Vol 3 Chapter 602: : Public broadcast

The traditional media's response is a bit slow, but the online media has spread the news, and the first one in the developed regions of the world has obtained this news.
Is Huaxia going to tackle cancer and HIV? !! One shot to fix cancer cells and HIV?
Twenty minutes of news published by Qian Coastline University's School of Life Sciences, in less than 200 words, introduces a shocking news: v6 and v6i viruses can be used to treat cancer and HIV.
Sure enough, the more important things are, the leaner the content becomes.
The news has just come out, and all sectors of society are still in a state of half-knowledge. To put it simply: using v6 and v6i viruses to attack the virus, you can cure cancer and AIDS!
"Shock the world", "The only true broad-spectrum anti-cancer, anti-AIDS magic pill", "Cancer is cured", "Old drivers can drive racing without worrying about winning the bid", "This information is as simple as hitting "Needle" and other online media continue to ferment with exaggerated headlines, making the news popular in less than two hours.
The news released by the Coastline University is also spread through the Internet in a short period of time just like "martial arts." The v6 and v6i viruses fight cancer and AIDS. The "magic recipe" that is attacked by poison in realistic martial art works is generally simple and effective.
The news was too sudden.
After a while, all sectors of society seemed to calm down, and cancer, was it really so simple to be overcome?
One is cancer cells and HIV, and the other is v6 and v6i viruses.
Cancer, AIDS, incurable diseases; v6, v6i viruses, all circles do not know what the virus is, but seeing this code is a virus, it is not easy to mess with it at first glance.
This treatment is really as perfect as the perfect burst out of some posts? Is this a simple injection that can cure cancer patients and AIDS patients?
The netizens of the entire network were excited for a long time, and found that in the end, it was not clear what the ghost of v6 and v6i was, and they did not even know who the specific R & D team was.
The unresponsive traditional media rushed to Coastline University for confirmation as soon as they got the news. On the second day, with the constant excitement and doubts on the entire network, the traditional mainstream media reported relevant news on the front page headlines, thoroughly letting the world Excited.
It was Ye Hua's research team who achieved this result, and further confirmed that this is not a rumor.
What is really exciting is that this team has the name Ye Hua, which is just a golden signboard, representing authority.
The hot "continuation of life" medicine is from Ye Hua. Last year ’s Nobel Prize in Physics, this year ’s Nobel Prize has also been hotly debated, and it ’s almost nailed down. Academics also agree that Ye Hua and Oren Dray Gram will share this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for a major breakthrough in the field of cryogenic medicine.
With the blessing of writing such a god-level title, doubts have quickly dissipated, and thousands of people around the world are looking forward to it.
Two days later.
"Xin Lian, Xin Lian, your illness is saved, your illness is saved !!"
In a hotel in Yongzhen, the Yang Junming family lived in Huizhou. They were going to go home for a while today. Zhang Xinlian had to go into low temperature sleep again after living for two months.
At this moment, Yang Junming was crouching beside his wife ecstatically: "It has been saved, and Coastal University has made significant scientific progress. Not only has it found a cure for cancer, it has also simultaneously overcome AIDS. Xinlian, you do n’t need to It's frozen and not used !! "
Hearing that Zhang Xinlian stared at her ecstatic husband for a while, but opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.
"It was Mr. Ye and his team who overcame the problem, but it didn't matter. Mr. Ye just called me and asked me if I could let you join a clinical trial. They would recruit 15 cancer patients volunteers at the same time. Participated in clinical trials with 15 AIDS volunteers. "Yang Junming reluctantly excited:" I asked him what is the probability of success, he said that out of rigor, the probability of success is 99%, that is, basically 100%! And All costs are borne by the Coastline University !!! "
Yang Junming's gratitude to Ye Hua is indescribable, and he also believes in Ye Hua very much, because he can recruit other patients quickly, and there are countless dying cancer patients. It is not difficult to recruit, many advanced patients Rather than betting on a few.
The point is that Ye Hua's academic authority is also there, as is his influence and prestige.
The couple quickly made a decision. Ms. Zhang Xinlian agreed. After waking up again, she was born a second time. Instead, she took a lot of light on life and death, but did not want to be separated after reuniting again.
The answer that really made Yang Junming and the couple not hesitate is that Ye Hua answered him with a 100% tone. Even if the clinical trial fails, Zhang Xinlian still has a chance to save, and that is to enter low-temperature freezing hibernation again. This guarantee method has basically eliminated the last concerns.
Ye Hua is also committed to other clinical trial volunteers. It can be seen that the positive benefits brought by the technological breakthrough of cryogenic medicine can not only freeze people, but also further promote the technological development in the medical field. With better safety guarantees, human tests will further increase. If the test fails, the people who fail the test will be frozen, and they will be resuscitated when a technological breakthrough occurs in the future.
So it is bound to promote technological breakthroughs.
In the afternoon ~ EbookFREE.me ~ College of Life Sciences, Coastline University, a large group of media gathered here, and the scene was also a noisy communication voice.
At this time, a staff member of the school held a sign holding the invitation to the Beijing and China Times and the BBC to report to the laboratory.
"Hurry up!"
Zhao Xin was overjoyed when he saw the raised sign, and hurriedly urged his partner.
It's good to be mixed. Ye Hua's interviews with the outside media are two media, one domestic and one foreign, respectively, the Jinghua Times and the BBC.
"Let's make it, thank you!"
Helen Jones was also pleasantly surprised. She did not expect such an unexpected surprise. Among the many female reporters in the journalist group, she can be said to be an absolute face.
"This ... this is not fair!"
A reporter from the Daily Mail shouted uncomfortably. Suddenly, a number of media people asked to enter the laboratory.
In the eyes of envious and jealous peers, the special reporters of the two media were taken away by the staff, which means that they can get first-hand exclusive information, and can they be jealous.
"This time, President Ye will personally introduce the research progress and allow live video broadcasts." The staff told the two media reporters.
"God, is this true?"
Xing Mu, who was surprised at the same time, Zhao Xin and Helen both opened their eyes. When they reacted, they called the editor immediately.
A few minutes later, there were simultaneous live streaming pictures of the two media on the Internet for exclusive live coverage, one domestic and one foreign.
Ye Hua ’s decision to do so is also a signal to the outside world, a signal full of confidence in this research breakthrough, to spread its influence and speed up and shorten the time to market for vaccines.
. m.
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