Chapter 8173: Master of medium power

. Black light.
At this time, a black glow appeared in the magic fork.
The defense of the Underworld's Hyena is very powerful, and it also wears a set of armor. This armor increases the defense and increases the ability to counterattack.
Strong and powerful.
Just so many people attacked the underworld nine dogs, and they failed to bring any damage to the Underworld.
From this point, we can see that the underdog is strong.
Available at this moment.
The magic fork has penetrated the body of the underdog.
There was a painful roar in the mouth of the Underdog.
"What happened?" The brows of the summer wrinkled, he did not understand, so many powerful weapons failed to break the defense of the underdog nine dogs, but was broken by one of the eight weapons.
And the maximum length of the magic fork is no more than one meter. Even if it pierces the skin of the underdog of the underworld, it only hurts his skin. It is impossible to hurt the inner part of the underdog. But the nine-headed dog But it made a loud voice, obviously this is to make it really hurt.
"Nine dogs, what's wrong with you?" asked the wolf.
"Pluto Master, his weapons are weird, strong and powerful, magical and bitter, and very painful." The Underworld three-headed dog said.
"Magic!!" The wolf's brow wrinkled "Give me five minutes!!"
"Yes, Pluto adults." The Underworld three-headed dog also broke out instantly.
Its attack has increased several times in an instant.
The violent attack slammed around.
"You, are you going to watch a movie? This greedy wolf is not simple. He wants five minutes. After five minutes, maybe there will be something horrible, if he really wants to ruin the royal territory." The consequences are unimaginable." The tomb of the tomb of the tomb looked at the people around them.
Although the masters of the royal territories are now dispatched, no matter whether they are top forces or medium-powered forces, only one person is shot, even the masters of the lower forces have not shot.
At this time, when they heard the tomb of the tomb, everyone nodded slightly.
"Everyone, you must have heard of the disaster day. Now it seems that this is the so-called disaster day. All the people of the royal family must unite to destroy this greedy wolf and the underworld nine-headed dog." The of the hundred wings finally stood up.
There was a hundred-winged God's main opening, and suddenly became authoritative.
"Now I am commanding all the lower-level forces to attack me against the greedy wolf, the middle and top forces, and attack the underdogs. Anyone can't hide, if I find out, kill innocent." The Lord of God is also considered to be the first rites.
In the beginning, he used the righteousness to unite everyone.
Tell everyone to fight against this disaster together.
Directly order, use your own authority to order.
But the words of the hundred-winged God, everyone is still very useful.
The original chaotic battles suddenly became regular, and the forces below the low level began to wrap around from both sides. The masters above the medium power all rushed to the underdog.
"It is really impossible to watch a movie. I am also seeing such a big thing. I will see it for the first time. Let me tell you how powerful this big man is." The unrestrained lord has a body, and the sword is flying, direct blasting. Towards the underworld nine-headed dog.
The powerful attack power is also to let the body of the Underworld's nine dogs continue to retreat.
The sorrowful lord looks yin and yang, like a yin and yang, but it gives a feeling of death. The half beard is very obvious and can leave a deep impression.
"It is a master of the middle-level masters. If you take a shot, it will be extraordinary." After the tombs of the tombs and the ancestors who saw the tomb of the gods, all of them were very admired.
These people, who have just started playing for so long, have not been able to hurt the underdogs.
But now.
Two top figures are shot, and the strength can be said to be very powerful.
All of them caused a lot of harm to the underdog.
The other middle-class forces also nodded slightly. Everyone understands that since the top forces have opened their mouths, they must go up. If they don’t, then I am afraid that they will be crusted by everyone, and this time is also a show. The opportunity of strength, let each other know the strength of everyone, if the strength of who is not enough, then it is doomed to be kicked out of the middle force.
call out!
A hook directly hangs on the underdog of the Underworld.
"I am going to rob the soul temple, that is to win the soul, but such a big head, I don't know if I can see Chen Gong." The face of the temple of the Temple of the Soul reveals a smile.
His body looked a little bloated, a fat man, plus his short stature. If he fell to the ground, no one really knew which one to lift.
But this is a fat man, the shot is very fierce.
Step on!
The body of the Underworld's Hyena began to sway and almost fell.
But soon, its body is stable.
Everyone understands that the ability to rob the soul temple does not really smother the spirit of the other party at once, but let the spirit of the other party be briefly controlled and win time for other people.
Just now.
The masters of the middle and top powers also all shot.
Their round of attack went out, the Underworld's nine-headed dog did not have any counterattack, and the destruction of the Underworld's nine-headed dog also stopped. This is the credit of the Lord of the Temple of the Soul.
"It’s not a temple for robbing souls. I have won a lot of time for everyone. Unlike us, we are star-studded, only to enjoy the moon and to see the moon." The main voice of the cave of Luo Luo Cave has just fallen.
Compared with the first two people, the cave owner of Xingluodong must have more momentum. His dressing, coupled with his appearance, can be said to give a feeling of immortality.
Pointing to the mountains and rivers, swallowing the mountain and river.
A little bit of stars appeared around.
These stars flew past the underworld's nine-headed dog and shone.
The light flashed and finally fell on the underdog of the Underworld.
A powerful explosive force appeared on the underdog's nine-headed dog. The armor of the underworld's nine-headed dog was blown out of several holes to reveal its hair.
And a lot of places are also a piece of burnt.
"Dry beautiful!!" The tomb of the Tiandi Mausoleum praised him. At this time, he also came to the interest. The other middle-level power masters all shot. If he did not shoot, then the others would not look down on him. It’s up to me, I don’t have any skill in heaven and earth, it’s to fight in the mausoleum, to make a living, to control life and death.

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