Chapter 1424: rush to the rescue!

Every time at a critical moment, Lin Cheng always behaves very carefully and reliably. This is why Bai Ling, who is usually very smart, always obeys his arrangements unconditionally at this time. A team needs a different voice in normal times. Yes, this will allow the team to avoid all kinds of risks as much as possible, but there can only be one voice in front of major events. At this point, Bai Ling is undoubtedly the most perfect one.
"set off!"
   With a wave of his hand, Lin Cheng held the torch and walked into the passage on the right hand first, while Bai Ling and Coke also entered the passage on the left.
   Listening to the sound of Bai Ling and Coke's footsteps becoming smaller and smaller in his ears, Lin Cheng frowned slightly, pressing down on the trace of uneasiness in his heart, and walking quickly toward the depths along the path illuminated by the flashlight.
after an hour.
Once again, I came to a fork in the road. Lin Cheng, who had passed more than a dozen forks from the start to the present, stopped, his brows were furrowed, and the cigarette in his mouth was light and dark, just like his mood at this time. indefinite.
   There are more forks in this garden maze than he imagined, and the result of frequent forks is that, even though he has a very good memory, he now has some idea of ​​the specific directions.
The compass can only tell him where he is now, but it cannot help him determine where he is now. Since the sound of footsteps disappeared, Bai Ling and Coke seemed to sink into the sea, and there was no movement for an hour. .
   After wandering around in this garden maze for so long, although Lin Cheng was a bit irritable, he probably guessed the other party's intention for doing so.
Obviously, the spirits at the entrance of the Twin Towers paid more attention than they thought. Not only did they cultivate a unique garden in the dungeon in front of the entrance, they also used an invisible shield to prevent outsiders from easily entering. The garden is shrouded in it.
However, from now on, these two measures seem to be just the premise. Whether it is a garden or an invisible shield, the ultimate goal is to combine into an extremely complex labyrinth like this one. If people who don’t know the specific route accidentally enter it, I'm afraid I will be trapped here!
This also explains why the defensive power of those invisible shields is so strong. Judging from the clues obtained before, the spirit race itself is a race with very strong personal strength, and if you want to limit such a group of born'supermen,' We must use more advanced methods to deal with it, but I did not expect that the maze that was used to guard against their own people would now pit them and the whole group...
   "It seems that for the time being I can only pin my hopes on those two guys..."
No longer in a hurry to choose that road, Lin Cheng sat down at the fork in the road, again helped himself to add a cigarette, and then slowly began to puff up the clouds. He actually considered this situation when he was grouped. Appeared, but for everyone's safety, he can only arrange this way.
Although he himself does not have the perverted sense of smell of Coke and the special spirit blood of Bai Ling as a guide to the possibility of breaking the game, who makes him the strongest in the team? Doesn't he count on Bai Ling and Coke to go? Single?
Although Bai Ling and Coke are slightly inferior to him, they are blessed with special abilities. Needless to say, Bai Ling is a 90% certainty of the spirit race, and may even be a member of the royal family. She would not be surprised to find any abnormal Lincheng in this maze.
As Coke is the most powerful scent pathfinder, it is impossible to avoid the wind and grass in this garden maze. With these two guys looking for an exit together, Lin Cheng thinks that they are more likely to break the game than himself. Countless times higher!
But many things are not afraid of ten thousand things, just in case. Although Bai Ling and Coke have many favorable conditions to help, it is difficult to say how much they can play in this weird maze. Although Lincheng is not as superior as they are Conditions, but only relying on his extraordinary courage and strength and the capsule system in his mind, let alone a garden mystery, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and flames, he dared to make a single-handed breakthrough, and if his character broke out accidentally, Maybe he can find the export of those two goods first?
However, judging from the current results, both he and the Bailing Coke on the other side seem to be in a deadlock. After spending a long time in such a maze where he will encounter a fork in the road after a few steps, he doubts that he will fail. Hui actually kept moving around in a circle, because according to the garden area they had observed outside, he felt that the road he had walked in this hour had far exceeded the length of the road that this garden could accommodate!
   "Forget it, now I really can only go one step at a time..."
  Although there are many thoughts and messy guesses in his mind, since Bai Ling has not been moving, he has no use to think more, so he can only pick up a random intersection and walk in.
  Who knows, just when he had just stepped into the intersection on the left hand side and had not walked out two meters away, a sound of what seemed like a call suddenly came into his ears!
   "This is... Bai Ling's voice?!"
Although the voice of the call was as low as an auditory hallucination, Lin Cheng had no doubt at all, because he was very confident in his mental state, and an hour's footwork was not enough to make him feel any fatigue. Although the sound of this call was very low, he dared to pack 100% of the votes and it was Bai Ling's voice!
Because the call came from too far In addition to being able to confirm that it was Bai Ling's call, Lin Cheng was completely unintelligible, but after all, he cooperated with Bai Ling. For a long time, only from the tone of voice can hear the other party's approximate situation at this time!
   "Well, maybe they are in danger over there?!"
   Thinking that Bai Ling hadn't yelled or yelled, Lin Cheng's heart shuddered and he didn't dare to dare anymore, turning around and rushing towards the direction of the call!
   flew past fork in the road one after another. At this time, the signs of the intersection really helped him a lot. Following the guidance of these signs, he was like running in a real garden. There was no wrong fork in the middle!
It only took less than five minutes to fly back to the fork in the road where Bailing Coke was separated at the beginning. Lin Cheng squinted at the fork on the left hand side of the two of them entering, recalling the sound just now in his mind. Then, with a hard kick under his feet, the whole person rushed in like a phantom!
Bai Ling's work is as reassuring as ever. The forks she and Coke have walked are also marked with marks, but it seems that for the sake of concealment, the marks she marked are much smaller than those marked by Lincheng. In a hurry, Lin Cheng could only be forced to slow down, and while distinguishing the signs of the fork in the road, he ran towards them quickly.
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