Chapter 1603: Back to town

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But when he thought about it again, he felt something was not quite right. In fact, when he got the capsule system from the very beginning, he had a doubt in his heart, that is why everything he earned would eventually be classified as'energy value' instead of Other units of measurement made him wonder for countless times whether he was the ultimate working emperor. Everything he did was to contribute to the revival of the system.
His thinking like this is not without a target, because as the level of the capsule system continues to rise, the energy value required to exchange new capsules is also increasing exponentially, and this growth rate is very unscientific in his opinion. Normally speaking, the price The increase in is supposed to increase slowly in a relatively gentle trend, such as five times ten times the growth rate, but this capsule system does not follow the routine at all. The energy value required for each new type of capsule is the last one. hundred times!
The result of this is that every upgrade of the capsule system will not bring him much surprise, because he is very clear in his heart that even if the system is upgraded, it is not realistic to buy new capsules with his deposit. Every time he has to save a long time of'money' to get a new experience, and he only feels tired with more experience of this kind of experience, and there is not much surprise left.
But this idea was quickly denied by himself, because the guidance system self-destructed not long after he got the capsule system. It is not impossible to say that there is a sleeping self-consciousness hidden in the capsule system, but he could not think of it. The other party’s purpose for doing this, although he and the capsule system now seem to be in a symbiotic relationship, all subjective behaviors from the beginning to the end are dominated by his thoughts, or this capsule system provides him with various capsules. In addition, it has not affected any of his judgments and decisions at all.
Such a capsule system, which is no different from an unmanned vending machine in every respect, is unreasonable if it wants to destroy the world. If it wants to destroy the world, the current result is basically as he wants. If it wants to It is even more funny to control Lincheng to take this body while he is not prepared, because if it really wants to do so, there is no need to wait until now. It is more troublesome to deal with a forest that has fully grown up than a forest that knows nothing. Too much, if it really wants to do it, the most suitable time is when it is possessed.
So before thinking about it, Lin Cheng really couldn’t think of any purpose of harming him with this capsule system. Although this capsule system revealed weirdness everywhere, it was unquestionable to help him. To doubt that such a system was really nothing. The reason, besides, even if the other party is really ill-intentioned, Lin Cheng has nothing to do with it if he really wants to be a demon based on its current position. After all, he can't really get his head open, right?
Shaking his head and running these boring thoughts out of his mind, Lin Cheng subconsciously glanced into the storage capsule. He was about to exchange another piece of rough stone, but found that the first batch of rough diamond stones had been sent by him unknowingly. The exchange was empty, and the storage capsule was now empty, with no stone chips left.
Since he had been thinking about the matter just now, he did not pay much attention to the exchange of this batch of diamonds. He glanced at the energy value interface and saw that his current energy value had become 14073018 points, and he changed his original energy value to the current one. The energy value was added and subtracted at random, and after getting the specific figures, it was known that the first batch of diamonds shipped did not even have a high-clarity diamond.
"Forget it, it's time to go back."
Shaking his head, Lin Cheng does not intend to stay in this place anymore. Now that he knows that the mined diamonds will be automatically transported to his storage capsule by the system, there is no point in him staying here. He might as well go back and take a good night's sleep for the time guarding here. Maybe he can find extremely fast and high-clarity rough diamonds among the newly delivered rough diamonds to study their exchange ratio.
He snapped his fingers and removed the igloo. Lin Cheng was about to look up, but was instantly blown by the gluttonous snow on the snowfield and almost fell. After barely stabilizing his body, when he looked up, he was caught by the wind. There was a hint of white light in the snow-covered sky, and I knew it was about to dawn.
This night, he almost never stopped. He thought he was going to spend a boring night in the bedroom, but he didn't want all sorts of accidents to follow. He, who has always been alive and well, now feels a little tired.
Putting on the snow mirror and tightening his clothes, Lin Cheng took out the snowmobile from the storage capsule, stepped up, and finally took a look at the diamond mine, and saw that the mining system did not seem to affect it. The terrain here, so I stopped thinking about it, and drove towards the small town of Novi as soon as I turned the accelerator.
When you come, you must always pay attention to the surrounding situation. The speed will inevitably slow down a little, and you don’t have to consider these when you go back. In addition, the sky is getting bright quickly, and he only takes half the time to go back without worrying about danger. Arrived in the small town of Novi.
When he returned to the research institute, he found that there was another group of people guarding the entrance. He wondered if the strength of these people was a bit too bad. After only half a day, he changed three groups of people. If you live out of the Yamal Peninsula, I am afraid that the chance is not great...
Back to his bedroom unimpeded all the way, the somewhat exhausted Lin Cheng quickly took a cold shower, then lay down on the bed, ignoring the Coke jumping up and down, before falling asleep in a short time.
The quality of sleep without stress has always been Lin Cheng didn't even have a dream in this sleep, until he heard a knock on the door outside, he woke up with a yawn.
I picked up my watch and looked at the time, and realized that I had slept directly until one o’clock in the afternoon. I couldn’t help but a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth. I knew that no one would bother him all morning. It must be Bai Ling who had greeted outsiders in advance. .
He jumped out of the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up quickly. After a sleep, Lin Cheng walked over and opened the door. After Bai Ling and Daisy who were standing at the door came in, he closed the door and slapped them at random. After greeting, he directly took the lunch that the two handed them and opened the lid and ate.
Seeing Lin Cheng gobbled up, although she has seen countless times, Daisy still couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing. Lin Cheng's eating is not ugly to her, but she found it very interesting. Just watching him eat Daisy I feel that my appetite is wide, and I can't wait to have a meal with him in the past.
While Bai Ling lay his cheek in front of the dining table all the way, silently looking at Lincheng in the raging clouds, a hint of tenderness flashed in his eyes. Frank had taken a map to take pictures of her when she was sleeping in Lincheng, and she learned that he After the map specially drawn for Lincheng was given to Frank by him, she didn't feel angry, but she was relieved immediately, and she also admired Lincheng's actions.
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