Chapter 1161: Glacier

? One month later.
Thirty days have passed since Lin Cheng and his entourage left the Cao Valley and entered West Siberia. In these thirty days, they can almost be said to have encountered a predicament that they can imagine, whether it is always threatening. The giant blizzard of their lives is still the main path of the hordes of snow monsters attacking, or being completely buried in the deep snow and completely lost track.
In order to be able to distinguish the correct road, Lin Cheng even spent 500,000 energy points from the capsule system in exchange for a VX-1B super off-road vehicle. This off-road vehicle can be transformed into four forms, one of which is With a bulldozer with a super alloy front, coupled with the super fuel blessing specially provided by the capsule system, they can continue to Nadym City without getting lost in the boundless snow.
However, although they solved the trouble of finding their way, they found that the biggest threat to them in this land was not the disappearing road or the army of tens of hundreds of snow monsters. , But those giant blizzards that can destroy everything!
The timing of the emergence of this super blizzard that belongs to the
special product
of Siberia is simply beyond control. It can be said that you come and leave as you want. For Lincheng and his party who are rushing, this can help them The giant blizzard that the super off-road vehicle weighing more than ten tons underneath makes them feel like a headache. Every time they appear, they need to pack the off-road vehicle and get into the capsule house for refuge as soon as possible, otherwise it only takes a few minutes. In seconds, these blizzards will be able to pull them into the eyes of the wind with their off-road vehicles and roll them into pieces!
The point is that although the timing of such giant blizzards is difficult to control, it does not mean that they appear not many times. In just 30 days, Lincheng has encountered it no less than 20 times while driving. If Bai Ling encountered it while driving, he would almost encounter it twice in one day!
Because of this, even if they have the backing of a super off-road vehicle that can push through all obstacles, their speed is still as slow as a tortoise crawling. They spend most of the day taking refuge and fighting with the snow monster army, and they can hurry. The time is very little.
However, this nightmare-like journey can finally be put to rest temporarily. Looking at the outline of the town emerging in the distance, Lin Cheng, who is dedicated to driving the off-road vehicle, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Ling on the side of the co-pilot even more. Excited hands couldn't help shaking.
"Nadym, there should be Nadym City mentioned on the map, right?"
Pointing at the blurry outline of the town in the distance, Bai Ling asked Lin Cheng excitedly. Looking at her hopeful eyes, Lin Cheng felt that if he answered the last sentence of no, this woman was afraid that she would shut herself down on the spot. .
Nodded and relaxed a little, Lin Cheng touched a cigarette and put it in his mouth to light it, took a deep breath and then spit it out slowly, and said, "This is a city within a thousand miles, except Nadym City. Where is it?"
After all, worrying about the terrible giant blizzards next, Lin Cheng stepped on the accelerator hard and rushed towards Nadym City with a "boom"!
Ten minutes later, as the face of Nadym City was clearly displayed in front of the two of them, Lin Cheng slowed down the speed of the car and took a look around, and saw that most of the surrounding buildings were already covered by snow and could not be seen. The sign of any town name simply drove the off-road vehicle directly into the city.
Driving in the roaring cold wind in the city of Nader, Lin City released his six senses and carefully searched for possible survivors. Unfortunately, because the city is deep in the Siberia region, the continuous heavy snow has already buried most of the city. , The so-called road they are driving on is actually nothing more than a passageway vacated between the tall buildings on both sides. Sometimes the wheels will crush the ceilings of some buildings. One can imagine how deep the snow is under their feet.
Without parking, Lin Cheng searched for the breath of the survivors and drove the off-road vehicle to the west steadily. He did not forget that this Nadym city is located on the edge of Odo Bay. Now he can't wait. I want to rush to the beach to see what the Yamal Peninsula looks like!
Nadym City is not that big, and because most of the buildings and roads are covered by ice and snow, Lin City is very easy to walk along this road. In no time, as the tall buildings on both sides disappear, Lin City drives The off-road vehicle had already left the city and came to the edge of a cliff.
After hitting the brakes a few times to stop the off-road vehicle, Lin Cheng wrapped up his coat and jumped out of the car, walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, only to see that the bay below was frozen into an endless ice sheet. Many large and small ships are frozen on the ice sheet. These ships have formed large and small snow piles under the snow cover, which look like white graves at first glance.
Although the entire bay was frozen, Lin Cheng took a closer look and found that the ice sheet frozen by the sea was not flat. In some places, it was okay. The off-road vehicles could barely pass through, but most of the places were formed. Rows of waves shaped ice sculptures, these ice sculptures are small in the range of a few centimeters to tens of centimeters, even if the tires of the B-type off-road vehicle are specially provided for the system, Lin Cheng does not think that these tires can withstand these like sharp teeth. The ice wave pierced.
As for the big ice waves, they are even more terrible. These huge wave ice sculptures are a few meters or even tens of meters high. The sharp wave tip is enough to easily kill a even if it is him and Bai Those with high-level abilities like spirits must also pay attention when they are on the way.
After carefully observing for a long time, Lin Cheng retracted his gaze, frowned and stood on the edge of the cliff thinking. Bai Ling was also surprised when he saw the ice sheet below. It seemed that he did not expect that the frozen sea would actually It looks like this.
After thinking about it, Bai Ling asked Lin Cheng, "Are we going to cross this glacier next? But this glacier doesn't seem to be easy to pass..."
Hearing this, Lin Cheng nodded slowly, and looked at the direction of the Yamal Peninsula where the outline was not visible in the distance, and said: "Well, this is the Odo Bay that connects the Yamal Peninsula. We want to reach the Yamal Peninsula. This is already the fastest option."
Hearing Lin Cheng’s answer, Bai Ling bit her lip, and then she nodded her head vigorously: "...It doesn’t matter, anyway, we are already here, even if we crawl, I’ll crawl over! Say it, Are we going directly across the sea next or what?"
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