Chapter 1857: Shiuchi

   Fortunately, as the outline of the coast gradually appeared ahead, they did not encounter any danger along the way until they stepped onto the land, and everyone was relieved in unison.
The place where they landed seems to be a port, but it is much smaller than the port previously seen in China and Oros. Several sightseeing boats stand slantingly on the snow, and most of their hulls are submerged. Among the snow, at first glance, it looked like the ice waves they had encountered before on the ice sea.
   "This is Shiuchi City and my hometown."
   Looking at the port in front of him that was almost completely covered by heavy snow, a trace of excitement flashed in Ayase Kanna's eyes, and he took the initiative to introduce Lin Cheng.
   "Shiuchi City?"
Hearing her introduction, Lin Cheng nodded slightly. He didn’t know much about Beihaidao. Although Daisy was a mixed race, she had never been through Beihaidao in the future. If Ayase Kana took the initiative to introduce him, he would not even know what he is now. I don't know where.
   "Let's go, take a look at the city area."
   After waiting for everyone to rest for a while, Lin Cheng beckoned and led a group of people across the port towards the city.
Because Shinai city itself is facing the sea, everyone quickly walked to a wide street after leaving the port. On both sides of the street stood small houses. Although most of these houses were covered by snow, they were exposed from the outside. It can still be seen from the various billboards that the tourism industry here seems to be quite developed.
As they walked down the road to the city, they also found that no matter what kind of goods it was selling, the door likes to be marked with the big "Northernmost" three characters. These three characters are exactly the same as Chinese, even if they don't understand Ying. The Chinese can understand it at a glance.
You don’t need to ask, this is a city that uses'the northernmost point of Dongying' as a selling point to promote tourism. However, from the current observations, the scale of the city is not large, and there are not many high-rise buildings. Obviously There is no developed commerce. The streets are very narrow except for the wide road under the feet, which makes Lincheng, who has lived in China for more than 20 years, a little uncomfortable.
As he was walking, Lin Cheng suddenly found that the area not far in front looked a little strange. After he took a closer look, he discovered that the buildings and public facilities on the roadside seemed to have been damaged to varying degrees, as if by some This kind of torrent hits the general, and looks dilapidated.
Ayase Kana was stunned for an instant when she followed his gaze and looked forward. Then she suddenly became excited, clutching Lin Cheng's arm and trembling, "There... …There was the area where the corpse tide broke out at that time, and our house is there!"
   Hearing what she said, Lin Cheng suddenly understood. He just felt a little familiar. Now that he heard Ayase Kanna’s explanation, he suddenly understood. Isn’t this what it looks like after the tide of corpses?
   "You just said that your house is not far ahead?"
   Knowing that the front is the area where the corpse tide broke out, Lin Cheng left a in his heart, and asked Ayase Kana.
Nodding lightly, Ayase Kana’s face was very ugly at this time. The corpse tide left her too deep psychological shadow at this time. At this time, she was extremely contradictory. On the one hand, she was very afraid that the corpse tide had not dissipated On the one hand, I want to go home quickly to see if my parents are really alive.
Lin Cheng knew what she was thinking at this time, but he didn't break it. Instead, he nodded and said: "There are various factors in the formation of the corpse tide, and they will not stay together forever. A long time has passed, and as long as there are no special factors, there should be no more large-scale corpse tides, so you don’t have to worry, we can go there and try to find your parents at dawn tomorrow."
Hearing Lin Cheng’s explanation, she took herself to find her parents. Ayase Kanna was very surprised. She actually had no hope of letting Lin Cheng help her find parents. She didn’t mention the difference in the strength of the two sides, but the goal. This point is completely inconsistent between the two parties. Lin Cheng and the others have no reason to help herself. She always calculated from the beginning to the end that she would look for it alone after coming back here, but she didn't want Lin Cheng to take the initiative to take the matter over, and Decided to find it so soon.
Looking at Ayase Kawana, who was excited and didn't know what to say, Lin Cheng waved his hand indifferently: "Don't be surprised, this city is not big, and it doesn't take much time to find two people. I just hope to leave it alone. Whatever the final result of the matter, you can continue to stay in the team and be our "tour guide" for the Beihaidao group. When we arrive in Kyoto, our cooperation will end."
   Hearing the words, Ayase Kawana nodded vigorously and said, "I...I understand! No matter what the outcome is, I will definitely abide by the previous agreement and do my best to take everyone away from Beihai Road!"
   "Very good."
   In a few words, he firmly tied the ‘local guide’ to his car, Lin Cheng nodded in satisfaction, did not say anything, and led the crowd to turn around and walked towards the direction on the right.
Following Ayase Kana’s Everyone walked along the narrow alley for a while, and finally came to the bottom of an independent two-story building, looking at this small building which was submerged in snow. In the small building, Lin Cheng touched his nose and asked Ayase Kana to the side: "This is the highest-rated hotel in Shinai City you said?"
It’s no wonder that this small building looks too ordinary from the outside, and even a bit dilapidated. The wooden structure of the building looks hard to give people a sense of security. Lin Cheng was afraid of a strong wind and gave this small building to Blow away.
   "Really, please Lin Sang believe me!"
Hearing the unbelief in Lin Cheng’s tone, Ayase Kanna quickly explained: "Of course there are other good hotels in Shinai City, but in terms of quality and comfort, this hotel is really the best. Before the end of the world, this hotel The appointments are even for the coming year. Lin Sang, you said before that you want to find a hotel with Dongying style and clean enough. This is the one that best meets your requirements."
Of course Lin Cheng didn’t think Ayase Kawana was lying to him. In the final analysis, it was a different idea. He just wanted Ayase Kawana to find a normal hotel to stay. The so-called Toei style was just a casual mention. Ayase Kana was so sincere that he took them directly to the hotel with the highest evaluation and the most oriental style in Shiuchi City. Although this hotel looks ordinary from the outside, since it can be rated as the best hotel in Shiuchi City, It must be exceptional, it's useless to look outside, you still have to go inside to know what it looks like.
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