Chapter 1711: Casper's reasoning

   Seeing that this old man has sold him off at this time, Lin Cheng is a bit funny, and can't help teasing: "What does it represent? The fire crystal solution you made by yourself is very effective?"
   "No, no, no..."
Hearing Lin Cheng’s teasing, Professor Casper waved his hand again and again, and said to him with a serious look: "This means that although the fire crystal solution potions I made were taken away, they were then uniformly distributed. Yes, only by doing so will there be such an even growth rate for all capable people!"
   After listening to Professor Casper’s explanation, Lin Cheng was a bit speechless. This was indeed a very easy to guess, but he did not respond immediately. It was indeed his own problem.
   "But this is not the point I want to talk about."
Without paying attention to Lin Cheng’s expression, Professor Casper immediately said,
I mainly asked Ivan to submit physical condition reports to me on a regular basis. This is also the condition that I promised to make fire crystal solution potions for them. One! And Ivan also believed in his words. After the first batch of Fire Crystal solution was successfully developed and delivered to them, he would regularly ask his subordinates to bring physical condition reports, and sometimes he would send someone to me directly. I personally checked, and because I have a lot of human experiment data to support, I can start the second-generation fire crystal solution experiment so quickly, and it is very close to success!"
"However, there is one thing that Ivan kept secret from beginning to end, and that is his own physical condition report! Until today I have not received a piece of physical data about him. I have also asked him about it. After being prevaricated by him, I gave up after a long time because I knew in my heart that he did not want his true strength to be known by the second person. If I forcefully demand it, there can only be one result, that is Killed by him!"
   After listening patiently to Professor Casper’s remarks, Lin Cheng finally understood what the problem was, and nodded and said,
So that’s why no one knows his true strength until now, right?

   "That's right."
Nodded, Professor Casper sighed, "So I told you from the beginning, Ivan is a terrible person, and at the same time he has a very suspicious personality. Such a person is extremely difficult. If there is nothing If you have a deep hatred, I advise you to better not be an enemy of him. If you can, run as soon as possible!"
   "That's not right—"
Seeing that Professor Casper began to persuade himself to leave quickly, Lin Cheng did not move, and after standing still and passing the information the other party had just told him in his mind, he suddenly said: "I feel you still have something to tell me... …"
Hearing Lin Cheng's sudden question, Professor Casper didn't react for a while, but as Lin Cheng's gaze swept across his face, it was as if he was suddenly opened up through the two channels of Ren and Du. He clapped his hands and said: "I remember! I really seem to have forgotten to tell you something..."
"You said."
In fact, Lin Cheng just blurted out the words subconsciously. After sorting out all the clues in his mind, he always felt that he and Professor Casper seemed to ignore something at the same time, so he said that he had something to say. Seeing that the old man seemed to be frightened by himself at this time, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly to signal him to continue.
   "This matter is actually related to the physical condition report I just mentioned."
Professor Casper still has some lingering fears at the moment. Lin Cheng’s threat just now is still vivid. He is really afraid that this smiling guy will give himself a knife with a smile, so he hurriedly said: "According to the records of those reports, The growth rate of those who have the ability to overfire crystal solvents is very stable and healthy, but in this way I can’t find more prominent targets for further follow-up observation. Ivan is quite prominent, but he refused to tell me from the beginning. To reveal anything about him, even if I want to study it, I have no chance..."
Speaking of this, Professor Casper suddenly showed a sly smile on his face, "However, even the most cautious people will show flaws in some areas that do not know enough. Ivan is indeed very cautious, but he probably never dreamed of it. Even though what he did was perfect enough, I still found some tricks in the information sent by his subordinates..."
   Hearing this, Lin Cheng felt something was wrong, and asked: "Did you just say that the information you sent did not contain any information about Ivan? How could you find a flaw in it again?"
   "You'll know after listening to me."
He waved his hand to signal Lin Cheng not to worry, Professor Casper continued: "As you said, the documents sent by his subordinates did not record any information about Ivan, but you have to know that everything they take The bottles of fire crystal solvents are all made by me personally. From the first bottle of fire crystal solvents to the present, I can say that no one knows better than me! In the physical condition report that came, I quickly calculated the extent to which a bottle of potentiation potion improved the ability, and based on the total amount of flame solvent I provided to them, I reduced the total consumption of those Ivan’s men. The amount of fire crystal solvent, I came to an amazing that is, the amount of fire solvent used by the capable people under Ivan is less than half of the total amount I provided!"
   "You mean..."
   Hearing this, Lin Cheng finally realized the seriousness of the matter, his brows suddenly frowned, and he solemnly said, "Ivan has cut off most of the fire crystal solvent you made?!"
   "That's right!"
Nodding his head vigorously, Professor Casper’s expression was very ugly at this time,
I thought Ivan would use a little more dose than his subordinates at most. Although the first-generation fire crystal solvent has no obvious side effects, as long as If it is medicine, you should never use it. As long as you are a normal person, you will not drink medicine as water. But Ivan poured it out. After obtaining from me that the flame crystal solvent had no obvious side effects, he even intercepted more than half of the fire privately. Crystal solvent is used. Although it is not clear whether he consumed the medicine himself or distributed it to someone close to him, one thing I can be sure of is that Yifan who took the overdose of the flame crystal solution is now It has definitely become a monster-like existence!"
Listening to Professor Casper’s words with a heavier expression on his face, Lin Cheng felt a little shocked in his heart. This shock was different from the beasts he had encountered before, who used all means to become stronger and even attacked his own kind. He just had some thoughts. No, even if Professor Kasper initially determined that the fire crystal solvent has no obvious side effects, the medicine is three points poisonous, and drinking too much water will cause poisoning, not to mention the extremely complicated "three no products" of the fire crystal solvent.
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