Vol 3 Chapter 606: : Lorantis Stirs the World

The ward was quiet and no one spoke. The two media cameramen gave close-ups of the lens to the smooth tabletop surrounded by Ye Hua and Lorantis, and countless viewers watched it through the live broadcast screen. All this happened at the Coastline University Biology Institute.
Ye Hua broke two ampoules containing powerful regenerative hormones and v6 virions, and then opened another ampule of another proprietary liquid. At the same time, Lorantis prepared three times. Sex syringe, immediately passed the first syringe to Ye Hua.
Within a short while, Ye Hua sucked the medicine in the three ampoules into three syringes, and Lorantis immediately opened a vial filled with white powder medicine and handed it to Ye Hua, who passed the third kind in the syringe. The medicine solution was poured into the vial, and after shaking a few times, the mixed solution in the vial was re-inhaled into the syringe.
At this time, Lorantis handed another bag of hanging water, and Ye Hua drove all the solutions in the three syringes into the hanging bag of water.
The audience of melon found that Ye Hua will be a generalist, not a doctor, but at first glance, he can no longer be familiar, it is simply a great all-round god.
All this was done quickly. Ye Hua held 500 ml of Ms. Zhang Xinlian's bed next to her bed and hung the hanging bag on the hook above the bed. Lorantis immediately sent a bag of sealed hanging needle tubes.
"You only need to hang the needle once?" Yang Junming, who was watching silently at last, could not help but break the tranquil atmosphere. In fact, this question can be said that it is also asked by countless viewers, especially patient viewers at this moment. .
"The most complicated problem has been solved in the R & D room. We should relax our mindset and don't treat it as a terminal illness. It will be as thin as a cold in the future, so it is really an injection." Ye Huatou With a confident and smiling answer, this is also an answer to countless patients and audiences.
Lorantis handed him a piece of medical rubber band, Ye Hua no longer spoke, and three or two skillfully tied the rubber band on Ms. Zhang's arm. The clear blood vessels gradually raised, and the hanging needle was quickly injected into the blood vessel. Infusion started within.
"In the next week, Ms. Zhang will have clinical reactions like those I said above, which are normal." Ye Hua asked Yang Junming and said, "One more time, during this period the patient will feel hungry and verbal. Thirsty, drink small amounts of water but not eat. "
Yang Junming nodded and remembered one by one and kept thanking him. This scene also touched countless people, and many audiences were posting blessings.
Out of the ward, Zhang Xin couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, how is the development of the drug and when can it be approved for marketing?"
"Although our team is full of confidence, due to respect for life, we must strictly go through every process to ensure that the vaccines on the market are 100% okay." Ye Hua said, "As far as the current progress has been, Review by relevant agencies and clinical trials of new drugs. "
"What are the clinical trials in humans now?" Helen also asked.
"Early stage." Ye Huayan replied concisely and added a moment of contemplation: "After the initial stage of clinical trials, we will enter a formal phase one clinical trial. At this stage, 20 to 100 volunteers will be recruited for experimental research. Its main purpose It is to provide the safety information of the drug, including the safe dosage range of the drug, and it is also necessary to obtain data and information on its absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion and duration of drug effect through this stage of clinical trial research. Six months. "
"In the second-phase clinical trial, we will recruit 100 to 500 relevant patients for the trial. The main purpose is to obtain data on the effectiveness of the drug data for six months."
"Phase III clinical trials will enlist 2,000 to 10,000 clinical and inpatient patients, which will be conducted in multiple medical centers. Under the strict supervision of doctors, further information on the effectiveness of this drug and identification of side effects, and interaction with other drugs will be obtained. The relationship, Phase III clinical trial is also the most important part of the entire clinical trial, it will be 20 months. "
"Only after completing all three stages of clinical trials and analyzing all information and data to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the drug, will it enter the new drug application and be approved to be marketed. We expect that the 'cancer vaccine will be achieved in about three years' time. The comprehensive launch of the 'and' AIDS vaccines' is already quite surprisingly efficient. You have to know that a drug usually reaches 6 to 7 years in clinical trials alone. "
After answering some temporary questions from the two reporters, Ye Hua motioned them to give the lens to Lorentis and asked her to take off the mask.
Thousands of netizens who watched the live video were not calm at this moment. They were already curious about the research lady who appeared from time to time in the picture. People, all are visual animals.
After seeing his glory, the attention on the paper in the live broadcast skyrocketed.
Ye Hua said with a smile: "I think many people may think that the breakthrough of this research result is me, but what I want to tell you now is that, no, at least I am not the main contributor, v6 and v6i ' The therapy was created by the girl in front of her. This great feat came from her hand. Lorantis Rose, from Germany, my assistant researcher, a first-year student from the Guanhua class of Coastline University. She is 17 years old. of."
When his words spread around the world, the world was uproared, and countless domestic and foreign netizens eating fry pans.
"I'm going. I'm still 17 years old. I'm a genius!"
"The point is that you still look so ..."
"What I hate most in my life is that this thief is so beautiful and so talented (covering his face and laughing)
"God, is this true? It's incredible, only 17 years old?"
"Guanhua Class at Coastline University? I've heard that it's a magical college class. It's said that there are young talents ..."
"She may break, no, she will definitely break the record that President Ye has just set and become the youngest Nobel Prize winner in the natural sciences in the world."
"Principal Ye is really generous and does not account for the student's contribution. This is the example of a mentor, unlike some people who are good teachers and do things like clothing and beasts."
"But then again, Lorantis is his student after all. The student has made such a great achievement, and the mentor also contributed, not to mention President Ye ’s status and fame today ~ EbookFREE.me ~ He took I'm afraid I won't even bother to count. "
"The future of Coastline University is limitless, and I definitely believe that it won't be long before this university will become a world-class top university that can truly compete with those internationally renowned, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, etc."
"Lorantis Rose, all human beings will remember this name, and she will also remember that she is German, and we Germans are proud ..."
"Ran Goose, your German‘ not stuffed ’Mercedes is still leaking oil. Well, this is the precise German craftsmanship.

"As a German, he was proud of Mercedes and is now ashamed of him. This is a great irony of German craftsmanship."
"It's really embarrassing and shameful to be a German."
. m.
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