Chapter 9454: It’s a big disaster

20,000 points!
This is the intensity that I have never seen in summer.
Because his level of the ring is not high, he can only detect the reserve of up to 3,000 points of the power of the other people without exposing the strength. This time, Wan Liwei’s reserve of the power of the fairy has been skyrocketing.
Therefore, the sky can be detected.
"I understand, before I said, the sky is not just for the detection of the human reserve of the power of the fairy, but with the Tian Yao Wan Lin, just those people called the shadow Wan Linwei, In other words, he is related to Tian Yao Wan Lin. The purpose of his coming here is to blew himself into the main area of ​​Sirius and absorb more power to blew himself. I attacked him in advance, so he failed to rush inside. Can choose to blew on the periphery, and the sky is actually in order to detect these Wanlinwei situation." At this time, I looked at my own hands and rings.
The color above the sky ring turns yellow.
In other words, he is not in the danger zone now, but his location is a yellow area, which is still dangerous.
"No, this time, the blast, the power is so big, how many people are going to die." Summer is also rushing to come up with a big megaphone: "The people at the entrance listened, hurry up and run inside, there is Wan Linwei blew outside."
Although he is not a saint, he does not want to watch so many people die.
He shouted this, and certainly there are many people who can hear it, but in the end, whoever can believe him is not necessarily the same, and he can do it.
If those people don't believe in him and stay in the same place, then there is no way for him.
He also began to retreat to the inside.
He stopped until the color on the sky was turned green.
The sound of the explosion appeared.
The glare blocked everyone's view.
The huge explosive force shattered the edges of the main area of ​​Sirius.
This is the first time I saw such destructive power after coming to Tianmai in the summer.
The explosion soon passed.
But the explosion destroyed all the original good entrances.
The area covered is very large.
Although many people have chosen to escape after hearing the summer, the number of deaths will never be lower than tens of millions.
This is Wan Linwei.
The main thing is that Wan Linwei has not ran into the main area of ​​Sirius, and he has not absorbed enough power. If he absorbs a lot of power and blew himself in the center of Sirius.
The number of deaths is absolutely ten times that of the present.
And the entire Sirius main area may be destroyed.
This is not an ordinary human gathering place, but the main area of ​​Sirius, but here is bigger, more places for masters.
Can be a million Lin Wei, almost ruined here.
It is the saving of so many people in the summer.
Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.
"I always thought that there are so many master guards in the Sanchuan Liumai area. It is definitely a good law and order. Although there are occasional people who make troubles, there are certainly not many problems. But now it seems that I think more." Summer heard the cries in front.
The explosion just destroyed a lot of people.
Similarly, in the peripheral area, many people have survived, but the people who have survived are very miserable, all of them are disabled, and their wounds are corroding.
The screams kept coming.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
There are countless masters behind, and they are all angering in the direction of the explosion.
Then I saw a situation that made him unforgettable in the summer.
Originally he thought that these people were saved in the past.
When these people have just passed, they will directly kill those who are injured.
One did not stay, and they were all long-range attacks.
After they attacked, all the faculties of the soil, water and wood systems used their own abilities.
This is a great destruction.
Originally, Wan Linwei destroyed many people.
But in the end, those who are injured will die even worse.
They were all killed by people who came to the rescue.
At that time, those people also repaired all the places that were originally destroyed.
It seems that it has never happened just like those things.
Everything is restored to its original state.
It’s just that tens of millions of people have died.
The people in the main area of ​​Sirius believe that time can cover everything. Anyway, the main area of ​​Sirius will come every day for up to half a month, and no one will remember everything here.
It can be seen from the actions of these people.
This kind of thing is definitely not the first time it happened.
"The martial law." In the summer, it was discovered that this time Wanlinwei blew himself up, and it was not a little bit affected. Now the main area of ​​Sirius is martial, and everyone is flustered.
It seems as if you are looking for something.
"I seem to be in trouble." See you in the summer.
The people looking for something everywhere are the people in the main area of ​​Sirius.
If you don't guess wrong in the summer, they should be looking for someone. This person is a little bird.
And it is possible to find so many masters in the main area of ​​Sirius.
It is enough to prove the identity of the little bird.
He believes that at this time, except for the married Miss Darius, there is no one who can let so many people move out, because even the top ladies, I will not alarm so many people.
Unless it is related to the rise and fall of your own power.
The little bird is going to be married, and marrying the dragon house. Now, if the little bird really has an accident, then this is the biggest provocation to the dragon house. This is not only a problem of not being able to cooperate, but also a bad dragon. .
So now the Sirius House will be so nervous at this time.
If they can't find the little bird, they will definitely turn upside down.
"Collection!" Summer is also a temporary gathering of the generals and hyenas, because he is worried that something unpredictable will happen in the future, so now they must be careful to face.
Start by collecting to see what special circumstances exist before deciding on the next step.
This Wan Linwei suddenly appeared, breaking their original plans.
The generals and the hyenas soon returned.
The generals still came back with Zhou Qi.
"Boss, just..." What the dog wants to say.
However, in the summer, he also interrupted his words: "I said that I knew first. I just helped a woman to escape the main area of ​​Sirius. After my observation, I found that the person I let go is probably the big one of Sirius. Miss, that is the big lady who is married."
When I heard this, a few people were also a glimpse.
In the summer, Zhou Qi is not carrying, Zhou Qi is a woman of the generals, and he completely believes in each other.
After this kind of thing is passed out, it is definitely an unimaginable consequence.
"There is still the second thing, this explosion is also related to me!!!"
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