Chapter 1600: Path guidance

So after comprehensive consideration, he felt that his previous reaction was a bit overwhelming. The price of 10 million per time is indeed very expensive, but this is after all a new feature of the system. Maybe it can really give him a surprise?
Standing at the entrance of the underground research institute, Lin Cheng thought again and again, and finally turned around and walked back. As the owner of the capsule system, he must fully grasp all the functions of this system, although it is true that he uses 10 million energy points to test the waters. It's a bit extravagant, but in many cases he has to do something if he doesn't. Who makes him the only owner of this capsule system?
Picking a wooden house at random, Lin Cheng walked in and closed the door tightly. Then, without a flashlight, he took a seat in the dark room and called out the system menu again.
Clicking into the list of automatic search functions, and listening to the system prompts in his mind again, he was calm this time. After confirming that it was safe enough within a radius of 100 meters, he said "Start" silently in his heart.
The moment he started silently, he saw that the energy value interface was instantly reduced by 10 million points. At the same time, the system prompt sounded again in his mind: "Didi10 million energy has been deducted, automatic search The function is turned on simultaneously, please wait for a while for the host."
Hearing the system said that he had to wait for a while, Lin Cheng didn't worry, so he lit a cigarette for himself and lay down on the dirty sofa, smoking the cigarette silently, while patiently waiting for the system's next feedback.
Ten minutes later, with a sudden beep sound in his mind, Lin Cheng sat up from the sofa "tightly" and was about to ask questions, but he heard the system prompt sound in his mind. : "The target is locked, please follow the path to the designated location."
As the voice of the system just fell, the system menu that had been floating in front of Lin Cheng suddenly changed. The floating box that was originally full of capsule lists of various types was replaced by a crooked line that exuded a blue light. On the two ends, one end is marked with Lin Cheng's name, which represents his current location, and the other end is marked with the words'target location', which is clearly the target that the system just mentioned.
At this moment, Lin Cheng couldn't help feeling the excitement of playing an expedition decryption game. The system did not tell him what the so-called goal was. Everything could not be revealed until he reached the designated location.
To be honest, Lin Cheng has never been very good at playing games. Who made him a poor student who only knows how to study hard in peace times, but the system obviously does not really want him to play games, and the path icon is very clear. , He just needs to follow the path.
Standing up, Lin Cheng threw away the burnt cigarette butts in his hand, followed the floating frame in front of him and walked out of the wooden house. After tightening his tight clothes, he turned and walked to the right.
Although the path diagram looks a bit simple, in fact, the obstacles that may be encountered on the road were eliminated in advance. Lin Cheng followed the path diagram and walked out of the small town of Novi without any hindrance, and came to the vast outside town. In the snowy field.
Standing in the snow, he slapped the snowflakes on his body, but soon he was covered by new snowflakes, thinking that if he just walked on like this, maybe he would be buried by the snow before he even reached it. Up.
Putting these useless thoughts aside, he glanced at his position on the path map, only to find that he had only walked out of the path map for less than one-tenth of the distance in the past half day. After a quick calculation in his heart, he knew that this goal was specified. The location is farther than he thought.
There are still three to four hours before dawn. This time is enough to sleep, but if it is used to hurry, it will not be enough, not to mention that even if he arrives at the designated location before dawn, then again He still doesn't know what will happen.
However, the energy value of 10 million has been spent. He can't retreat even if he wants to retreat now. Who knows that he now retreats to sleep and waits for the next night to come out. This path diagram is still there. If it disappears, Then he couldn't even cry.
Besides, even if he goes back late because of this incident, no one will actually come out to look for him. As the person who knows his character and strength best, as long as Bai Ling is there, he will not worry about those things. What impulsive things people do.
I glanced at the suspension frame in front of me again, feeling that if I was on foot like this, I was afraid it would be difficult to reach for a while. Lin Cheng thought about it, and simply took out the long-eaten capsule motorcycle directly from the storage capsule. , After fiddling and finding that there was no problem, he stepped up, turned down the throttle, and drove forward quickly.
In the cold night with snow and wind, the snowmobile is driving the forest city full of snow in a white snowfield. The headlight of the snowmobile is very bright, but it is like a glow in the empty snowfield. Hui is generally small, and the snow is getting bigger, the forest city riding a motorcycle is like a ghost flashing by on the snowy field, without attracting any attention.
After driving in the cold wind and snow for a full half an hour, Lin Cheng finally slowed down the speed of the motorcycle, glanced at the virtual panel suspended in front of him, and found that a few hundred meters further ahead, he reached the designated place marked by the system. So he jumped off the motorcycle, put it away, and started walking forward on foot.
It took him 10 million energy points to search for the target location. Lin Cheng did not think that the scope of this so-called target location would be too Getting off the car in advance and stepping on it is the most correct choice, otherwise Who knows if he accidentally missed any important clues in a snowy night with such a bad sight.
Raising his flashlight and wearing a mask, Lin Cheng watched the surroundings while slowly advancing forward. The closer he got to the target location, the more careful he was. After all, he was alone in the deserted Siberian Snowfield. In addition, it's still late at night, so you can't be too careful.
A few minutes later, without any accidents, Lin Cheng finally walked to the designated target location marked on the floating frame, and the moment he stopped, the system upgrade sound in his mind also sounded: "The target location has arrived. Please click the search interface again to operate the host."
"Want to be so cumbersome?"
Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Lin Cheng couldn't help but frown. This new function was not only black and outrageous, but the operation steps were also rare and cumbersome. This made him, a host who has been accustomed to system operation, very unaccustomed .
But there is no way, he has come to this step, and then he can only do what the system says, call the exchange panel and point it at the automatic search interface, and listen to the system prompt again in his mind.
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