Chapter 229: Car search

"Brother Lin, how come you look unhappy?"
Following Lin Cheng, Chen Feiyu couldn't help asking when seeing his expression a little unpleasant.
"It's okay...but, if we can't find a car, we probably have to go to Qiongzhou..."
Lin Cheng was a bit listless at this time. After all, no matter who it was, he would not be happy if he could only travel at the speed of a turtle before the end point.
Hearing Lin Cheng’s concern, Chen Feiyu suddenly laughed,
So you are worried about this? Don’t worry! Nanzhu Island has a highway that surrounds the whole island. We just need to keep going and it won’t take long. bumped into!"
Hearing this, Lin Cheng's expression was taken aback, and he asked quickly: "Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
Seeing that Lin Cheng was finally refreshed, Chen Feiyu nodded hurriedly, "I have visited Nanzhu Island countless times since I was a child. Although I dare not say that I know too thoroughly about this island, I also know a lot of things. , So Brother Lin, please relax! Now that you are here, as long as you don’t encounter monsters, leave the rest to me as a native!"
Seeing Chen Feiyu's very confident face, Lin Cheng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, in his impression, this guy seemed to be just a stubborn dog who hurriedly jumped over the wall and turned into a to avoid disaster...
However, Chen Feiyu didn't see Lin Cheng's very weird expression. At this time, he had taken Lin Cheng's position and led Lin Cheng and the others quickly to the front, as if in his heart he was not worried about finding the car.
"Sure enough, no matter who you are, once you enter the field you are good at, you will become extremely confident..."
Looking at Chen Feiyu, who was walking fast ahead, Lin Cheng couldn't help sighing silently in his heart.
The group of people scurried through the wilderness for nearly half an hour. Following Chen Feiyu, who was walking in the forefront, who was no longer visible at this time, cheered, Lin Cheng's heart was shocked, and he greeted the people behind and hurried to Chen Feiyu. Ran in the direction of
"Brother Lin! Here, here! We have a car!"
After seeing Lin Cheng rushing to his side, Chen Feiyu quickly raised his hand to greet him, and when Lin Cheng ran up to him, he turned and led him to the section of highway that was blocked by countless vehicles.
Jumping over the guardrail next to the highway, Chen Yufei rushed to the side of a horse-guarding car, opened the door and sat in!
"Oh fuck!"
Seeing that this idiot got in without even searching, Lin Cheng frowned and was about to call him to be careful, when suddenly he heard Chen Feiyu's screams coming from inside!
"How can there be such an idiot in the world..."
Seeing Chen Feiyu who stumbled out of the car, Lin Cheng curled his lips reluctantly, then threw an ice cone over, and instantly killed the zombie behind him.
Chen Feiyu, who had already ran to Lin Cheng's side, stopped and glanced back at the sound of falling to the ground behind him, and then turned to look at Lin Cheng, his face was unusually flustered, and at the same time a bit embarrassed. I want to say something, but I don't know how to say it.
"I said, it's been so long since the end of the world, why don't you even have the least vigilance? And ah, have you never seen a zombie thing or something? Are you scared?"
Seeing Chen Feiyu's embarrassed look, Lin Cheng couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help but scold him.
Hearing Lin Cheng's merciless reprimand, Chen Feiyu lowered his head with a look of shame, and replied: "I...I was wrong! I will never be so reckless again!"
Lin Cheng shook his head slowly, "You don't need to apologize to me, because if I wasn't there just now, you might have been eaten to death by a zombie fighting the five scums because of tension! So, you don't need to ask me at all. Apologies, and no need to thank me, because everything you do in the last days, and even every step, is related to your own life and has nothing to do with others, understand?"
"I...I understand Brother Lin! Only I can bear the consequences of not being cautious, so every step of the action must be very careful, right?"
Hearing Lin Cheng's harsh but instructive reprimand, Chen Feiyu nodded heavily, and finally his expression became firm and no longer panicked.
Seeing that this guy is still saved, Lin Cheng nodded, and then said: "I can understand the feeling you feel when you see a luxury car. After all, I have had it before... But even if you want to drive a luxury car, we are Shouldn't you also find the kind that can be driven away? What are you going to do with this junk that has been blocked in all directions?
After that, seeing You Shan and the others finally arrived, they stopped talking nonsense. After a glance at the direction, they took a few people and walked south along the highway.
After hitting the road again, Chen Feiyu seemed to be scolded by Lin Cheng, carrying a machete that was turned over from the trunk of a certain car. After seeing a zombie, he looked ruthless, raised the knife and rushed straight up!
With a slash of, the poor zombie couldn't react, so Chen Feiyu had his head cut off!
"Good job, keep working hard!"
Seeing this guy suddenly burst out, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing, and at the same time encouraged him a few words.
Seeing that Chen Feiyu, who has always been soft, broke out right now, Zhang Xuan, who knew his character well, had an unbelievable look. After hearing Lin Cheng's encouragement, he reacted and hurriedly shouted to him: "Feiyu, come on. !"
With Chen Feiyu who suddenly exploded in front of him, Lin Cheng was also happy and leisurely, so he took a few people behind him and walked slowly forward, while watching all directions, he wanted to find one to drive away. The terrain of the vehicle can seat a six-person car at the same time.
Leading a few people behind Chen Feiyu, Lin Cheng said to them while smoking a cigarette: "If no accident, the highway should be completely blocked, so even if we find the car, we probably have to take a small road... Feiyu!"
Speaking of this, Lin Cheng shouted at Chen Feiyu, who was struggling to kill the zombies in front of him, "You just said that you know this island well, do you know where there is a path to Qiongzhou nearby?"
Hearing this, Chen Feiyu, with a fierce expression on his face, pulled out the machete from the zombie under him, wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied: "You should know... Many roads on Nanzhu Island are actually connected. Although I am not very familiar with this film, as long as I find a familiar path, I can definitely bring us to Qiongzhou!"
Hearing Chen Feiyu’s answer, Lin Cheng gave an "en". He was about to walk towards an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road, but suddenly thought of something, and quickly stopped Chen Feiyu who wanted to continue killing the zombies, "Right," The place we are going to is not Qiongzhou City, but Qiongzhou Military Region! Are these two places far apart? Also, do you know how to get there?"
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