Chapter 628: Hibernate? !

After receiving the cigarettes thrown by Lin Cheng, Boss Wen took out a box of matches from his arms, took out one carefully and lit it, and took a deep sip. As the smoke circled his body, his mood gradually calmed down.
"The first time I saw the cave, I was going to take everyone to evacuate, but the snow outside was too big at the time, and the nearby shops didn’t know what was going on. Most people didn’t want to leave the place and it seemed safe at the time. Even though there are holes in the house, no eater came out to attack everyone at the time, so no matter how I persuade, most people are still unwilling to leave..."
Boss Wen greedily smoked the cigarette in his hand, and gradually calmed down his mood, said in a slow voice: "In this situation, even if I am the leader of the collection team in name, I can't control those old fritters because of my junior qualifications. In desperation, I had no choice but to find a place to sit down in the place closest to the door, and decided that if there was any danger, I would run first, regardless of these people who do not live or die!"
"Fortunately, the day passed. Until night fell, there was no movement in the cave. The snow outside was still heavy. The collection team after a busy day had already begun to fall asleep toward the early hours of the morning. I kept staying up because I was worried about the hole, and this is the fundamental reason why I can still stand here alive!"
"At around two o'clock in the middle of the night, just as I was about to fall over from my sleepy drowsiness, a rustling sound suddenly came from the hole. I woke up as soon as I heard the sound. Coming, but it still didn't help. I didn't have time to wake up those sleeping companions, when I saw the eater with green eyes popped out of the hole!"
"Green eyes?"
Hearing this, Lin Cheng suddenly felt a little strange, "Shouldn't the eyes of the eater be gray-black? How can it be green?"
"At that time, I didn't have time to think about these issues. I only had time to kick the closest companions to me, and then..."
As he said, Boss Wen’s expression became more ugly,
It was a one-sided massacre. Most of his companions were killed in their sleep, and the few who woke up had no chance to escape. I was overtaken and killed. If I hadn't been on guard from beginning to end, I moved to the door as soon as I heard the movement. I guess I would die in the hands of those gnawing people like those companions... …"
"Later I wanted to understand that the gnaws who jumped out of the burrow at that time were completely different from what they usually encounter. They should be dormant! And when they jumped out of the burrow at two in the morning, it should be time for them to eat! "
"it is as expected……"
Listening to Boss Wen talking about this, Lin Cheng suddenly showed a look like this, because when he heard Boss Wen talking about the cave, he had already faintly guessed why the zombies and eater when the snow was flying It will become extremely rare!
Seeing that Lin Cheng seems to have understood, Boss Wen suddenly smiled bitterly, "It seems that you also understand that the gnaws who dominate on weekdays disappeared when it snowed, because they probably knew that in that weather. It’s difficult to hunt for food, so I went back to the cave to dormant in order to save energy consumption, and those zombies, as a low-level existence, naturally serve as their guards and emergency food when necessary! But I did not expect The group of zombies killed us but accidentally became a substitute food for those dormant eater..."
"So you want to tell me that it's actually more dangerous outside when it snows, and you might encounter the crises you encountered before?"
After listening to Boss Wen's narration, Lin Cheng summarized it briefly, and then asked.
He nodded his head with a heavy emphasis. Boss Wen was very reluctant to smoke the last cigarette butt, stepped on the cigarette with his foot and said: "It is obvious that these eater and zombies have a collective consciousness long ago, even those who gnawed. Eaters will also analyze when humans are more active and when they can’t shrink. When it’s snowing, most people think that there are few monsters outside and it’s relatively safer. In fact, on the contrary, when it’s snowing, it’s the most dangerous time. ! Because you will never know which inconspicuous room is hiding densely packed zombies and hungry gnats!"
Nodding clearly, after the narration of Boss Wen, Lin Cheng finally solved the doubts that had lingered in his heart for a long time. At the same time, he also understood why these people were only willing to send one person down to check after hearing the movement outside. These people have long known that once there is heavy snow outside, no place will be safe except their own nest!
"Thank you for telling me this information!"
He stretched out his right hand and shook Boss Seeing the other party’s dry mouth, Lin Cheng simply took out a can of Coke from his backpack and handed it to him, and at the same time drew out the remaining half. Yan also passed it over, "By the way, after talking for so long, I still don't know what you call it?"
Seeing what Lin Cheng handed over, the boss Wen, that is, the young man named Wen Qing, immediately took it with a flattered look, and then quickly replied: "Wen Qing! You can call me Xiao Wen! What do you call your eldest brother? ?"
"My name is Lin."
Replied casually, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing after hearing Wen Qing's name, "It seems that your parents really want you to be a literary youth..."
Realizing that Lin Cheng is much more easy-going than he thought, Wen Qing's tight heartstrings finally relaxed gradually. He pulled off the pull ring and poured a large gulp of Coke and wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Although not many people know this information. , But strictly speaking, it’s not a big deal. With your skill, Brother Lin, even if you really run into those zombies, it’s probably one or two tricks. I’m telling you this is just for a good relationship..."
Nodding lightly, Lin Cheng's thoughts at this time are already wandering beyond the sky. Although Wen Qing said just now is indeed very important, but for him, the most important thing in this matter is not that those who gnaw dormant , Or the zombies will take the initiative to help the eater to stand guard, but these monsters will gather together when the snow is flying!
The monsters gathered together may be a disaster for others, but for Lin Cheng, a guy with a capsule system, these monsters gathered together are completely golden energy!
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