: Section 35 What do snakes eat

Li Yuanhong stayed more and more annoyed. He couldn't wait any longer and shouted: "I'm not waiting anymore, I'm going to blow up the door!"
When Li Yuanhong shouted, he alarmed Wang Jingrong who was dozing off next to him. Wang Jingrong got up on his bones, and then said dazedly: "Did you catch a zombie?"
Li Yuanhong's face is full of black lines, I'm working hard here to fish for zombies, you guys are good, sleep in by the side! Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it! Li Yuanhong came to the water, so he asked Wang Jingrong, "I said Jingrong, what do you say the snake eats?"
"What do snakes eat? Snakes eat mice!" Wang Jingrong said in a daze.
"Look, I have been fishing for a long time, but haven't caught zombies. See if you are going to catch two mice. Let's try to catch snakes!" Li Yuanhong said maliciously, "Yes, we must live. Yes!" Li Yuanhong did not forget to add.
"Catch the mouse!" Wang Jingrong was taken aback, wondering which Li Yuanhong had made the mistake. However, Wang Jingrong didn't tell the difference. Anyway, he had soldiers under his hand, so he didn't need to do it himself. So he replied: "Yes, Brother Li!"
So Wang Jingrong turned and went down to the roof and headed for the armored vehicle.
Watching Wang Jingrong leave, Li Yuanhong gave up fishing for zombies, lying on the roof, basking in the sun.
Wang Jingrong hurriedly returned to the armored vehicle and called up a few tired soldiers who were almost lying on the ground. He said, "Now there is an urgent task. Brother Li wants us to catch mice, and we have to live!"
"Catch the mouse? What does Brother Li do with the mouse? Feed the little milk dog?" The sparrows guessed.
Wang Jingrong also has a black line on his face, who knows what the mouse is for? So he cleared his throat and said: "If you let you catch you, just catch it, that's a lot of nonsense! By the way, Song Fengyu, isn't your home in the countryside? You don't need to dig a mouse hole.
"Yeah!" Song Fengyu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Okay! You will be responsible for this matter, you must catch it as soon as possible, and you have to live!" Wang Jingrong perfectly passed the burden to Song Fengyu. Of course, Song Fengyu couldn't shirk it! So a vigorous rat hunting activity began.
As expected from the countryside, Song Fengyu took only half an hour to catch two mice, of which twenty minutes were spent looking for mouse holes. It can be seen that Song Fengyu's group of guys used to catch mice as a game. . A bucket of water, a cage, and a litter of mice were captured alive by Song Fengyu, and Wang Jingrong was stunned by that slip.
The mouse was caught, but everyone was taken aback, because the mouse was too big, and it was the size of a small domestic cat. If they didn’t temporarily bring the cage for the little milk dog, they might not be able to install it. Down these mice.
"Song Fengyu, did you make the wrong mouse hole?" Wang Jingrong looked at the mouse in the cage and asked with questioning eyes.
"It should be correct, maybe the mouse species here is just like this!" Song Fengyu said with confidence.
"Forget it, it just looks like a mouse anyway." So Wang Jingrong returned to the roof with the squirrel cage, while Li Yuanhong fell asleep.
As soon as Wang Jingrong came up, Li Yuanhong woke up. After all, in the last days, he must be ready to fight at any time. Although the two days have been relatively peaceful, Li Yuanhong did not dare to relax his vigilance. Hearing the movement, Li Yuanhong immediately got up and saw Wang Jingrong. He came up, stretched his waist, and asked the back: "Jing Rong, did you catch the mouse?"
"Caught it!" Wang Jingrong finished speaking and handed the squirrel cage to Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong took the squirrel cage's hand and stopped in the air, staring straight at the gray guy in the squirrel cage and asked: "Are you sure this is a mouse? Didn't you catch the cub of any animal by mistake?"
"No, I took Song Fengyu to dig out the mouse hole myself." Wang Jingrong also said with a drum in his heart.
Li Yuanhong stared at the mouse in a daze, unconsciously using real eyes:
Second-order mutant prairie mice
Skills: bite, dig a hole
Attack power: 2
Health: 20 Mana: 10
Defense: 2 Spirit: 1
Constitution: 2 Strength: 2
Speed: 3 Wisdom: 1
Generated by the mutation of prairie rats, although their attack power is weak, the greatest advantage of prairie rats is that they are numerous and they like to make holes. If you see a grassland with dense holes, it is best to stay away. Once you fall into the rat kingdom, you will see the gray frenzy led by the rat king. The power is definitely not inferior to the corpse tide. But once the rat king dies, there is no danger for the timid rat.
