Vol 3 Chapter 599: : The first maternal-induced mutation, the birth of cancer star

At this moment, Ye Hua calmed down quickly, no one was more terrified than him to update the virus inside the instrument, and his mood now was both uplifting and dignified.
Leaving the electron microscope, Ye Hua called up a holographic image and put his hands on a floating virtual operation panel. As he was operating the panel, the robot arm of the isolation device simultaneously performed his operation.
After a few minutes, Ye Hua carefully extracted the mother source of "Sci-fi virus" from the equipment and put it in a glass melting tube.
Ye Hua didn't say a word, holding the mother source to another house price, entered a fully enclosed rectangular grid space, and placed the mother source on a cylindrical platform inside the space.
"Xiao Yin, only I can enter here, and it will be decisively destroyed in the event of an accident." Ye Hua said out of the lattice space.
In the event of an accident, such as accidental exposure and attempted theft, high-temperature plasma rays will completely destroy the virus source.
Viruses are also charged. When the virus receives the action of charged particles, its charge distribution will be completely destroyed under the action, bombardment and irradiation of high-frequency electromagnetic fields of plasma, high-energy particles, free radicals, and ultraviolet rays, directly affecting The physiological activity and metabolism of the virus eventually died out.
After Ye Hua left, the space was completely closed.
Back to the isolation laboratory, there are still trace mother sources inside the equipment. Ye Hua did not take them all out.
"Lorland, get a sample of cancer cells and a sample of HIV."
"Okay!" Lorantis nodded, turned to a wall in the laboratory, opened the freezer, took two samples from it, and quickly came to Ye Hua.
"Put it in, put the cancer cell sample first." Ye Hua aimed at the groove in the eye laboratory equipment.
Lorantis puts the sample into the groove, and after a few seconds, the groove is closed, the sample sinks, and is automatically sterilized by the inside of the device, evacuated to a vacuum state, and finally sent to another vessel, and the sample flows from the dissolution tube into the vessel Inside.
Outside Ye Hua operated the robotic arm through the holographic auxiliary system, and saw a thin needle on the robotic arm slowly reach the sky above the vessel.
People inside the equipment cannot see the outside, but Ye Hua does not need to observe with the naked eye to operate the equipment. Such micro-details cannot be done with the naked eye, even if Ye Hua Yuan is not comparable to ordinary people.
Naturally, with the help of a holographic auxiliary system, the device is 100% synchronized with the holographic simulation.
As time passed by minute by minute, Ye Hua controlled in an orderly manner without a word, Lorantis curled up with both hands, staring intently at the synchronous simulation picture of the display panel.
The needle on the robot arm is almost solid, but in fact there is still a hollow channel with a diameter of 45 nanometers inside.
The tip of the needle touched the liquid-filled object full of cancer cells on the vessel without any movement. However, the synchronous simulation screen of the holographic auxiliary system showed that a mother source of the Devils virus entered the channel of the tip and was slowly sinking.
Accurate to a virus mother source, almost severe to the extreme, you must also do this, none can be lost. The number of mother virus sources is exactly one digit, and only 78 mother virus sources are synthesized this time.
It doesn't take too much that a mother source of the Devils virus can destroy the crystallization of billions of years of life evolution on Earth, no matter how severe it is.
You should know that the proliferation rate of the Smurf virus is crazy replicating at a rate of 10 ^ 16.
For a long time of more than 300 seconds, the mother source of the Devils virus finally walked through a needle tube less than five centimeters in length and eventually fell into the vessel.
"Observation!" Ye Hua continued to control, and when Lolandis nodded, he ran to the electron microscope for observation.
The source of the Smurf virus entered the vessel, swimming in the water, more like a jellyfish at the microscopic scale, and eventually contacted the first cancer cells. Those "tentacles" immediately stuck the cancer cells, and the Smurf virus absorbed and penetrated it. And eventually enter the host cell.
In a short time of 0.005 seconds, the mother genome of the Smurf virus induced mutations. After 0.01 seconds, the mutation was completed, and the "indian effect" was successfully established.
Shelling, synthesis, release ...
E. coli T2 phage is released from the cell into the E. coli cell tract, and it takes only about 22 minutes to complete a generation of replication.
It only takes one minute for the Devil virions to enter the cancer cells and be released from the cells.
In the vessel, the second Smurf virion that established the "printing effect" with cancer cells was born, four were born two minutes later, eight were born three minutes later, sixteen were born four minutes later, and five minutes later. Thirty-two were born ...
The exponential divergence of the virion's self-replication and proliferation!
After half an hour, all the cancer cells in the vessel disappeared, and all the cancer cells were swallowed up by the Devils virions, and within a short period of 30 minutes, the Devils virions proliferated from the first one through self-replication. After 30 cycles, the number has exceeded the order of 1 billion. If there is sufficient supply of nourishment for cancer cells, their number can directly reach the scale of terror of the order of 2 billion.
Such a terrible speed of self-replication is truly terrible.
Ye Hua continued to control the device, and after a few minutes, he removed the Tianmu virus body that had successfully established the "printing effect" from the device. Ye Hua shook the blue liquid dissolution tube in his hand, which contained more than 1 billion Tianmo viruses. In the body, without the support of cancer cells, they stopped living and fell into a dormant state. Without a host, they did not show vital activity and stopped self-replication.
However, it only needs to be exposed to cancer cells. Once it is parasitic, it immediately has the characteristics of life activities and begins to repeat itself and proliferate.
The mother source of the Sky Devil virus is terrible, but Ye Hua is not afraid of the tube of viruses in hand, because they are already "printing effect" with the cancer cells. Even if you drink it directly, it will not have any effect on the human body. Impact, because they only engulf cancer cells and are not interested in how other cell organisms "seduce".
"Cancer is over, so its nemesis is born!" Ye Hua said looking at the virus lysing tube in his hand slightly excitedly, "Loran ~ EbookFREE.me ~ How old are you this year?"
"17 years old, what's wrong? What do you ask?" Lorantis said puzzledly.
"Baby, you can be my strongest competitor for this year's Nobel Prize, and you will most likely be picked by this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine." Ye Hua said with a smile: "The 17-year-old Nobel Prize Winner, oh ... "
There is no doubt that once this lysate tube in hand is released, the world will fry it. The winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine are Ye Hua and Oren Drake's revolutionary revolution in cryogenic medicine. breakthrough.
And this dissolving tube in Ye Hua's hand became the biggest competitor. Well, how lonely is invincible when you hit the right hand from left to right ...
Lorentis blinked his eyes and looked at Ye Hua immediately: "Dear, let's announce it after the Nobel Judging is finished this year."
Ye Hua stared at her in puzzlement: "Why?"
Lorantis: "I hope that Oran Drake's mentor can become the Nobel Prize winner. If it is announced immediately, Drake's mentor may miss the Nobel Prize ..."
Ye Hua smiled: "Hah? Xiao Nizi is so confident in her research results? Emmm ... Also, after all, cancer has been completely attacked, and the influence is indeed more than one grade of ultra-low temperature medicine. But it does not matter, it will not hinder Drake Winning prizes is not guaranteed this year and next year. "
Because Drake won the award means Ye Hua will continue to win the award. You know, some people are honored for winning the Nobel Prize, while others are the honor of the Nobel Prize Agency. Ye Hua is the latter. Frequently sending awards to him is the maintenance of Nobel authority. Just as many years later, the god-like scientists in Einstein's area have shaped the world's perception that even the big cows have won the Nobel Prize, and this prize is definitely not good for cattle.
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