
"What is your identity as a sister?" asked the king of the North.
"I don't know, I only know that every time I am under water, she will help me and will save me," said the summer.
"The strength of the first Wanzhang Longteng is also the minimum of the Imperial 20, and because of his physical reasons, his strength may be stronger. This existence is actually just a message, which proves that your sister. It’s not too small.
The North Kingdom God guessed.
"I don't know, but the sister should be far away from me, or she will come to see me." Summer said.
Or if there is something wrong with the sister, I can’t get away.
But in the summer, I know that my sister is still there. It will be fine. When he is busy with the things here, he can go to see the sister later.
His body moved and disappeared into place.
"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are killing me. Not only are there geniuses, but also masters like Shui Wudao, but now the water knives have been fixed." The summer face showed a smile.
This water knife.
Want to kill the summer, but finally died in the summer.
He wanted to grab the summer emperor, but he gave his emperor to the summer.
"Right, Hongfeng, what are these two devices?" asked in the summer.
"It's not clear yet, my mouth is very hard. I am repairing both of them. Give me two days. I promise to let them obey the posts." Hongfeng said with confidence.
He is also an emperor, so he knows very well about the emperor.
Be sure to enlighten and apply.
Not only to scare, but also to give them hope, let them see the future.
Otherwise, ordinary emperors are full of arrogance, and it is impossible for them to surrender to a human being.
"That's it for you." Summer is a hundred trusts for Hongfeng.
"You really have a group of powerful assistants," said the envious of the king of the North.
"Brothers, I take them as brothers, brothers and sisters, although Hongfeng is a ceremonial device, but in my opinion, he is also a life, a complete life, so I respect him." Summer said.
Respect is always mutual.
Only if you truly respect each other, will the other person respect you.
"Remnant, how are you?" asked in the summer.
"Master, I just finished the first stage of cultivation, and now I am charging to the second stage." The soul said.
"It's already very fast. My soul is much more complete than him. I only cultivated to the third stage. He is the state of the remnant. He can finish the first stage so quickly, and it is still very good. And in the future, after his soul is completely restored, although it is impossible to completely restore all his memories, the most precious memory of his dust will certainly be solved." The king of the North Kingdom said.
That's right!
Even the remnant soul has completely restored his soul.
He can't remember all the things. After all, for too many years, even if the practitioner's memory is strong, it is impossible to remember everything.
But they will seal up the main memory.
After the soul of his own soul is fully restored, the dusty memory will be restored.
"Remnant soul, come on, I am also expecting your soul to recover completely. After the Northland seniors have studied the methods of separation, you will have to leave my knowledge of the sea in the future. By then, you will have your own independent life and life. "The summer is very much looking forward to."
He was very excited when he thought of it.
(End of this chapter)
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