Chapter 59: Hunter

Liu Feng drove back to the bay, leaving him only a few shallow ruts and a few corpses.
They were lying on the ground, most of their bodies were soaked in the sea water, and the blood from them dyed the beach red.
The sharp blades of the knife and Han Bing's Remington are scattered on the ground. It can be seen that there has been an extremely fierce battle here, and even Remington's is scattered into several pieces.
"How could this be!"
Liu Feng was stunned. With the skills of Han Bing and Xiaodao, ordinary zombie attacks would never hurt them.
"Knife, Han Bing, where are the people!"
Liu Feng uttered a heartbreaking cry. He felt that all this must be related to the little green-eyed loli, and perhaps it was the person who responded to her.
"Get up, you all get up!"
Liu Feng turned over the people who were lying on the ground. Their bodies were severely gnawed, and they couldn't even see their faces. He carefully pulled their hair apart, trying to distinguish their identities, but felt those faces. Very strange, as if I had never seen it before.
"Oh oh oh!"
The corpse on the ground suddenly mutated. He opened his mouth and bit at Liu Feng's wrist. The sharp teeth seemed to pass through Liu Feng's skin. At this time, it was too late to summon the Zerg.
Liu Feng was shocked and felt that he might be killed here.
"Bang Bang Bang! Da Da Da!"
There was a burst of intensive gunshots around, dozens of bullets fell around Liu Feng, causing the zombies beside him to fall.
Liu Feng raised his head and found a modified giant truck parked not far away. The vehicle was equipped with heavy weapons. There was a row of missile launchers at the rear of the vehicle. Each of them was powerful enough to blow up a distribution center. .
"Raise your hands on your head."
A woman with dyed blue hair and camouflage uniform walked towards Liu Feng holding a heavy machine gun. The others walked to Liu Feng's car and began searching for supplies on it.
"Sister Xueli, there are only these useless things in the car! We wasted dozens of bullets for nothing. I knew he should be eaten by zombies."
The people on the huge truck dragged Liu Feng's diving suit and oxygen cylinder out of the car and threw them all onto the bay. Their faces were full of anger, and they held up their guns to force Liu Feng to hand over all the remaining supplies.
"Looking at the direction, you should have also ran out of the A58 distribution center. There are a lot of materials in that distribution center. You can't just take these useless things."
Shirley put the heavy machine gun on her shoulders, and made him look like Liu Feng's lifesaver, and asked him to obediently hand over what was in his hands for confession.
Liu Feng roughly guessed the identity of these people. They should be professional hunters, but their prey is not zombies, but a distribution center for various materials.
If the A58 distribution center is still there, with the equipment in their car, they can at least get enough food for a month.
Now they put all their hopes on Liu Feng, and they are sure that before he leaves the distribution center, he has raided a large amount of supplies.
"Of course I have good things here, but I have to meet my people first. Those who came with me were all arrested by you."
Liu Feng opened the system in his mind and was always ready to attack with the Zerg. If all his subordinates died, he promised to let everyone here be buried.
"So those are yours."
Shirley, who took the lead, hesitated, but let her subordinates drag a few people off the heavy truck.
Liu Feng immediately became angry after taking a look.
Han Bing, Lao Ge, Feng Wen, Feng Wu, and Fatty were all covered in blood, and the knife was nowhere to be seen.
"Other people, if you want to exchange such a large amount of supplies, you must release all my subordinates!"
Liu Feng was worried that the knife would be sent to another place by them. He didn't attack it easily. He kept discussing conditions with Shirley, but only Shirley's noncommittal expression was obtained.
"Then I also want to see if the materials in your hand are worth so much. If it's just a few cans, you won't even be able to change their lives."
Shirley asked Han Bing to put the gun on the heads of several people, ready to pull the trigger at any time.
Liu Feng knew their intentions. Once these predators got what they wanted, Han Bing and their lives would definitely not be able to save.
"Why, don't you want to say it? It seems that you don't care about their lives. In that case, these people are of no use to me."
After seeing Liu Feng's hesitation, Shirley made a hands-on gesture to the subordinates. Liu Feng quickly stopped them and revealed the customs materials and stocks.
"There are a few containers underwater, filled with materials confiscated by the customs in the past. Most of the good things in the A58 distribution center come from here, so I found a few diving suits and wanted to bring the underwater materials up. If you don’t believe me, you can send someone down to have a look."
Liu Feng’s series of words made Shirley and the others very excited. They had long heard that the materials in A58 were amazing, and many of them were rare and rare in several tribes. Now the whole warehouse is in front of them. Naturally, these hunters are not. Will let it go.
Shirley asked the two good water crews to go down and take a look. They didn't bring oxygen tanks, and the depth of the dive was limited, but a dozen huge containers could be seen sinking to the bottom.
"Sister Shirley, there are really good things down there, and there are so many, we can't fit this car."
The two people from the bottom of the water gesticulated in excitement. Before Shirley could speak, they had put on diving suits and put on the oxygen cylinders on the ground on their backs.
Others also leaped to try, Han Bing and the others had passed out and they had no resistance.
Shirley saw that Liu Feng hadn't resisted, thinking that he had no fighting power.
She only left one person with her on the shore watching Liu Feng, Han Bing and the others, and the others all went into the water to move things.
"If you say everything is true, I promise to bury you and your subordinates."
Naturally, Shirley would not waste food to raise Liu Feng and other idlers. As long as the people under the water sent a signal, they would immediately pull the trigger to make these materials their exclusive secret.
"Where is that girl, if she wants to be buried, she should be with us."
Liu Feng could not judge the situation in the carriage, and could only induce Shirley to tell the whereabouts of the knife, but Shirley's expression was completely inexplicable.
"I haven't seen any girls, even your subordinates I picked up on the road!"
Shirley saw a person's shadow on the sea. She thought that when it was time, she pulled the trigger in her hand, but found that the trigger hook was missing and the whole pistol was disappearing.
There was also a scream on the sea, and the men she sent out were thrown into the air by a huge force, and fell heavily on the beach, killing them all at once.
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