Weakness: the head.
Damn it, it turned out to be a second-level mutant beast, this is too shameful to the mutant beast! Li Yuanhong thought to himself: "Why don't we kill it and see if there is a crystal nucleus?" Li Yuanhong was stunned and unconsciously said what he was thinking.
"Huh? Killed?" Wang Jingrong was taken aback. If he was killed, why would he still struggle to catch him?
"Ah? Ah! That's it, Jing Rong, did you know that the biggest mouse you caught is a second-class mutant beast!" Li Yuanhong was relieved from the lingering spirit.
"What? A second-level mutant beast? Just like a mouse, it is a second-level mutant beast?" Wang Jingrong was also taken aback. He never thought that this second-level mutant beast would be easily caught alive by himself!
"Forget it, business matters. Let's fish for prey with smaller first-class mice." After saying that, Li Yuanhong found a bowl, found a bottle of wine in the bowl, and put it in the squirrel cage. As a result, the mice swarmed up for a minute. I drank the wine, and then these mice were tragically drunk, but Wang Jingrong looked at the bottle of wine and felt distressed. The end of the world, this wine is a luxury, so it was ruined by Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong didn’t care about this. He took out a first-class prairie mouse from the squirrel cage, then wrapped dozens of sleeping pills in a large leaf and stuffed it into the mouse’s mouth, and then tied the hook for fishing zombies to the mouse. On the body, put the mouse down the ventilation shaft in the back left.
In order to prevent the mouse from being dead, Li Yuanhong kept dragging the rope to make the mouse move slightly on the ground, just like a living mouse, but it was a living mouse, just drunk.
This time I didn't let Li Yuanhong wait for a long time. In less than 30 minutes, the mouse was bitten by something. Li Yuanhong was very excited and finally waited until the prey was hooked. Li Yuanhong did not rush to take the hook. He waited for a full ten minutes until the fishing line was not moving before Li Yuanhong began to take the rope. But soon, Li Yuanhong felt that the pulling force of the rope had exceeded his own capacity, so Li Yuanhong had to call Wang Jingrong. Come and help, Li Yuanhong is a second-level evolutionary person, and he still can't pull the guy below. You can imagine how powerful the guy below is!
The tug-of-war continued for an hour. During this period, Li Yuanhong called Lu Yi and five other spearmen to help. Eventually, the rope's pulling force suddenly became weaker, so everyone pulled the prey out of the ventilation shaft.
This is a big snake, a big snake with a diameter of more than one meter, this is a big snake asleep!
This snake is yellow-brown, with a triangular head and dense snake scales. In the sun, it exudes a cold air. Although it is asleep, the eyes that will never close, reveal the cold light, which is daunting.
Li Yuanhong quickly used the real eye to detect the snake:
Second-order mutant rock belly snake
Skills: Fang, Entangling
Attack power: 6
Health: 60 Mana: 10
Defense: 6 Spirit: 1
Constitution: 5 Strength: 6
Speed: 5 Wisdom: 1
It mutated from the wild snake rock belly snake. After the mutation, the venom in the rock belly is more violent. If the middle one is not cured in time, the life below the first level will be killed within 30 seconds, and the same level will be killed within ten minutes. The scary thing is that if you are entangled by a snake, it will be even more terrifying. Under the same strength, you will not be able to break free from its entanglement. What makes it even more headache is that its scales have also been evolved, not only can escape the heat, but also provide a super defense for the snake. Snake gall can detoxify, and snake blood can detoxify fever.
Weaknesses: Seven inches, snake eyes.
After reading the introduction of this snake, Li Yuanhong was afraid for a while. If he entered rashly, death and injury would be unavoidable. Fortunately, he used live rats to fish for snakes in order to get Wang Jingrong to get rid of the snake. As for this snake’s Deal with it, anyway, now Li Yuanhong doesn't want to be an environmentalist, after all, Li Yuanhong is very greedy for that snake skin. So the task of killing the snake was handed over to Fat Lu. Of course, this had to be done before the snake woke up. Once the snake woke up, the trouble would be big.
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