Chapter 7197: The fate of one's change

"Adult, what happened?" asked Tiger Shuai.
"Nothing, go ahead and prepare, let's start." In the summer, I don't want to bring in the handsome tiger. Although Tiger Shuai is also the top 20, but Tiger Shuai is still not the opponent of the family, and once they want to protect In the summer, it may eventually become a battle between the family and the patron saint. In the summer, you don't want to bring the patron saints in. In this case, he is the guardian of the Protoss.
At that time, it is not just a feather, but even other families will be a manipulator.
Once the war broke out, the result was that no one could have expected it.
The night is coming!
Their plans have already begun in the summer.
Not too long, the summer residences are all around.
Those people want to storm the summer here.
"Come." Summer's right hand waved.
The red eagle appeared in his hand and then a sword broke out.
The people who rushed in front of them all broke their feet. This was the summer of deliberate attack, because he wanted to leave these people's lives, and later, he could attack better.
In the summer, he took two steps forward, and then his eyes looked to the front. In front of him, all of them were all kinds of masters. There were thousands of people: "Many people are quite a lot."
He now understands that those people now want to kill the summer quickly and take away everything in the summer.
It is the kind of cost at all costs.
Several attacks in the summer came down. The people in front are all constantly in the end.
Just then, someone's attack hit the summer.
The imperial fire armor blocked this attack, but the summer body also flew out.
"Master!" The body of the summer moved.
Water mirror!
At this time he also directly opened the mirror of the water.
To deal with this kind of master, it is not a good idea to fight.
The mirror of water, the illusion of the illusion, is the greatest use here. It can be used to confuse the opponent and delay the time. At this time, all the people who attacked him also entered the mirror of the water.
Water Blade!
The summer attack has also begun.
He deliberately avoided the key points of those people.
"As long as the time is delayed, it will be delayed for a while, and the tiger handsome will be able to come back." The eyes of the summer also looked at the person who attacked himself.
really! !
This person is a high-rise,
I remember this person in the summer. This person is a master of the 19th grade of the Emperor. He is also a general of the guardian protoss of the Black Wind Zone. The information of this person has been seen before in the summer.
There are eight generals in the Guardian Land, and seven of them are masters of the 19th grade of the Emperor. This person is one of them.
"Even the people at this level of the generals have been infiltrated. It is no wonder that there will be a crisis of extermination," said the king of the North.
"Actually, I suspect that my mother-in-law has already known all this, but she thinks she is old and has not changed her ability. And she also knows that I have a relationship with you, so I chose me." Summer There is nothing wrong with seeing my own conjecture, so I also understand why the guardian family is truly annihilated.
Under one person, above seven billion people.
Such people have been infiltrated, and once they start the war, such people are doing damage, and the enemy should be outside, and the guardian Protoss is blamed.
Summer took a long breath.
The Blade of Water is constantly attacking, and those people are also defending, and the ones they see are all powerful attacks of the Water Dragon, and they are not afraid to take risks.
"It seems that the mirror of water and the blade of water are really stunned. For the time being, they are dragging them. The next step is to wait for the tiger to come back." Summer understands that those who chase the tiger handsome are definitely very strong. Strong, but when they meet Tiger Shuai, they will be quickly taken down.
Waiting for half an hour in the summer.
Tiger Shuai rushed over.
At this time, the mirror of water and the blade of water have already consumed almost everyone inside.
The general seemed to feel that there was a problem.
He directly killed his men.
He seems to understand what to do in the summer, although his men are injured, but there is no death, so this is the summer to catch the mouth.
just now.
He is also killing one by one of his own hands.
"This guy, he found out." There is no way to stop him in the summer, his strength is too strong.
at this time.
These people are all dying constantly.
"Stop!" Tiger Shuai rushed in and grabbed the man's shoulder directly: "It's actually you!"
That person wants to escape.
But how can Tiger Shuai give him a chance? If Tiger Shuai is going to deal with the top players outside, it may be very troublesome, but the players who deal with him are still not very problematic because he knows his ability. So, after a few rounds, I took my own hand.
"Come, come with me." Tiger Shuai sealed the general's Dan Tian.
"How?" asked in the summer.
"I also caught a general there, but he killed all his men," said Tiger Shuai.
"Well, yes, don't forget the serials, the two generals are caught, I am worried that there are other people, those people will kill, so now you have to keep up, and hide," said the summer.
"Good!" Tiger Shuai nodded and then went out.
Two hours later.
The news of Hu Shuai came over: "A total of three generals were arrested, 4,729 people were killed, and 9,760 people were caught. Most people are still interrogating, but some people have begun to confess "
"It's so fast." North King God said with emotion.
"Yeah, this kind of thing must be fast, otherwise it will be late if the news is leaked. This night is destined to be not quiet. Maybe after dawn, the guardian Protoss will be completely devoid of traitors." Summer is also In prayer, all the traitors can be found out.
"You have changed the fate of the patron saints. The people they have captured are all people who are in important positions. They are arrested. The next big war, the patron saint will not be too much trouble." Wang also had to admit that because of one person, the patron saint changed the fate.
Thoroughly saved the patron saint.
The sky is gradually lit up.
Summer is waiting for news, and the means of interrogating the Protoss is still possible, so there is no need to worry about it in the summer. It is dawn, and everything is the end.
"I don't know how much it will be this time," said the summer.
"After dawn, even if you let all the patron saints go to death, they will go," said the king of the North.
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