Chapter 1512: Golden bubbles!

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If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lin Cheng could hardly believe that the lush woods and the fresh soil under his feet when he first saw it were all built on the body of the golden slime!
And now, the golden slime that he had pushed to the desperate situation finally took off. Compared with the golden ground below, the small-bodied body of the golden slime was almost like an ant. Any comparability!
"Can you... make some sense..."
Although the opponent did not continue to attack after launching an earthquake, Lin Cheng felt that he had a toothache. The golden slime that showed his true body was not just to show him his muscles. Once he started attacking, he could Imagine what a earth-shattering situation it was like!
Looking back at the ice wall, he found that although the ground was sinking, the ice wall was still stable when hung on the transparent barrier. I was relieved. He had considered stability when he started the ice wall. , So the borrowing point of the ice wall is not on the ground, but on the transparent barrier. Now it seems that his careful thinking at that time has played a big role.
He had planned to call in Bailing Vincent Cola to search for the traces of the Golden Slime before, but now he has no such thoughts. If he can, he can't wait for them to run as far as possible. Unfortunately, there is a gap between them. Blocking a thick ice wall, these information cannot be communicated immediately.
Fortunately, the ice wall is fairly stable. Vincent and Bai Ling, who were separated from the outside, had been told not to destroy the ice wall without authorization. Now they should be anxiously waiting for the result, but as long as they don’t act without authorization, There shouldn't be any danger for the time being.
Confirming that Bai Ling Vincent would have no problem for the time being, Lin Cheng no longer worried, and once again turned his gaze to the golden ground below.
Under the reflection of the light, dazzling golden lights flashed on the already golden ground. Ordinary people could not help closing their eyes even if they just glanced at it, but Lin Cheng did not. Not only could he not close his eyes, He had to open his eyes and observe carefully, because he himself could not be sure what exactly the golden slime would do next after revealing his true body.
He didn't make him wait too long. After a while, the flat golden ground below suddenly moved, as if a piece of originally calm lake water was suddenly boiled, and the ground was filled with bubbles that looked like bubbles. Drum kits, these drum kits suddenly exploded after swelling to the size of a basketball, shooting out a series of golden thorns mixed with hot air!
Countless golden thorns rushed towards Lin City above, and Lin Cheng's expression was extremely serious after feeling the scorching heat on his face. The ice sword in his hand swung forward and listened to "With a sound of breaking through the air, a half-moon-shaped ice blade flew out of the blade instantly, and greeted the hot golden thorns that hit him!
After the blade flew out, the half-moon-shaped ice blade, which was originally less than one meter long, suddenly began to expand rapidly. When it came into contact with the hot golden thorns that stabbed the forest city, it had expanded to nearly 100 meters long and tens of meters long. Wide, like a ship, plunged into the hot sea of ​​golden thorns without hesitation!
The extreme cold touched the extreme heat. As soon as the two sides touched, there was a violent sound, and the dense mist filled the air in the blink of an eye and continued to spread around.
In a short while, the entire area of ​​this nearby area was enveloped in dense white smoke in mid-air, and even light was impenetrable. Lin Cheng, who was above the dense smoke, had his eyes solemnly staring at the dense smoke below. As if to see it through.
After another moment, the thick white smoke finally began to dissipate, and as the smoke dissipated, Lin Cheng finally saw clearly that the hot golden thorns that had been shot at him had already fallen back to the ground at this time, slowly entering the ground. Fusion of gold.
"Can't be so passive!"
Watching the golden thorns quickly merge into the golden ground and disappear, Lin Cheng frowned and thought to himself that the situation now seems to be completely reversed. Before the golden slime was beaten in defense, he was struggling to think. Annihilated the opponent, but now he has become passive defense, and the opponent's offensive is coming one after another.
In fact, when the two powers meet, it does not mean that the one who has the strong offensive is the one that is strong. Even compared to the offensive, the other party that has been able to successfully defend is really strong, because the battle is not a child's squabbling. Shen will pay the price of his life, and the strong defensive ability is the part that can truly reflect a person's strength.
But the current situation has a completely different nature from the usual. As the attacker before, Lin Cheng can’t be considered as trying his best, but it also caused the golden slime to suffer a lot, and even attacked the opponent several times. But the problem is that the golden slime doesn't care about the ashes. It only takes a moment to resurrect with full blood. In other words, people are not afraid of death at all, nor can they die.
But as the defensive side now, Lin Cheng couldn't do the same as the golden slime. Once he was caught by the other side and was fatally wounded, he would really be wiped out, and Da Luo Jinxian could not be saved!
It can be said that from the beginning this was a duel that was destined to be unfair, but there is no fairness in the battle in the last days. The enemy who died in his hands before was not as strong as him, and now he himself is so passive. The situation, it can only be said that his strength is not as good as the opponent.
But Lin Cheng has never been a master of fate, since passive defense is not secure enough, then all he has to do is to regain the initiative of offense!
Looking at the golden ground that started to bubble again, Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes. Before these bubbles were formed, his right hand suddenly lifted upwards. As his palm slowly grasped, the roots were sharp. The ice thorns condensed from the top of his head one after another. Then, with a low drink in his mouth and a rapid downward wave of gestures, these condensed ice thorns instantly moved in unison, moving towards the golden bubbles below. Stab!
"Shoo, hoo, hoo--"
The thorn array composed of ice thorns in the sky made a burst of sound breaking through the air. When they were about to pierce the ground, these ice thorns that originally formed a line suddenly separated one after another, like fixed-point navigation installed, scattered towards the ground. Those golden bubbles pierced up!
"Boom, boom, boom!!!"
As soon as the sharp ice thorns touched the golden bubbles, these bubbles that had already expanded to the extreme and were about to explode exploded one by one. The white mist formed instantly covered the entire ground, without a single formed golden thorn flying out. , All of Lin Cheng's previous achievements in this first blow were abandoned!
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