Chapter 8274: One finger destroys thunder

Other people robbed, it is a few days of thunder.
These thunders, I am afraid, it is just like the power of Raytheon to sneeze. It is impossible to get on the table. It can even be said that the masters here are simply not seeing the thunder.
But now.
The thunder of summer is completely different from that of others.
This is no longer a matter of size.
It is Raytheon.
Although it seems to be only the illusion of Raytheon.
But this is enough shocking.
"Who do you hear that the transitional robbery has brought Raytheon down?" The founder's mouth was twitching.
Other people around are also shaking their heads.
They are all living for so many years, but none of them have ever heard of such a thing.
They found it at this moment.
I seem to have lived in my life.
And there has never been a similar thing in the things they have heard.
Horror is unimaginable.
The people around who used to offend the summer, at this moment, the back is also cold sweat, they found that it is the biggest mistake they have ever made in their lives.
They and summer.
It is not a level of existence at all.
They used to think that their own realm is very high.
It is much higher than summer.
So even if it is a little famous in the summer, it must be gracious to them, but now, they finally understand at this moment, their realm, and the realm of summer, are not the same meaning.
The illusion of Raytheon has completely appeared above them.
They all saw it.
There was a huge hammer and a huge nail in the hands of Raytheon.
Raytheon at this time.
Every muscle in your body is full of explosive power.
And his expression is also full of indifference and death.
his appearance.
It is destined to destroy the people who are against the sky.
In the summer, he is practicing in the sky, and he wants to break the sky.
The king of the world decided to break through.
"Raytheon? It's a bit interesting, so it's worthy of me." The mouth of the summer was slightly raised, and his face was not tense.
The people around me are now lifted up one by one, one is more nervous than the other, but there is no tension in the summer.
They don't know.
In their view of the terrible thunder.
Summer has never been concerned.
Those little thiens who used to be in the past, even when they look at it in the summer, will disappear.
This time Raytheon appeared.
The summer subconscious is not afraid of appearing, but feels that there is finally a little challenge. He is a warrior, a warrior who is more excited when he sees danger.
Nothing can make him fear.
Including this thunder in front of you.
at this time.
His eyes are staring at this Raytheon.
Everyone sees it all.
This thunder is moving.
He seems to be rubbing his own weapon.
Thunder has come.
The robbery appeared.
This is not a thunder, it’s just that the other party is wiping its own weapons, but they find that the thunderstorms that occurred this time are four or fifty times larger than the thunder of robbery when they were robbed, and even more. .
And they fell one after another.
It’s just a wiping of weapons, and the thunder of them is already something they can’t imagine.
At this time, these people around are all shocked.
Although they now think of the previous thunder, they don’t care, but now they are four or fifty times before them. Such a thunder, even if they are, they dare not touch it. The most important thing is This is not a thunder, not even an appetizer. How big is the real power of thunder?
Although this is not a real thunder, it has already landed and landed directly on the summer.
Thunder is too dodging.
I stood there in the summer.
Even the defense is not, others are resisting the thunder, they are using their own stunts and a variety of baby weapons, and finally fight the two loses, but they can stand there in the summer, the eyes are still looking at the sky.
It seems that I have not found that the thunder will fall.
Some people have even been unable to bear to see it. They think that such a big thunder can completely destroy everything.
No matter how to resist in the summer, it is impossible to stop such a terrible thunder.
When the day fell on the summer.
All the thunder have disappeared.
Even the clothes of the Xia Jiajun logo worn in the summer did not have any damage, and such a terrible Tianlei disappeared.
All the people around me are all stunned.
No one understands what is going on.
Why did Tianlei disappear like this?
Those scattered thunders are the same end.
All disappeared.
Everyone understands that these thunders are resisted by the summer. Although they don't understand how to do it in the summer, the summer is indeed true.
At this time, Raytheon apparently wiped his weapon, and his gaze finally fell.
Put it on the summer.
It seems to be the same as determining your goals.
Then he had huge weapons in his hand aimed at the summer.
This is the next.
Everyone around felt the invisible pressure.
so horrible.
They believe that if they change to be theirs, they will be looked at by this Raytheon, and I am afraid that they are now flying away.
"The man who is against the sky, it." Raytheon actually spoke.
This is even more incredible.
This seemingly distracting phantom actually speaks.
"My way of practice is to go against the sky. I don't care who it is. As long as he dares to stop my cultivation, then I will kill him." After the summer, I directly extended my double. Means: "Do you think that you are doing with me?"
What do you match?
When I heard this vocabulary.
The people around are all stunned.
They all know that this person in summer is usually very hard.
But they did not expect that the summer was hard to get to this point.
This hard air is a little scary.
Actually dare to speak to Raytheon, even saying that Raytheon is not worthy.
Knocked down.
Raytheon seems to use the most substantial action to prove that he is worthy.
A huge hammer smashed over the nails.
this moment.
Thunder light illuminates the entire spiritual world.
The summer body also jumped and rushed straight up. He rushed to Lei Guang and rushed to Raytheon, and he did not use any weapons, his fingers.
that's it.
He penetrated the thunder.
Rushed to the face of Raytheon.
His fingers.
Pointed on the body of Raytheon.
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