Chapter 874: Definition of success

"You guys..."
Seeing these three women, I made arrangements for myself, Lin Cheng couldn't help standing up and saying, "I haven't said anything yet, you guys have already helped me figure out what to do next. ?"
"Otherwise, what else do you want to do?"
Hearing that, Bai Ling squinted at him, "You are in your current state, let alone tossing, I guess you can't beat an ordinary person, what to pretend!"
After that, he pulled his arm hard, pulled him and walked to the bedroom.
Really speechless to this woman, Lin Cheng could only listen to her arrangements in the end, wandering back to the bedroom to lie down, and after Bai Ling helped him cover his life, he asked: "What are you going to do next?"
Hearing Lin Cheng's question, Bai Ling paused and sighed after thinking for a few seconds: "What else can I do? I must go back and see if my sisters were injured in this corpse tide. The scale of the corpse tide is too big, I am very worried about their current safety..."
"Your base camp is thousands of miles away from the battlefield, no matter how dangerous it is, they won't have their turn?"
Seeing that Bai Ling was really worried about the safety of those sisters, Lin Cheng nodded gently, trying to comfort her.
"hope so……"
Nodding lightly, Bai Ling, who was provoked by Lin Cheng's melancholy, also lost his previous toughness. After helping him tuck the quilt, he confessed a few words and left and went home.
Seeing Bai Ling's back, the exhausted Lin Cheng frowned slightly, and then stopped thinking about it, got into the bed and fell asleep.
The pale moonlight shrouded the sky over the dilapidated Pingcheng, reflecting the bleakness of this ancient city that had just been hit by the tide of corpses.
After an afternoon of fierce fighting, the corpse tide army was finally driven out of Pingcheng by the Resistance Army. The price paid was that Pingcheng killed nearly one-third of the survivors in just one afternoon. The number of building damages is countless, and it can be described as a terrible victory.
Although it was late at night, the survivors in the city who had just won the battle did not have the mind to rest at all. Although they achieved the final victory, their homes were basically destroyed. If the speed of repairs is not accelerated, most people will not even have a rest at night. No place to rest is found.
Lin Cheng's home.
After a few hours of deep sleep, Lin Cheng has already woken up at this time. At his level of strength, under normal circumstances, he only needs to sleep for about two hours a day to replenish his energy. The reason why I slept for so long today is completely It is because of the excessive consumption before.
Bai Ling, who had left before, still has no news. Lin Cheng doesn't know where their base camp is. Fortunately, this woman's strength is still outstanding, Lin Cheng is not worried about any accidents she will encounter.
Sitting on the dining chair in the living room, Lin Cheng gobbled up the food on the table while talking with Meng Yi next to him.
Since he was not particularly familiar with Lin Cheng, Xu Fang left and went back to the bedroom to rest after he woke up, while Meng Yi was worried that Lin Cheng would have no food to eat when he woke up, so he forced him to prepare food for him now. .
"...Your grandfather's business is already in sight. I will talk to Xie Xinbai later, and I should be able to tell from his mouth where your grandpa is."
After taking a mouthful of porridge, Lin Cheng put down the bowl and sandwiched two mouthfuls of vegetables, chewing and talking to Meng Yi next to him.
Nodding lightly, Meng Yi couldn't help feeling a little moved when he saw Lin Cheng just woke up after a battle and talked about his grandfather.
In fact, she never worried that Lin Cheng would break her promise from the beginning to the end, so she never took the initiative to bring up this matter since she came to Pingcheng. Now it seems that her approach is correct. Even if she does not say it, Lin Cheng has never I forgot about it.
"Do you have any plans next? Now that the tide of corpses has receded, and the people you were looking for have also been found. After these things pass, will you continue to stay here?"
Seeing Lin Cheng devouring food, Meng Yi hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't help but ask his plan.
When Lin Cheng heard Meng Yi’s question, the right hand holding the chopsticks suddenly stopped. A few seconds later, he continued to pick up the food, and while eating, he replied,
I haven’t had time to consider this yet, but I’ll stay here. The probability is very small, it’s just that I haven’t figured out where to go next..."
Seeing that Lin Cheng did not intend to stay in Pingcheng, Meng Yi was deeply disappointed. After this time of getting along, she has probably understood what kind of person Lin Cheng is, knowing that this guy would never take herself like this. An ordinary person with nothing worthwhile running around, couldn't help feeling a little empty.
"What are you asking about?"
Lin Cheng was a little curious about Meng Yi's sudden question of these things. He put down his dishes and asked, "Although the tide of corpses is a bit scary, after today's battle, the monsters outside the city must have been afraid to fight for a long time. The idea is It’s the end of the world now. Isn’t it a dream for everyone to stay in a safe place for a long time? But I listen to what you just said, why don’t you seem to want to stay here anymore? What?"
"I don't want to stay here, but..."
Hearing this, Meng Yi shook his head quickly, bit his lip lightly, and replied: "Since staying here is what everyone dreams of, why do you have to leave?"
"It's different."
Waved his hand, Lin Cheng somewhat understood the woman’s mind, lit a cigarette and replied:
Everyone’s pursuit is different. It’s just that the outside world is too dangerous, which makes most of the survivors think at this stage. It’s nothing more than seeking a place to live. But I’m different. I don’t think the outside world is dangerous. Even if there is, I can resolve it with my ability, so I want to do more. To seek the truth, this is my dream and my responsibility!"
"The whole world has collapsed. What more responsibility do you have?"
Hearing Lin Cheng’s explanation, Meng Yi didn’t agree with him.
Although you have just experienced a corpse tide, Pingcheng will still return to the first city in the north after a period of recuperation. You are so strong. As long as you stay here, you can easily achieve more success. Why bother to go outside and seek the illusory'truth'?"
"It seems that the two of us have different definitions of success..."
Looking at Meng Yi, who was arguing with himself with a serious face, Lin Cheng felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she realized that this woman seemed to have the same ideas as Xu Qing from the Blue Ocean Base. They all felt that staying in the safe zone was a talent. The wise choice at this stage.
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